
Images tagged "chapter2" — No Comments

  1. Two weeks? Ebil, ebil person. Two weeks on a cliff hanger.

    Oh well, I found you from mu so i’m used to it. *settles in to wait*

    • Hi Kat! I’d like to go weekly but am not sure what the normal update is for serial novels and am trying to make sure I leave enough lag so I can do some editing and evaluation along the way. I know webcomics usually go one to two times a week, but I’m afraid that kind of schedule will mean you guys catch up to my writing and I’ll have to put things on hold.

      Since the next installment is short, I may put up part two of this chapter next Sunday and then the start of the next chapter on 11.28. 🙂 Depending on the comments received (if any) and how much I get done writing the next fourteen days, I may push for weekly installments through the holidays (and skip drawing)…. whaddya think? let me know! Thanks for the comment too. Glad someone found me through MU!

  2. Most of the webcomics that update twice a week are small, though. The rest i’ve seen hae been ~once a week. If twice a week is what allows to get an archive up without buring out, then do twice a week. If you can push one week, do one. Buffers are good, they let you take a break and us not realize it. So, in other words, I’m not a writer, I can’t say shot about the schedual.

    I’ll just have to wait paitently until the story gets off the ground.

    • Oops, sorry – I meant to ask you more about the web novels you’re following. I saw a few update quite a bit (few times a week) but their installments are short and I like to have more to an update, overall, so will probably stick closer to 1-2 weeks once I feel like I have a new rhythm established.

      Out of curiosity, how do you find fics and all? This is a completely new sandbox (web novels, that is) for me and I’d love any advice on how to promote and network…

      • Ads, mostly. If I see the link in someones sig, I follow it, or if it’stalked about. Then again, I like to rea anything I can get my hands on, so…*shrug* In addition to MU and her other works, there’s addergoole (NOT spelled right,
        i can’t spell) and tales of the gaurdian. Then there’s the mirror verse.

        • I’ll check those other sites out 🙂 It seems like it’s pretty hard to find serial works compared to webcomics… then again, most webcomics have opportunities to promote in conventions and other forums…

  3. Hi, I found your serial novel through a Project Wonderful ad that just happened to be right next to my own ad! There aren’t too many of us serial novel writers out there, so I decided to check this out. 🙂

    The story is really gripping. You’ve managed to take a fantasy-type world and make it really original with the fairy-tale aspects, as well as your own fantasy elements like the Unthings. I’m curious about the man in the prologue, but more so about what;s going to become of the red-garbed woman in the first chapter. She seems like a likeable sort and I hope she gets to safety unharmed!

    Keep up the good work! I’m going to go check out your art gallery now. 🙂

    • I’m glad those ads work! I’m new to Project wonderful but have been noticing them on a lot of the webcomics I read and thought, oh hey, why not try it!
      I’ve noticed, as you said, there are few novelists out there, or perhaps maybe few that are easily found or willing to write in public.

      I’m kind of easing back into writing after a long hiatus, and thought this would be a good way to experiment.

      And thank you for the feedback on the first part. I really hope I can meld a lot of weird things together and make it interesting. If anything, I hope the world becomes more interesting than the characters xD…

      Hope you enjoy the art and come back next week for the next installment 🙂

  4. I couldn’t help but notice you were discussing the frequency of web novel updates. I update mine once a week, it usually works very well and gives me time to finish illustrations to accompany the chapter. I don’t have much of a buffer, but readers take longer to read a chapter than to read a page of a webcomic, so you can probably even get away with 2-week updates!

    • One of the biggest concerns I have is not updating. I hate to make promises I can’t keep :). Adding illustrations regularly into the mix would definitely be complicated for me… I am a slowbie when it comes to painting, so unless I embrace a different style (more of an ink/sketch style), I don’t think I could manage the work that you do. Wow!

      You make really good points about the relative length /content of a web serial novel vs. a comic, though so I’ll keep thinking through this.

      Right now, though, I am leaning perhaps to a weekly update until January just to help get all three main characters established, although still trying to figure out how/where I’d break sections then. (I almost am afraid of having more Chapter ‘parts’ than necessary xD).

      Thanks so much leaving a comment btw – I’m glad people are finding this site!

      • Don’t worry about parts. Adder breaks it up into ~three parts a chapter.

        Haha, there are so many more commetns here than there are in other other just-starting serials.

        • I think it would drive people nuts if I broke things up into more than that though xD …

          As for the comments, guess we can’t help being chatty >_> <_<

  5. I also found this from an ad, so it is working. I enjoy seeing what people do with fairy tales, I’ve taken some interesting creative writing courses. I’m eager to see where you go from here! Bravo!

    • Ah – glad you saw it and also clicked through? Would you mind telling me where you saw it ? I’m curious as to whether most people clicking through are doing it more from the serial novel sites or the webcomics sites.

      And thanks — I really hope I can keep people with me from this point forward 🙂

  6. A page of a webcomic is, narratively, equivalent to maybe a couple-hundred words. Plus, depending on the skill of the artist, and the medium they’re using, it may only take an hour or two to produce. A day’s work may therefore be more than enough to produce a week’s worth of content, or even a month’s!

    Writing, on the other hand…

    But I’d recommend you at least post once a week, even if you have to split content up. If you lose the momentum, you’ll lose the readers. Some people have short attention spans, others simply forget. And have you ever tried reading a book and taking a two-week break after every chapter? While reading a variety of other stories too?

    In an ideal world, you’d want to update several times a week, but that would require treating it as a full-time job, and probably making a liveable wage from it too XD

    • alright – think I’ll at least try to post once a week to get this started… Don’t think I can manage several times a week since my life is a bit nuts :)… as for making it a full-time job, yeah – very hard to think of people making a wage off this. Only the most successful webcomics manage to support their creators and it looks like writers don’t even have the traffic or avenues to market their work. (Pretty familiar with webcomics and those folks as I’ve seen a lot of them in various artist alleys at conventions th epast few years.)

      I’m not sure how well/how long updates will be if I eat through my buffer… but I think I’m good for a few months if I can’t get to much writing :o)

      Thanks for leaving the feedback – this is enormously helpful to myself and the other ladies I’ll be collaborating with in the future!

  7. The possibility of a serial novel never occurred to me, but maybe because I initially thought it was anachronistic, like Dostoevsky, except online instead of in a paper. I might try this myself, but with Japanese lore. Twould be equally tricky though.

    I found this site through an ad as well, I believe through an online graphic novel called Red String, which I think I ALSO found through an ad. Small world, huh?

    • Very cool, mind telling me what you were googling when you found the first site?

      As for serialized fiction – the real attraction for me is to try to recapture some of the dynamic I had going with readers in … I tend to write more diligently under pressure (and also sometimes a bit more creatively while under that pressure). Commercially, this is not a good venture, but I also think I owed some of the folks who have been following my drawings for some time a little bit more of an idea of what I was drawing from when I created my work 🙂

  8. Wow, I just love this! I do believe you’re going to become one of my new addictions. I don’t find many serial novels, and yours looks as if it has so much promise. It looks as if you’ve created a rich world for the story.

    The funny thing is I found this the exact way that Muichiotsu did. So, the ad worked well.

    • Very cool, glad to find that out! I’m trying out both the Project Wondeful site and evaluating useful websites. This will help me concentrate some resources as time goes forward.

      Please bear with me the next few weeks as I post things. Hopefully the updates meet your continuing expectations 🙂

  9. Bleck, right clickinh is disabled. It doesn’t really stop copy-paste, and prevents me from opening in a new tab.

  10. you have drawn me in, hope to read more. Have you thought to put it on, they have a fairytale section, it doesn’t have to be a fanfiction about a movie or novel.

    • Hello! Well, the good news is I have (thanks to Nanowrimo) quite a bit more to work with at this point, so will be updating pretty regularly for the next few months. 🙂

      I wasn’t aware that let you put in original fiction — glad you told me about the fairy tale section. I’ll check it out and possibly mirror a few sections up there … I used to post there quite a bit and would love to draw in my old readers 🙂

  11. I found your story about red riding hood by casuality in the site and I just love it. The Little Red Riding Hood story is my favorite fairytale of all and with the first chapter of your version of the story you just left me really excited

    • Ah, that’s good news. I just posted the version of this last night . Glad you found it there (it’s a rather buried category). I’m hoping some of my old readers also find me here…

      Glad you enjoy it! Hope you come back next week for the next update 😀

  12. Are you open to stylistic suggestions? If not, i’ll keep my mouth shut.

    Anyway, red isn’t very genre savy, is she. xP. I’ve got the heebee jeebies from the exchange already. Then again, I get the heebee jeeies easily, too.

    • I’ll certainly consider comments about style/organization. (PRobably better to email me directly though so we don’t spam the bottom of the page 🙂 ) -> .

      Regarding genre – oh, that’s a tricky one as this genre isn’t one “genre”, per se. (Rather, it’s kind of a mix of adventure/fantasy/romance/mystery/comedy) However, as for Elanore, so far … she’s probably the most centered and sensible of the main characters. I’m not done with her yet though *shakes her around*

  13. I just sound this today. I’m quite happy to say I’m already caught up. I look forward to the next update. This is much nicer than reading one page of a webcomic at a time (even though I follow over a dozen).

    • Woowoo, yay for Deviantart! Thanks so much for reading it all. Hope you’ll hang in with me as we’ve just started and I still have a lot of “unpacking” to do for all of you :D.
      I have a lot of webcomics that I enjoy as well actually myself. The format is great for conveying visuals and emotion…unfortunately, it’s not my particular strength overall, so sticking with something like this although a webcomic of a smaller short/self-contained story (related to this universe) might not be off the table in the future…

  14. “There had been no one on the road for house;” It seems like this sentence is missing something like a “the” if this is truly the way you wanted it to read because perhaps her grandmother has an estate that is called house maybe you should capitalize it?

  15. Well, I know they’re going to meet again. They have to otherwise it wouldn’t be much of a story. I’m curious to see how you get them back together.

        • 🙂 That’s music to my ears. As he is the titular figure upon which this website is named, do not fret. He is and always will be a primary figure, no matter what I end up doing in terms of this story and others xD

  16. Actually, I’m rather attached to Him, Her, & Hastings. … She has spirit & “pluck”; He has that whole “dark broody unwilling hero” type thing going; & Hastings has that whole “loyal/faithful servant who knows far more about the master than the master might actually prefer” kinda thing going on. At least as far as I can tell at this very early stage in the game.

      • lol Sorry you are freaked, But I only wrote the easy reading of the characters, you have yet to show us the really indepth beings that they are. I am sure you have many surprises instore for us readers.

        & Quick assessments of personalities is important in my line of work, as a Crisis services councelor. being able to judge if someone really will kill themself or another person very fast helps me decide how to best treat aid them. Every call is a case by case bassis. So I kinda cheated here, just a bit…

        Does that make you feel any better??

        • No, no, overall I’m quite pleased but I think your comment was fairly precognitive and therefore I was wondering if I had hinted too broadly :> It gives me something to ponder 😉

  17. I am terribly intrigued by the Count. You have me itching to know more about him, and the teaser on the front page for the next chapter has me squirming in anticipation.

    • Ah, that was not him in the teaser xD… hehehe. But do not fret. Next week will be a great update regarding the Count.

    • Giles is rather good. I think I need to find a way to bring him back sooner xD . E/E = a lot of fun to write. I love sibling-type dynamics, although …welll, won’t say more about that here >:3

  18. I love the interaction between Elanore and Edmund. Hastings and Giles are funny too!

    I’m curious to see how the Count feels about what he saw.

  19. hmm… stumbled across this story. interesting beginning. what’s your update schedule like? once a week?

  20. Max just got a bit more interesting with this backstory bit. ^^v It also helps explain why he’s a loner. Thanks!

  21. Hmm, interesting. I wasn’t 100% sure how you were going to do the wolf bit, but I like how you’re doing this so far. I keep getting annoyed every time there isn’t a ‘next’ button at the bottom. Just when I’m engrossed again, the story cuts off.

    • The wolf is one of many more mythological figures in this series, but it will be some time before it’s clear who the others are (as I have yet to unfold the larger story that ties in with his past)…

      Thanks for your patience over all with this format. Yeah – it’s hard to read just a bit at a time, but it’s the only way I can write and stay on top of things (aka “deadline”)… x)

    • Yep, there is one there :). I put one up there partly because I like reading that site myself xD…

  22. I absolutely cannot stop reading this serial story ^.^ its actually the first one I ever heard of/read. actually I’m still not quiet sure what it is, heh sorry about that. Anyway I wanted to say I love your colorful characters and how some of them are similar too people you meet in life or strange characters or beings like the unthings that you can only think about in wild nightmares! So keep up the amazing work and please don’t forget about the Count, I really want Elnore to met him again! :DD

    • Heh. I don’t know what to call this either, if it makes you feel better. I just know that I’m using the old model I used while posting/writing at and more established writers now call this “serial novel”/”webfiction” or some other to-do :D.
      I’ll be shifting back and forth between present/past quite a bit. Elanore is back next chapter, although when we last left her, she was alone with Edmund, so I guess Elanore + Count has to wait xD

  23. Yes, it’s no fun waiting for the next bit of the story. But it is very engaging & therefore worth the wait IMO.

    • It’s interesting thinking about this — I think I’m used to waiting for serial content (since I read webcomics),b ut I wonder if this is hard for those folks who read voraciously to sort of jump in and out. It’s something I’ll have to think about for the next arc.

      But in the meantime, I’ve been thinking that I might simply incentivize this process for folks by providing something that others who drop in later might not have access to. Any suggestions for content (art or text) are welcome… I’ll consider it!

      • I tend to be one of those voracious readers, but I find that if I just scan over the previous page a bit it usually reminds me right where the story was when I last left off. The storyline is unusual and engaging enough that I can pick it right up again pretty easily. Of course, that may be because I DO read so much. 😀

        If you do think that your readers may have trouble with the update schedule, maybe a link to a “What’s happened so far” page might help. If you were to just add a bit to it each time you add a section it might even be fairly easy for you to keep up with. Not adding strain to yourself while helping others is always a bonus. 🙂

        In any case, I’m thoroughly enjoying your story-telling and world-building, and am looking forward to seeing what happens next with this. Keep it up! 🙂

        • That’s an excellent idea that I’ll try to implement soon. With the complex shifts back and forth (and at least one more occurring a few chapters down the line) this sounds like a great way to help people reshift gears 🙂

          Thanks so much for the comment and glad you are enjoying the story!

  24. Pingback: Chapter 5, About Elanore | Tales of the Big Bad Wolf

  25. (I think Captcha plugin is only for paid WP accounts, or I don’t know where to find it.)

    Good cliffhanger is good! ^^v

    • Hm. one difference is that I host my WP so it might let me get away with more.
      Did you do a general search for “anti-spam” or “captcha” (lowercase)?

      As for cliffhangers, that too is another staple which I love using xD

      • I keep free accounts, so I’m on the .com, not the .org, dashboard. Yes, I checked around and even signed up for reCaptcha. I tried to code it in, but I’m not to good at coding so got nowhere.

        • Let me try to see what I can install off the CW site. That might give me some insight into what is useable off the hosted WP blogs.

  26. I found your website through a link on the webcomic The Phoenix Requiem. I have to say that I really love this story so far, it’s really interesting and an awesome interpretation on the tale. I can’t wait to read more!

    • Thanks for letting me know how you got here! It’s sort of time to evaluate the advertising I do and it seems like Phoenix Requiem always bring in such friendly commentors :).

      I’m glad you’re enjoying it thus far. I know it’s harder to be patient with a webserial, but thanks for hanging in there with me 🙂

      • There’s no pressure at all! I am writing a webnovel as well, but mine are by chapters, and they are updated far less. I’m lucky to update mine at least four or five times a year. 🙁 My chapters are normally at least 5 pages long, and seem to be getting longer lately.

        I wish you the best with keeping up this update schedule, I’m quite envious of it really. lol. I’m glad you are getting such great feedback, it’s really difficult with webnovel/webseries, I don’t have that luck. But I don’t have the money at this time to pay for the ads.

        I’m looking forward to your update! 🙂

        • If you can put in a little seed money into Project Wonderful (and take ads), you may be able to benefit from some very low cost and free advertising. (There are sometimes ads that cost very little per day. Unlike other services, they don’t charge by clickthroughs, so you can get thousands of hits for a few pennies a day or even for free.) Some of my collaborators are exploring that option. But ,we’re all still sort of figuring this out. (Newbies, we are!) It’s definitely interesting how small the comparative audience is for webfic compared to webcomics.

          As for the frequency of updates — shorter installments came along with the decision to push hard for a weekly schedule. 🙂 There are some things that I probably wouldn’t do if I were putting up entire chapters, but I find I like the weekly accountability. (I like deadlines. And stress, apparently!)

          Let me know if you want to talk more about the business of promotion offline. (That reminds me, I need to set up an email box xD )

          • Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely look into it. I’m a noob as well. Although I’ve been putting up this story for about four years, I’ve only recently really been looking into trying some ways of using money-like getting a package website deal, and then maybe some advertising, but we’ll see how that goes. For my second draft of the story, I was thinking of making a weekly schedule up, and dividing the chapters into parts because they would be so long. It would probably help me with more readers, because then they wouldn’t be waiting ages at a time for an update.

            And I would really love to e-mail you about the business promotion. I’ll look for the e-mail box and see if it gets put up. 🙂

            • There should now be a “contact” on the right side with a nice “Poke the Creator” mailto: link 😀

              Incidentally, the host I use gave me a voucher for Google Adsense, but am just starting to look at that. It seems kind of expensive, so not sure it’ll be as beneficial as PW. We’ll see :/

  27. Hehe, the wolf has beat them both to the Grandmother’s house. I like the slight variations you have made to this story. Your skill with words is impressive. You’ve already made me curious about so many things is such a short passage.

    • I’ve tried to stick close to the idea of the story but it will begin to slowly shift to a much larger “world” once I can get deeper into the Wolf’s past… I haven’t yet mixed in some of the other big heavyweights who bring their own twisted versions of their fairytales with them. 🙂 If only I could write faster xD… dang… I’m getting impatient to show you guys the other Big Two characters, the ones that the Wolf must face xD

  28. oh my god! oh my god! please up date! im sooo excited to discover what happens next!!! 😀

    • 😀 I will tomorrow late afternoon. Next installment is in queue, waiting another final pass through (when my brains are not so distracted with painting) before it gets posted :3

  29. I like this side of our wolf.

    Also, in the paragraph that begins:
    “Indeed,” the Count continued… there is a typo. “you and update” should be “you an update” if I’m not mistaken.

    Sorry. I have been told I’m OCD when it comes to grammar and spelling.

    • No problem. Thanks for catching that. Often spellcheck in Word misses things like this!

      • No program is perfect.

        I really like this turn the story has taken. You really have me curious about the hunters and the Count’s reason for disliking them. And I can’t wait to see how Edmund responds. This rivalry should be most interesting.

  30. Your love for ice-blue-eyes is showing, LOL! ^^v That said, I like how le count is confused about his feelings and desperately trying to rationalize it to himself.

    • I do love my IceBlue types and most of my characters are rational beings, true . However, what is perceived now might feel different later once more is understood about the character. And, with a man or whatever the Wolf is who has lived a long time, his other experiences may make you think differently about him once we get deeper into his past 🙂

  31. I absolutely love this story; it is usually the first place I check when I get online for some reading.
    Seems I’m a bit OCD as well…
    At the end of paragraph starting “Regarding Miss Redley-“, it says “I believe that may see them again in the future”. Should it say: “I believe she may see them again in the future”?

    • Hello and welcome! Thanks for catching that error! No need to apologize for doing so either. I am glad you guys are catching this stuff.

  32. LOL this has all the ear marks of a really great tale in the makings; I love hoe the plot is thickening even as you keep humor flowing. So far, very well told.

    • Gosh, I hope as it deepens you guys don’t start throwing things at me 🙂
      There are a lot of plots layering… I’ve gotten down about oh two layers, there’s probably two or three more that skim over these…

  33. *waves* Hi, I’m new here!
    I’ve just blown through the first 5chapters and I’m looking forward to reading more. 🙂 I love this story so far!

    How often do you update?

    • Hello there! Sunday evenings only for now. Have my hands full with the art side and some other projects, so once a week is what I’ve committed to for the foreseeable future. I may update more than that at some point this year, but for now will let people know on Sundays if I plan to drop in something more than that.

  34. You know how to get people even more hooked. I was reading along, then Adele’s part at the end made me wish there was more (even more then usual).

    My main complaint: No Count.

    • LOL at your complaint. You’re going to be throttling me for the next few weeks, I’m afraid. Everyone has their mysteries, because this is just the sort of world this is and they need their time to showcase them :]

      Anyways, trust no one! (Or something like that xD)

  35. Nice mushy chapter is nice and mushy, and gives us good insight into Edmund, and a better insight into a developing triangle. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks. More insight into Edmund will be coming shortly (along with a LOT more explanation of present continuity)

  36. Found this story from a Project Wonderful ad, not sure what webcomic I was reading at the time.

    I find this story compelling and your ability to weave in aspects from the familiar Red Riding Hood stories masterful (my favorite part so far as been the Count’s trek to the grandmother’s house before Elanore can get there). It’s like finding little Easter eggs along the way.

    Everyone has this air of mysteriousness about them, as if everything they do has some ulterior motive we don’t yet know, and I love it. The greatest sadness for me is stumbling upon this so early in its development; it’s hard to wait between chapters for something I would put everything else on hold to read beginning to end. “Fractured” fairy tales are some of my favorites.

    There are spacing issues and typos apparent in almost every installment that can cause stumbling blocks for a reader. As a fellow writer, trust me, I understand that you can read something over and over and OVER again and still miss the one thing that *everyone else* seems to notice. My suggestion would be to have someone else read the story out loud. This will help prevent hiccups like “but they were kind as they put a washed his body and put a sweet smelling salve on…” (ch4C).

    I hope this suggestion isn’t overstepping my bounds as a reader, and I look forward to future updates ^_^

    • Hi KermitsGirl!
      I would love to find a beta who could work along with this current posting schedule. Because of the change to weekly posting it’s made it hard to use my long-time proofers (some of whom are also in the collective). (I’m doing massive edits Friday/Saturday before posting.)

      For now, I appreciate you guys catching some of these problems until I can find someone who can edit /flag these before these get posted . If anyone actually is willing to beta and is serious about this, I will be happy to talk to them about how to set them up as a reviewer. I would love your collective help…. WordPress is okay, but sometimes the interface makes it hard to catch spacing problems, but not typos. (WordPress sometimes hides the weird line spaces on the editor. I’ll have to see if this is something due to the transfer from Word to WordPress.)

      Thanks for leaving a comment regarding one of the “goofs.” I’ll go back and look at that now! And don’t worry about pointing these things out. I appreciate it!

      • (*phew* Thanks for not being offended!)

        Ah, yes, WordPress. I’ve heard from others that they have trouble with spacing issues.

        I’m more than willing to do a quick read-through for you whenever you need it. I edit professionally in an executive setting (memos, letters, etc.), so I love working on fiction in my free time; it keeps me from going crazy!

        If that’s something that interests you, I’ll send you an email and we can work out the details 🙂

        • Okay – will do! Right now have some other stuff going on and this week’s update is off-cycle. I’ll try to see if I can get ahead for the next chapter as of this weekend so something can be shared with you with enough turnaround time…. will contact you offline later this week.

  37. Elanore’s mom refused who? (suspicious, intrigued)

    Poor confused nice Ed. Liking the poor chap and his troubles. More please!

    • 🙂 That point about Elanore’s mom will /should get addressed in a few chapters. (Not all little mysteries will go unresolved forever.)

  38. I suspect I need to make a geographical map too, if I knew how to. ^^;; Although I do have sketches somewhere.

    • A lot of maps can be good even as cleaned up sketches. If you have something on paper/scanned, you can send it to me and I’ll see if I can make a simple one for you when I have time next month!

  39. A nice way of introducing us to the kind of person Ed is. This is sooo getting better & better by the moment.

      • Being reclusive, he hasn’t given much of a basis for others to really evaluate him. Human nature tends to then kick in — the suspicious will think him suspicious, and the kind will be more trusting 🙂 .

  40. So sorry about the nailing to the wall!

    I love the stained glass behind the snow queen lady. ^^v

    • Oh, I think it was a good question to ask. I just wanted to motivate people to read the interview :D.
      Still not sure about the background on the image. I had thought about doing it all wood like the Wolf /Red background, but I kind of like the swan to be obvious…

  41. Only one important thing happened, but it does give good insight into Edmund, contrasting him to the way the Count is a little quiet and contemplative himself.

    • Edmund and the Count indeed are very different in temperments (or so it seems), but are very similar in many other regards. (How’s that for a puzzling vague statement? xD)

      I will say something though. While there was only one “discovery” in Edmund’s research thus far, the Guild itself is quite important to what will come.

  42. Only one discovery? I disagree!

    We learned there were Elvin encampments in the area that few others make reference to in their writings. We learned that the old guildmaster was very interesting in their leaving and the reasons behind it. He also stated this quite close to the statements about animals and people migrating with the lunar orbits, perhaps hinting that the elves have also migrated – and might possibly return. We learned that he distinguished between the Elvin encampments and the “elves that saw the Unthings.” Also, because of where this was mentioned, it seems to me that these elves might have come after the others had left.

    We also learned that the current guildmaster seems very uncomfortable with talk of “fairy things” and might have, at one point, been willing to destroy information pertaining to said things.

    Of course, I could very well just be reading too much into it.


    You switched between guildsmaster and guildmaster a few times – I wasn’t sure if there was a reason behind it, or if it was a slip of the keys.

    • Chuckling. The guildmaster stuff was driving CSK and I crazy this week. The main concern was capitalization vs. not capitalization. I’ll have to go back through and take out the plural form . Thanks for spotting that.

      As far as the elves — you’re thinking in the right suspicious frame of mind which I like to encourage xD. A little more and then a lot more about the last group of elves to inhabit the area is forthcoming in CHapters 7 and 9.

  43. Edmund may have only made “one important discovery” But that’s only if he discounts discovering that the records keeper has saved the elven texts & is willing to disemble in order to allow others to gain knowledge. In my book that’s two dicoveries.

    Why did the elves leave, & what connection does that long ago leaving have with the current Guildmaster??

    Or am I now being overly suspicious now??

    • Actually the current guildmaster is quite far removed from the time of the elves departure.

      Why they left isn’t necessarily dramatic, but will be eventually explained but not in great detail. I’d like to spin the story of the elves off into a second work/possibly a third. The society that they have is pretty complicated and probably has confounded the humans in this world for some time.

      • Ok, He’s far removed from the leaving of the elves. Does that mean that his family is too. Ancestors can be tricky things to have after all. Where does his seeming hatred of all things “uncanny” or “frivolous” come from??

        I’m betting there is a story of some kind there.

        • Hm. This will be answered, but not for a while. While the theme of family lineage is important, I will say that it isn’t much so with this specific guildmaster. He is far from being anything like the first guildmembers who actually were probably more enlightened men than what we have in “current time.”

    • Well, free doesn’t have to be easy! I wanted to do something that required a little bit of activity xD

      We’ll see how it goes. I mean FREE stuff is always good, right? 😀

  44. You probably have it somewhere on here, but I can not find your tumblr. I would absolutely LOVE to follow you if you don’t mind, haha! I have been reading for a while, but I’ve never seen it.
    Beautiful bookmarks by the way 🙂

    • Yeah – it’s actually no longer direct linked on the side because there were already so many other links to prioritize. You can find the tumblr from the linked in image on this post, or .

      I’ll take the comment also as a “hmm good idea” to the idea of doing sketch giveaways. Thanks for posting!

    • Yay! Win for first! xD
      Hello Sam! Glad to see I’m not the only one NOT watching the Superbowl !

      • Bahahaha reading > superbowl, any day!
        I’ll be waiting for the next installment 😀
        *sits down, doesn’t move*

        • D: You can’t sit a whole week. Bathroom and food, you know… kind of important! (But glad you’re enjoying it!)

  45. I’m not watching either! lol
    been reading a while now my first time commenting though :3 I really love this so far 😀 <3

    • Oh good. I hear we’re not missing much. I’ve been getting updates from everyone else on twitter who is. xD

    • Haha! Well, I enjoyed writing it. Hastings probably is one of my favorite characters for being deliciously sniffly and snarky.

        • They really want to show up more often, but they have a tendency to hijack the narrative. I really do like writing characters in some sort of comedic sparring that results in temper tantrums though.

    • Ah ha! You recognized it! I wasn’t sure if anyone would catch this reference, as the numbers vary according to the versions one is familiar with!

    • Sorry just found this and playing catch up. If you love the wild swans you might like Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Mullier. The entire book is a retelling of the tale by the sister that wove the shirts.

      • oh, welcome and thanks for the story rec. I do have a fondness for that story and will look the story up 🙂

  46. I just quite literally tripped over this wonderful story. Please, for the love of plot, keep sharing it with us. I write with friends and as such, have to ask (and hopefully I’m not overstepping a boundary somewhere) if readers are able (allowed) to point out spelling errors? I’ve run into a couple and am curious to know if I’ll get my hands smacked for saying something.

    • No – these kinds of edits/comments are pretty helpful to me. (This last part was so late that I didn’t get to run it by my beta-readers at all and I’m pretty sure I may have missed something.) Please feel free to flag what you see. Folks have been either pointing them out at the bottom of the page implicated or emailing… whatever’s easier!

      Glad you are enjoying the story, though! I appreciate the comments as well . If it’s not too much to ask — do you recall how you came across the story? I just dropped a new campaign out there on Project Wonderful and am curious to see where people are coming from. Thanks!

      • I think it was a link from a comic I already read, though I can’t remember which comic it was

  47. Elves – Golden ships- out of the west?? Coming dangerously close to stepping into Lord of The Rings territory aren’t you??

    & why do I get the feeling that that pie was laced with wolfbane or helbore??

    • Good lord. I have no intention of bringing Tolkien into this or trying to borrow from his concept around elves. I do recognize though that by throwing in elves, the questions/comparisons are going to happen regardless as most modern fantasy version of elves can not help be compared to what he put together.

      Some elves have a story as to how they arrived, but I have to warn you all that stories are sometimes only stories and that these origin stories will vary by region or by ‘ethnic group’ (e.g., wood vs. minstrels vs. fire vs. ice elves vs. ? elves). Be careful in accepting what people “say” in this series as truth until it’s really verified by say someone who is more likely to be an authority. That may be an elf, or someone who has lived longer than most of them.

      As a geographical note, the Northernlands are bound by water on three sides. All races had to come to this place either by sea or from the South. I haven’t yet drawn out the larger map that starts to show you the larger world, but keep in mind that the Northlands is a convergence point or meeting grounds between man and elves .

      Oh – the pie was not laced with anything bad :). No psychotropic drugs or poisons. The Count is just having a bad flashback xD

      • I’m new!!!
        But I have read all I can so far, and I am loving this comic! I can’t wait for more!! I especially love the characters, I can’t even choose which character I like best. But I will say Hastings and Giles are hilarious!
        I’ve got to say you’ve got me very very interested in this story!
        Write on!! (Or type on, whichever comes first)

        • Hi there, comment ninja! I’m glad you are enjoying the story and even Hastings’ sarcasm (and Giles’ obvious pranks). Thanks for delurking! Comments like yours help encourage me to make each weekly deadline 😀

  48. liking this a lot. Hopped over from Girl Genius, I think, but maybe Finders Keepers. There’s a really different kind of fairy tale story I’m following over at . Some of your readers may like that, too. Not sure where it is going but is set up as a memoir by Cinderella’s misunderstood step-mother.

  49. Bahaha, first comment again! (not sure why it matters. Oh well.)
    He doesn’t seem like a Max, does he? 😀 Although I guess he’s little right now… makes sense

    • Haha! yay first!

      I think of it this way – sometimes what people call you indicates your relative position to you. In this case, all of his elders have probably called him Max since he was a kid. Although he’s 21, he’s still a “cub” in their eyes xD

  50. Oooooo…. Things should prove extremely interesting. Swan Queen makes me think of Swan Lake.

    • Yeah – the paintings I did a long time ago reflect something like that from an aesthetic point of view (as her headdress in the first painting I ever did was totally a bathing cap/ballet cap thing.) That said, character-wise, I think of several other fairytale inspirations. I think the major one will be very obvious in a month.

    • ^_^ You can make anyone a monster if you do enough things to them along the way. Not that I’m saying I plan to, but ^____________^

  51. Hi,

    I recently found this, also through a Project Wonderful ad, but I can’t remember where. Phoenix Requiem, possibly.

    I’m very much enjoying this, and while I haven’t gotten quite to the end (there’s still a ‘next’ link), I can see from the dates of the posts that I’m getting there. 🙂

    As you say you appreciate the typo catching, I’ve got one: Near the end of Elanore and Edmund’s conversation, she says: “Neither you and I….” — while it might be overlooked as an odd speech pattern, ‘and’ should probably be ‘nor’.

    I look forward to more!

    • Ah! Phoenix Requiem is one of my regular contributors as far as regular readers go. I’m very happy with this trend as I really enjoy the webcomic a lot and am pleased that the audiences seem to carryover fairly well.

      Thanks for pointing it out the edit. I’ll correct it in my master copy and the online copy later today!

  52. Sorry … found another typo. 🙂

    Second to last paragraph: “… man mean to go …” ‘mean’ should be ‘meant’, I believe.

    And yes, the research is exciting stuff. I’m interested in finding out what he might find in the elven texts. If they don’t get discovered that he has them (now who’s suspicious…)

    Still more to go, I still have a ‘next’. But, running out, soon, I think.

    • Cool, thanks for pointing that out 🙂

      And yeah, the texts will get developed/revealed as we go forward. I have, in mind, that by the time we get through various arcs that I might be able to compile/put together a faux elf text of sorts with their various stories! And yeah – you’re getting close to caught up xD

  53. I like the narrator’s voice, whoever he is. ^^ And the picture from the previous entry suddenly makes sense. (sorry I’m not very good at helpful comments right now…)

    • Ah, don’t feel pressured to comment as of now. I think once the three parts are complete, it will make more sense to comment on the story. Right now, I just want to catch mistakes if possible. (Like, for example, I kept getting Branwen’s name wrong for some reason -_-….)

  54. I’m sorry, I keep finding these little typos. 🙂

    “… was one that had been old to him …”
    I believe this should be:
    “… was one that had been told to him …”


    “… Max has a limited understand of the world…”
    Should be:
    “… Max has a limited understanding of the world…”

    And, I’m guessing that this Swan Queen … is the covered portrait?

    I’ll have just a couple more, I think, and then I’ll have to wait like everyone else. I’m really enjoying the story!

  55. I can’t wait for the next installment! I just found this story today and had to read it all. Your writing is absolutely delightful!

    • Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it so far. I’m posting the second half of a related short story in a few hours… hope that will tide you over until next Sunday :>

  56. I love Toryn’s observation! I love your depiction of wolves so far even more. I guess I get that from my dad reading David Edding’s Belgariad series to me at an early age.

    I’m a fan of the wolf.

    • Oh – I do think wolves are often treated poorly in a lot of European fairy tales unlike in other mythologies and stories. I am not familiar with the stories you refer to, but will go check it out. I am always looking for fantasy recommendations 🙂

  57. Ah, down to waiting, breathless, every week, for a new installment. 🙂

    This installment wasn’t a disappointment – wolves watching out for the group?! How marvelous!

    It’ll be a long week ’til next time. 🙂

    • Ah! I’m posting an update for the short story tonight, so hope that will help. It should be an interesting read for those who are now caught up with this chapter x)

    • You can do it! It just comes down to mapping your dialogue first, then starting to fill around it.

  58. Oh, am I in heaven right now, or what?
    My setting: Leaning back in a reclining chair next to the pool, listening to nothing but the waves rolling on the beach to my left, watching whales breach in the distant water, staying pleasantly cool beneath the leaves of a large tree, Pina colada sitting next to me, laptop on my legs while I read fantasy stories….. I am pretty much the happiest person ever ^^

    But anywayssss…. I was genuinely surprised to find out that the girl was a unicorn, too! Not a lot of books offer very convincing or interesting surprises like that 😛 I really enjoyed this installment.

    • I’m jealous of this post, if only because I have been stuck inside the past week doing work and other boring stuff :). I’m glad this story was able to surprise you!

    • Hi and welcome to the site 🙂
      The final installment should go up next Wednesday so you won’t be kept in suspense long 🙂

  59. personally I like seeing the wolves as good guys, I just felt that there was always much more to that story. I also love the details in the story! Great job, I always have trouble picturing the scenes in my favorite stories. I love this version of this story by the way!

    • Hello there! Glad you’re enjoying the revelations and also this take on the fairy tale world 🙂

  60. Hello!

    Personally, I love this story. The characters are interesting, and the plot is a page-turner.

    I just have one request: Can you move the story along a bit faster? I want to get back to the current story, and all this background information is starting to bore me.

    • This chapter should be wrapping up in a week or two. The plot points are important, however, for the future chapters so please bear with me another week or so. Thanks!

    • It is, but I find large blobs kind of cool too. If only because at one point in my life I was a fan of the horror genre xD

  61. Call me cruel, but I want a picture of that last moment. ^^;;

    Also, are the buttons to our sites on the sidebar really gone?

    • Ugh. The whole wordpress upgrade and my tweaking the sidebars messed stuff up. It’s back now.

      As for that last moment, yeah, if I had a bit more time, it would make more a nice crazy picture…. just too much going on now with life, so drawing has to be put off.

  62. Wow. I can’t believe school work got me so busy that I missed this earlier.

    I love the mention of the Swan Queen. I wasn’t expecting the swans to be black.

    • Yeah – I thought you guys might enjoy this cameo. It is kind of a nice “shout out” for those who have been keeping up xD. I also think it gives folks something to think about moving forward. She is highly important later on!

  63. great story, that scar on her forehead is what made me wonder if she was a unicorn. I have read other stories of unicorns who have human bodies. What I loved here are all the details and the fantasy settings. Very well told in my opinion. Thanks for sharing it.

  64. A fantastic short story! So sad it had to end, but at least it was a brilliant one!

    • Thank you – I’m glad you really enjoyed it :). It’s been a fun thing to try out, as I’ve been trying to see how I can start weaving in more tales into this particular “fairy-tale-verse.” Keep your eyes posted for an epub or ebook version to share with others.

  65. It all felt so awwwwww. And I’m glad the Snow Queen is getting good rep in this story, in contrast to so many others.

  66. Eeeee! 😛 Slime pit of death. It’s the fantasy version of the Blob, run!!

    But seriously. Great chapter, haha. I’m finding myself increasingly intrigued by the wolves, they seem mysterious yet somehow strangely likable at the same time ^^ I can’t wait to find out their role in this world 😛 and with Max of course!

    • Yah, it’s a blob that looks kind of dark and weird 😀 Glad you enjoyed the chapter!

  67. This story was well worth the wait. I look forward to more of them. This story has made me even more interested in seeing the meeting with the Swan Queen in the main story.

  68. Cool stuff. Nice work:) I like your take on the “wolf” 🙂 Our webcomic also has new takes on the fairy tale classics. Good luck!

    • I hate to say it, but it gets worse. But as folks would like regular continuity stuff, I’ll save that next horrific episode for a while yet ^____^

    • I wanna give him a hug too =( poor guy…
      Finally caught up with the story!!! XD This is SOOO beautifully written!!! Can’t wait for an update ^.^

      • Thank you! I haven’t done too many forays into public writing (other than an obscure fanfic run and blogging), so I’m happy that people enjoy what I’ve been throwing at them xD. Update is tomorrow late afternoon/early evening, so keep your eye out for it! 😀

        And yes, hugs are needed. Poor guy 🙁

  69. I was really pleased to see the Swan Queen. I got the strong impression in the story that she watches over and protects (to an extent) those beings that we’d consider unnatural in our modern day world (unicorns, etc).

    I was pleased that you had a balance between the sense of justice and the sense of forgiveness. It’s a quality that should be seen more often in characters such as her.

    • You’re right in that regard, but it’s a small piece of her larger role in the world. I have in mind that she is one of the strongest females in this world, although in the fairy tale sense, she also has her own story that needs to be played out. She, too, is a bit unnatural. While there are plenty of “ordinary” people in this world setting, she is a definite anomaly.

      • I got that impression. She certainly seems to be immortal, for lack of a better word. As in she lives a LONG time.

        • Yes, you are correct on that. The timeframe for this story versus the current Tales shows that she has indeed been alive for quite a long time 😀

  70. So maybe all us ladies should line up and start giving Maximillion A whole lot of nice long hugs, and see how he deals with that… 🙂

    • To be honest, I’m not sure what would happen to all of you if you did. You can try but… I’m not volunteering to help xD

  71. Oh my goodness, I’m so glad to have stumbled upon your work today! 😀
    I love what you’ve done with the familiar story, and also your inclusions of other fairy tales, folklore, etc etc. And I think you’ve done a great job in keeping up the mystery and suspense of the story as a whole, and of each character and how they relate to one another.
    Oh man, I have so many questions, suspicions, inklings….
    What did Elanore’s mom give to her? And did she attract the Unthing? If so, why???
    It was mentioned that Edmund was adopted, and I’m guessing there may be a special revealing of his past/origin?
    And why is Maximilian able to stay young for so long??? Is he related to the wolf-wind beings in some way?
    Did Elanore’s mom encounter Max when she was younger (I gathered that she passed on her red cloak to Elanore), and perhaps their encounter sort-of reflects the original “Red Riding Hood” tale? (Grandma Winchester mentioned things happening again, or something like that)…Gahh! I’m just so excited xD
    I’m really looking forward to coming back for the updates every week =) Oh, and I also LOVE your artwork creations for this story! I think I pretty much gush over Max every time ^.^
    p.s. Sorry for the long comment! I’m a keener for my first time post >.<

    • Hi! welcome to the story xD. Glad you found your way here, although I’m very curious as to how. (Please do tell if you remember 🙂 )

      So I don’t usually answer questions directly, but your enthusiasm is pretty catching so I will give you some hints.

      Elanore’s gift will be discussed in Chapter 9. The other questions about her remain to be sorted out.
      Edmund is adopted. And yes, you have stumbled on to something important that will be a lot clearer when I get done with this story. Which… might be a while xD
      Maximilian’s reasons for his longevity hopefully will become clearer as we go back to his past and move back to present continuity. He is, whether he likes it or not, supposed to be doing something. What that is, well, we all must find out together with him :). There is a hint about that somewhere else, but one of the other readers is going to have to cue you in (she discovered something elsewhere xD ). The wolves will appear again in the future.

      And while I won’t explain Elanore’s mom quite yet, you have picked up something important . Some of this will resurface in Chapter 9 as we return to Elanore as she waits for the outcome of Chapter 8. xD (I kid partially, but she literally is waiting at the moment.)

      I do apologize as I won’t be uploading this Sunday due to convention stuff I need to tackle and some restructuring I was doing on the next chapter. But I do plan to come back at you guys starting the following Sunday. Also – if you have time, I recommend reading the other story on this site. I think it will put some more layers on to your various hypotheses 😀

  72. I just discovered this site today from clicking on something accidentally over at dream*scar. I’m so happy I did so! This story has me absolutely HOOKED and I can’t wait to read what comes next. Keep up the great work! 🙂

    • Allooo! Very glad you accidentally clicked xD and also glad you’re enjoying stuff. I’ll be off this week (at a convention) but raring to go next Sunday :).

    • Wow! That’s cool that you did a fanart 😀 Drop me a line on DA. I have some sketches I did this weekend that I will be “trading” maybe with other artists soon!

  73. I never realized how wolves were considered the villain in some fairytales until after reading this story and some of the comments here. I find them to be interesting, powerful and beautiful creatures 🙂

    You should give the Belgariad series a read. Its really good.

    • Yeah – Western tales tend to villainize them. I’d say of all the folkloric traditions the American Indian tales are the most respectful to them. Asian tales tend to vary a bit, but that is simply due to their presence not being as common in certain areas.

      Currently I’m reading five or six books xD so I will have to table the series fora while. I’m determined to finish these other books first!

  74. Ol’ Maximillian’s getting plenty of offers for hugs, but none for poor Eldnar? 🙁
    You only realized how traumatic it must have been for him once he sheds tears. There, there elf-man. You’re alright. Rejoice at the fact you’re alive *hug*

    Thought I’d also add that I have forgotten how I came across this site — though the most likely possibility is from the numerous web-comics I’ve read — one them which included a link to your story. So glad I did. It’s been a while since I’ve read anything with words and using your imagination to make the world in a story come to life in your mind 🙂

    • Yeah – Ridnar and Eldnar are particularly traumatized. Max isn’t quite in need of hugs….. yet. (And even then, I don’t think he likes being glomped. He doesn’t like surprises either. And hmm… maybe it’s a bad idea to give him a very hard stick to swing at people.)

      Glad that you decided to follow through on whatever link you saw. I did advertise on various webcomics that I read myself (and enjoy). It was a bit of a gamble, but I think people have been very kind to humor a non-webcomic format thus far :). I know it does require some shifting on part of the viewer/reader, but am glad people are willing to do it with me :D.

      BTW- welcome to the site. Thanks so much for leaving your comments!

  75. I had suspected when the hunter thought that the two unicorns could look like siblings, but thought nothing of it. Once it got to the part where they spoke in the same language only then were my suspicions confirmed – that and the scar on her forehead.

    • C: I’m glad you had noticed that. It was a bit of a cue not only to her true nature (as visually she has the same coloring), but the actual intent xD.

  76. I came from Red String! (If it matters.) And I’m glad I did! I’m such a sucker for a good story and you tell a fine one my friend!

    • Ah ha! welcome then! Have not heard much from the Red String crowd since the beginning, so wasn’t quite sure if there are any readers lurking here from there. Glad to hear it though!

    • I just checked out the “red string” comic and saw the link immediately.

      And for Eldnar, *hug*.

      • aww, that’s very kind of you. Hugs are much needed over in Elf-land, especially since I won’t be returning to it for a few chapters 🙂

  77. You and I both, no presence on the Webfiction Guide. But I’m too shy to directly ask for it. ^^;;

    • I don’t really know that the WFG gets looked at much as far as listings, but I would perhaps like a review from a reader as opposed to the only review by an editor who looked at this site and immediately classified this story as a fairy-tale story based on a short visit to the site. However, if it doesn’t happen, not worrying about it as long as people share likes through social media. I still get a few facebook referrals that pan out to a thoughtful visit to the material…

  78. Taking bets for the coming fight… Place your bets people

    My bets are tied, though, I like them both. ^^;

  79. Fight! Fight! Fight!

    this is getting better with every update!!! can’t wait for the next one!!!

    • LOL. So many bloodthirsty females. Who thinks we like only romance? rofl -> myself

      • I’m a girl who frequently finds herself liking male-oriented series, who finds the girly stuff very girly. ^^v

        • Yeah, I’m a shonen manga genre reader (and a former superhero comic book junkie who thought Lobdell/Bachalo Generation X was the BEST marvel series in the X-book family), so I totally get what you’re saying. Still, I do like girly stuff — teas, dresses, cute things and really handsome men xD.

  80. The website is saying user registration is currently not allowed…
    Otherwise you would see a review from me!
    So sorry~

    • Ah, that’s interesting… I think the sister site got hacked two weeks ago. Maybe he hasn’t put it back. Thank you for trying though!

  81. doo do do do do i’m lovin’ it. Don’t ask why that popped into my head. I have no idea. But I am truly enjoying the story. Especially now that we get to have all that pent up testosterone out and about. lol Good times will ensue…I hope. 🙂 And a bit of a fist fight in the snow would be quite alright by me.

    • (McDonald’s jingle in the middle of a comment? hahaha!)
      Hm. I suppose resolving this with some tea and cookies isn’t going to work. hehe. Good to know, though. I’m going to revise what I have with this feedback in mind.

  82. Hi I just came over from Tales of MU. I noticed the following sentence that seems to be worded awkwardly.

    The snows we thought would keep her away for sometime.

    You may wish to reword this to say: We thought the snows would keep her away longer.

    • Hm. I see what you mean. Thanks for the suggestion. I may take it in a slightly different direction. I still like the cadence of “for some time” but will move the words about to reduce some of the confusion. (And forgot to say this, but hi and welcome!)

  83. Ohhhhh this is getting good 😀
    I don’t want to wait for the next chapter though D:
    I put my bets on Wolfram though, he’s my favorite XD

    • XD You have to wait because I’m still revising the next part!
      Wolfram seems to have more fans. Poor Edmund. Now he really wants to become a vampire xDDD.
      (BTW, hello and welcome to the official pool of “Those who comment”! )

      • Thankyou~ I’ve been following the story for some time but it never occured to me to leave a comment. But I’ve fallen in love with this story XD truely.
        Oh. Dear god. If he becomes a sparkely vampire… I’ll.. I’ll… I’ll cry. Thats what I’ll do XD *now has the idea for an unfortunate event happening involving tar and glitter*
        Wolfram is Daaaaaaaark and Mysteriouuuuuusssssss~~~ *insert sexy music here* What girl doesn’t like that XD?

        • Aww, I’m glad to hear that. And no sparkly vampires. But I might give him a haircut xD
          (I’m not sure I like dancing Wolfram. No. Scary image xD)

  84. I recently found this series and I must say I find it rather delightful. I usually never comment but when something seems off I feel I must say something. In the 14th paragraph you put Edward instead of Edmund, for a moment I was exceedingly confused and wondered when the character Edward had come on the scene only to realize it was supposed to be Edmund. I dare say, I don’t think Edmund would want to be confused for a glittery vampire.

    • LOL. That isn’t just awkward, it was a downright error. (And now I’m going to be stabbed by Edmund for it. *bleeds*)
      Thanks for pointing that out! At least one good thing came out of the sleep-deprived update — and that’s wheedling you into posting xD.
      (And glad you are enjoying the story.)

      Funny you should mention the sparkly vampire, as you should see this. Ahaha. Poor guy. So unloved.

      And if you do happen to remember, how did you find me? I would love to know!

      • ROFL! Poor Edmund! I actually stumbled upon it when I was looking at Toilet Genie, the page hadn’t loaded properly and I accidentally clicked on an unloaded part of the page which happened to be for your story! At first I was like “Shoot! I didn’t mean to do that!” But then I started looking at the page properly and got sucked in and started reading and became thoroughly enthralled and fascinated by the story, and now I am hooked! Can’t wait to see what happens next, I still can’t decide who I like more, Edmund or Wolfram, because both have characteristics I like. Wolfram for his mysterious and somewhat bold behavior, and Edmund for his honesty and obvious care and his clutzy moments are so endearing. Finding your images about the characters and the little teasing moment I find nice because it adds more to the characters with those candid moments. :3

        • Ah – Yeah – Toilet Genie is one of my favorite reads (and a place I advertise as a result). Glad though I could suck you in. It’s hard to transition folks from webcomic to written format. These days a lot of folks aren’t really as involved in online reading unless it’s for fanfic.

          I’m glad Edmund and Wolfram are coming across as different men, albeit Edmund is way younger than Wolfram xD. As for the images , glad someone else is enjoying them other than me. hehehe. I like to think of them not only as blowing off some steam (as this story still is largely more serious than what I draw obviously), but also a good way to sort of cement what I think the characters are about.

          Anyways :3 back atcha.

          • I know what you mean. It isn’t too hard for me given that I have tried (and failed miserably) to write a few stories of my own. One of them got about 57 pages typed out before I scraped the whole thing. I transitioned to reading almost entirely books to reading manga, to reading web comics. Finding a medium that is very much like a book but updates on a regular basis is very nice because I find that having a rather large book and having gotten to certain points I find it rather daunting to want to trudge forward. Especially so when you know something horrible is going to happen. Having the daily updates leaves you riveted on the edge of your seat waiting for that next update to see what is to come. Lol, but I need to stop spamming your poor comment box and I hope that people enjoy this as much as I do <3

            • I’ve definitely been there before. I trashed a few of my stories about at that point (50-80 pages) and others I managed to wrestle through after doing a few odd things. Writing online is a great way to force yourself to do it, especially if you can get a few readers encouraging you to keep going. Or at least if they can encourage you enough past that uphill battle where you are trying hard to establish their voices, their motivations, and the plot that keeps them moving.

              As far as what I consume, I have found that I do read a large bit of manga these days, but asyou’ve noted, some of it’s the immediacy of the format and sometimes it’s just because I’m such a visual person I really enjoy drawings. That said, I read manga more for action/comedy/romance or slice of life stories. Those tend to be more fun to follow in the graphic format for me.

              Glad you are hanging in here with the format. It never occurred to me that people would find this to be novel. Guess what’s old ( model) is new again!

              And no worries about spamming the comments. I love hearing from you guys. Knowing that you’re all waiting for the next part is what makes me get up on weekends and force myself to write and edit xD

  85. Yay update!! I was so last sunday when I remembered there was no update.. I love this story. I’ve never seen another site that does this although my friends and I have been attempting something similar..(and failing xc ).

    • aww. I hope not to have to do that much… but every once in a while life stuff happens :).

      Glad you continue to enjoy the story. Roundrobins or working with other writers can be hard if you guys have a lot of characters and plot elements to juggle. I did a bunch of roundrobin fanwork with writing friends a few years ago, and we did comedic stuff that didn’t require a huge plot so that we could simply have fun writing characters doing silly things. But I also did RP stuff and that could be very tricky since you have to really work well with another writer – have the same objectives and philosophy towards writing. I don’t think writing together is always that easy, but hopefully at least you’re having fun!

      I think I asked you this before – are you guys posting stuff anywhere? Like livejournal or fanfiction/ ? Sometimes the pressure of putting it in public makes people buckle down in their writing.

  86. You really do deserve more comments than you’re currently getting, so I guess I’ll try to start commenting some. XD I got directed here from the webcomic Phoenix Requiem a few weeks back, and have been avidly following your updates ever since. I think I’m going to be jumpy around mentions of water in your stories for some time to come after the last couple updates. I had visions of Edmund’s horse being gobbled up by unthings as he was going to let it have a drink just now.

    • Hellooooo! Actually, while webcomic authors are used to tons of comments, I’ve been told that webfic is relatively quiet in comparison. Considering I also used to write extremely odd fandom pairings, I’m used to toiling in complete anonymonity xD.

      That said, I think you are right to be nervous for Edmund. I think getting whacked on the head (or almost whacked) is far better than accidentally walking into something. You’re on to something 🙂

  87. Ah, yes, I was busy worrying about the water and forgot to worry about the bridge shadows last chapter. Wolfram’s past could certainly explain why he’d get a bit irrational at the sight of someone walking into an Unthing. The guildmaster is getting steadily more creepy and sinister. Don’t think he’s being a busybody for the sake of gossip. (Though that would be rather funny, come to think of it…) XD

    • Indeed, Wolfram has quite a bit of baggage and perhaps a few skeletons rattling around in his boudoir. O:-) As for the guildmaster being the town gossip, … nah… that job needs to be reserved for some other folks 😉

  88. That was certainly interesting! Can’t wait for the next bit, Edmund is turning out to be smarter than I though. ^-^

    • Ah yes – he’s a smart enough person with things like fighting. But when it comes to Elanore, he’s a total idiot xD.

    • Heh. I chuckled when I wrote it. It’s like watching a beautiful dance and then someone whips out a cream pie and smacks someone with it. 😀

      • Thank you so much for the punches thrown! They were beautifully timed and fit in with the fighting. In fact, the fight scene is one of the better ones I’ve seen in internet writing. Well done.
        And thank you for making Edmund as smart as I hoped he’d be. 🙂

        • Ah yes – our heroes have to be quite equal in some ways or Elanore will leave them in the dust xD. (And as it turns out, Edmund is becoming quite a detective, much to my surprise.)

          Glad you enjoyed the scene 🙂

    • heh. Sorry – Too compulsive and cautious to bump up the pace. But I’m glad you’re still enjoying it 🙂

  89. Lovely post. I loved reading the fighting scene. It can be rather difficult to make a nice fluid illustration of the dance of battle through words. The only thing that could have enhanced the battle (if you don’t mine me saying) would be to add some more details. Such as adding details like “The crack of the aged wood as it connected in a furious blow against the metal blade, the clashing of the combatants eyes as they sparked with the heat of battle.” Or even “Suddenly, the water exploded between them as The Count leaped at Edmund, his cloak billowing about him, the droplets glowing in the receding light, his face set in a dark glare at his opponent.” I think it would give the scene a bit more imagery and add just a little more to make you feel as if you are right there in the midst of it all. It’s only my opinion, but back when I wrote I tended to lack details and adding more made my friends enjoy it a lot more. (I was lucky and my friend was a good critic and editor) 🙂

    • Thank you for the suggestion – and the concrete example! (It’s helpful to have that illustration to consider what you’re saying.) Fight scenes as well as love scenes are things that admittedly I hate so having some feedback on how others approach them is indeed interesting.

      • I used to have to worst time with them too. I used to be very flat with my descriptions so they ended up being bloody boring and no one wanted to read it. Not even me when I read back through it! In order to improve it I would think of something really really boring to write about and try to describe it in as much detail possible. I even wrote about someone drinking and that is something very boring to write about unless you put a lot of detail into it. It takes a while but if you think about bringing in all the senses to a scene, what you can feel, see, smell, taste, and hear you can end up writing a few pages about something that mundane. Of course putting in too much detail you can bore the readers to death. Finding the balance is tricky, but well worth it in the end I think. I love your writing though. <3

        • Yeah – I think the key is deciding what senses to appeal to xD. And then there’s the inner monologue, which for me, is far more interesting than sometimes what’s going on outside.

  90. Well done. I have recently stumbled upon this unique piece of work and I can happily say I’m thoroughly hooked. I look forward to the next update.

    • thank you! If you do recall how you stumbled here (and don’t mind posting), please let me know. And welcome to the legion of the “no-longer anonymous readers” 😀

      • I think I might have come across this site by a picture of yours on Deviantart. I happen to be a fan of good art and you are no exception. 🙂

        • Ah awesome! Glad to know someone is coming in through that site… What’s your DA handle?

  91. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I had my Life catch up with me recently, so I just read several of the updates all at once. (And the artwork is wonderful – are the bookmarks still available? I’m probably way late, c’est la vie!)

    As other posters have mentioned, I enjoy this style of presentation – it’s reminiscent of the early days of cinema, with the serials, which was meant to bring people back every week. I’m just grateful that it’s still here, even if I have to skip a week (or three). (Er, I’m not quite that old — and I don’t sparkle!)

    Keep up the good work, and I’ll hopefully be back next week for more.

    • WElcome back! I do have another bookmark left, so drop me a note as the original post requested. Glad that you’re hanging in there with the format. I do wish I had this story done and all (because then I’d be riding that ebook momentum), but with life as it is this is the best method to go about writing out the things that have been rattling in my head the last few years :).

      It’s funny you bring up some of the old serial formats. For me, this is more like how I used to work during my fanfiction days about 7-10 years ago. Granted, it’s a little more high stakes (as I actually made a weekly deadline for myself), but it’s good incentive to keep going.

      Thanks for leaving a comment. I do appreciate them! It let’s me know people are out there reading and that I better not slack off. *dies*

  92. I have to agree…. the more details during any scene that is pivitol the better…. Not only to make us feel like we are right there watching it… but to show case that it is pivitol ….. a fight scene or a love scene without the details is like birthday cake without ice cream, or sushi without soy sause…. good but not the best they can be…

    Great story though…. I’m enjoying it so much….

    Guild master kinda wants Edmund Out of the way doesn’t he?? No way he didn’t know about the agreement that keeps the guild out of certain places…. I’m just saying….. ya know??

    • It’s interesting how people like certain stylistic things. I definitely was more concerned about balancing words/actions/ and then sentence length to sort of get a “sound” out of the scene . (For me, I think cadence is such an overriding factor that I tend to stay away from it as when I start describing, I get a little bit long-winded. That said, I’m going to mull this for the next one and figure out how to accomplish some things that were suggested but remain brief xD.

      As for Edmund… yes, I do think our guildmaster has another agenda. Granted, everyone in the town of Winchester seems to have their own agendas . heh. heh. heh.

  93. Be careful not to get too caught up in description though. A fight scene needs to flow, and not like a river in winter. Bringing details in is important, but if there are too many people only get caught up in those. It’s alright to make readers use their imaginations to fill in some of the details. Middle ground is hard to find, but worth it. Keep up the good work.

    • Yeah – will keep that in mind too :). I definitely tend not to be as visual sometimes in writing because I like internal monologues more. (To be honest, I’m also not as visual as people think . While I draw and am visual in that regard, I’m more likely to focus on other people and their expressions and feelings rather than what they’re wearing or holding. It’s a perception issue on my part that sometimes plays out when I write.)

  94. I stumbled upon your website by clicking a link on a webcomic I am reading. I absolutely love the story. I am a huge fan of historical romances and fantasy fiction and this just seems to have it all. Great work, I can’t wait for the next update!

    • Helloooooo there then! I’m glad you are finding this right up your alley. What webcomic were you reading, btw? I would love to know which ones so I can mark down potential places to advertise. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and see you next update 🙂

  95. Beautiful writing! I just read it all today after stumbling across your link from The Dreamland Chronicles. I love the character development; it’s so suspenseful and intriguing. I can’t wait to read more!

    • I’m glad someone surfed on over from TDC to say hello :D. Thanks for leaving a comment as well. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story 🙂

  96. How do I keep managing to miss the updates on the first day?! Curse my school work!

    I loved this chapter. The fight between Edmund and the Count was amusing.

    • If it helps, you might want to use the RSS feature? Otherwise it’ll update on Sundays with intermittent art posts on other days 🙂

      Speaking of which, I will have another update in the next hour posted 🙂

  97. There we go, that’s the chapter I forgot to read. ^^v Good stuff, and over too soon, the fight was. ^^

    • Hm. Interesting that everyone seems to like action. That is something I will have to think about down the line. I do tend to prefer more Austenian type devices, so there will be more character study/slice of life for a while yet.

    • thanks! Yeah, *kicks Edmund a bit more to make sure he stays asleep for a while*

  98. Evil chuckles…. I think I sense where this might be going, but I shall say nothing… If I’m right it could spoil things for everyone…. myself included….

    • LOL. Good good. You’ll have to tell me later how much you guessed. You might not be able to resolve it next chapter but the one right afterwards. I promised we will have a bit more time with Elanore next chapter…

  99. I wish I could. I’ve always wanted to visit some of the US cons, but I can’t see myself flying there anytime soon as I still have the monthly payments for my car and a ticket to the US is terribly expensive here — current pay at work is not helping much either, but I love what I do so I can’t really complain xD (I live in Brunei in case you’re wondering). Hope you’ll run into some of your readers and have fun 🙂

    • Yeah, that would be cool to find a reader or two in the mix, but we’ll see! I think the last convention was a fluke … more due to it being local and having cross-traffic from my Deviantart site.

      That’s pretty cool that you’re reading this in Brunei :D. Most readers appear to be highly concentrated in the U.S., with some folks in Canada. Haven’t had too many folks outside N.America pop up…

  100. I find it odd that Edmund got cold so quickly. I doubt that it was only the water. It could either be the time he touched the statue or the time he held the Count’s stick. Hmm…sounds like something magicky going on :/

    And impressive fighting by Edmund back at the creek. I had half-expected Max to win (oh, I bet he’d whack me with his stick for the nickname XD ), but then that would’ve been too easy — unless he held back?

    • I think the fight’s outcome actually is not as significant as people are taking it to be.

      Edmund is a hunter and battles with creatures regularly. (We don’t know the extent of this training but only know he’s been away many summers further north.) His ability to read the flow of battle and defend himself should be heightened. He’s young. He’s active. And he has competition from guildmembers to keep these skills up.

      Wolfram… perhaps people expect his age and presumed experience to give him the clear advantage, but one has to keep in mind that his goal may not have been to beat the crap out of Edmund (or kill him) but to deal with a pest . The level of experience he has as a fighter also hasn’t been established by me . Still haven’t finished fleshing out his past for all of you, but what we know about him needs to be assessed carefully. (Mind you, his training early on was as a ranger, not a hunter — which means slightly different things. Where he goes from the point we left him the past may surprise some folks and reshape what they expect out of him in the present after I drop that next large chapter in.)

      But back to the fight– Philosophically speaking, I’m not sure that Edmund really “won” . (What is “winning” anyways if you walk away ill, and your opponent is unharmed and ready to come at you again another day? 😀 😀 :D)
      At best, he pushed back and became aware of a misunderstanding that existed and precipitated the attack. At best, he walked away, although I’m not sure that he left unscathed.

      That said, regarding Edmund and his getting cold quickly– yes – it is odd.

  101. This was an excellent chapter, I love the suspense that is left making you wonder about many different things and leave you plenty to mull over until the next chapter comes to illuminate the possible reasoning for things. It is rather odd that Edmund got so ill after the instance with the Lion and that only seemed to be heightened by his battle with Wolfram. Although there is so much more than his sudden illness to think of: Why was Wolfram out there in the first place? Why has the Guild Leader kept Edmund in the dark about the agreement to stay off Wolfram’s land? What does the Guild Leader have against Eleanor’s Grandmother? What kind of reaction can we expect from the Guild Leader meeting Eleanor? What kind of sickness could have taken Edmund like that? What did the Guild Leader give Edmund to make him sleep?

    More so than what is happening with Edmund or Wolfram I want to know more about this Guild Leader fellow… and I have a small guess that he might be the next male to fall prey to Eleanor’s good looks. We shall see, we shall see.

    • ah ha. I dare not answer your questions here, as some things will be answered in Chapter 9 and 10 :> . Glad you are enjoying this though. I think the next two chapters will be less about questions/answers than more focusing on the interactions of various personages. (It wasn’t necessarily my intent to go that way, but Elanore is a very chatty girl and I can’t make her stop talking. xD)

  102. Sigh! The last one! Now I will have to wait.

    This is a very good story. It has drawn me in and leaves me wanting more.

    • Thank you! I’m glad you are enjoying it.

      My apologies – I realize how short it is in rereading it again this morning xD, but believe me when I say it takes a week to obsess over things that I do not quite know if I want to commit to paper.

    • Ha – Not sure if the exact details are important, but Elanore certainly needs to figure out what’s going on… or at least be clued in a little more to who is there and why.

  103. Now I’m wondering when the wolf will come over to the grandmother’s house….and have apple pie. ^^v

  104. Don’t think of me as nit picking, but apples are ripe in the fall – not the spring.

    • Nah that’s okay. She should have been talking about fruit — both traded and locally acquired. I think I edited it to remove that allusion, but if you see something else, let me know. Thanks!

  105. Yay! A friendly cliff hanger…. I really enjoy them a lot…. it allows my mind to speculate in all sorts of happy ways….

    • Ah, yeah – just need to make sure you guys feel a lack of completion just mild enough to come back next week, and yet not kill me 😀

  106. WHAT DOES THE STONE DO????????

    That question will now torture me indefinitely.


    • I love the sound of sarcasm in the evening ^^

      Im starting to miss the Count already. Is that weird? 🙂

    • Not indefinitely :). It will be a few chapters yet, but you’ll see one answer from someone else.

      However, there are two broad hints out there already about stones and their properties — one is in a previous chapter and this one (Evelyn used it), and the second you can see in one of the drawings.

    • Yup. Taking note of your interests and such. The stone is key, the hood… maybe less so at the moment, but more will come out 🙂

    • This is probably the biggest hint today, but the red hood comes with a particular lifestyle that Elanore’s mother could not choose.

  107. Finally caught up! The story so far is excellent, I love retellings of fairy tales. This one is interesting because it combines several and has a very unique view on them. (Whaddya mean the wolf isn’t a wolf!)

    Too many mysteries though. Which is good (because it makes me want to read more) and bad (because it makes me want to know now). (I like to complain about stuff I like. Don’t take it the wrong way.) So… I’m guessing “hood” is a reference to… witchcraft? Somehow that’s the feeling I got.

    I’m looking forward to reading more! I’m going to check out the other… wenches… do you enjoy using that word to describe yourselves?

    • Welcome to the madness! Glad you are enjoying so far. If you recall, how long did it take you to catch up? I’m trying to understand the experience for readers that are generally new, so I have some idea as to how to handle meta-summaries (likely to come in after Chapter 10).

      Not all mysteries will linger. The personal ones will be resolved as the opportunities present themselves (or as I force the opportunities on the characters hehe), but the political ones will take much longer to sort themselves out. I’ll try to find an appropriate balance on what to hold and what to let go of as I really don’t want to keep too many of these on deck. (I have a little book I have to keep now to track some of these questions, and believe me, it is difficult to keep adding to this list without taking stuff off 🙂 ).

      As for the wenches title – it was something the creator of Suzy’s Box came up with. She’s pretty funny… and the name provoked such an interesting response that I guess we’re keeping it xD

      • Sorry, I didn’t really keep track of how long it took me to read… I think it took a couples of weeks overall, but I didn’t read every single night either…

        That doesn’t help much, does it?

        • No, it’s helpful to know how someone tends to experience the story. There tends to be a lot of curiousity about readers of serial fiction and their preferred reading habits. Some really like to read everything at once (and for those authors who are publishing a complete work serially, it’s for these audiences they will gamble on putting an ebook out at the same time for purchase). However, there are some people (undefined number) that seem to be okay with the pacing (because it’s hard to digest a lot of stuff at once or they don’t have the time). My asking is really to see what happens when new folks walk in. The folks who have been here since the beginning are pretty much forced to just put up with me week to week (at one point I was even considering biweekly), but others coming in now have a choice.

          Anyways, that’s a bunch of rambling totally not related to the writing, but the platform. Thanks for answering the question! I’m sure others (besides myself)will find this response interesting 🙂

  108. D: I want to know what the stooooooone doooooooooooooes *feels five again*
    No but seriously, exellent chapter 😀 It must have been hard raising Evlyn as a child, kinda like Elanore
    Oh and one more thing… TYPO D:
    “Even with no one here to replace you at yourr post….” Yeah sorry *grammar nerd*

    • No problem. Thanks for catching that typo!

      As for the stone, yup, someone else remembers something important about another stone. Another good observation 😉

    • He’s just stomping around, not doing anything interesting. That said, I’ll probably doodle something for him to keep the fangirls happy xD

  109. Ahh it seems that another stone very much like the Count used to ward off the Unthings has reached the surface, and in the hands of young Elanor. Still nothing to quench the thirst of my ravenous curiosity about the Guild Master. I am eager to know more about just what the hood is about but it seems rather trivial, except for the fact that they have mentioned several times that her mother used to wear it, and that the Count had once tried to court her mother. (I believe they had left a small bit of bread crumbs to lead us to that conclusion.) That would explain his need and want to chase her and why he took such interest into her. Curiouser, and curiouser….

    • Close, but should mention the Count has -not- encountered any other Winchester denizen. He has avoided the townspeople at all costs.

  110. So we have a stone of Light Bringing, and a stone of Direction Finding?? Would that be the best way to describe them so far?? Or should I go far more simplistical and call them stones of protection and leave it go at that??

    • Hmm. No. It’s not that mechanistic. There are specific and unique properties to the types of stones they hold, but I can’t comment fully on the stone that Wolfram holds yet. The explanation is forthcoming, but on hold because I’ve pushed the continuation of the past timeline story with Wolfram off until after the next two chapters conclude.

      Elanore’s stone is /has not been used fully or according to its design and is not the same in property as Wolfram’s stone. More insight will come to light (no pun intended) slowly through the eyes of other characters and as Elanore begins to learn things about it.

  111. New reader, loving the stories!! I finished them in two days, but then, I’m a rather fast reader. 🙂 I can’t wait for more!!!

  112. Sorry that I’ve been absent for a while. Let me say that your new chapter is refreshingly homey. You write a scene between a grandmother and her granddaughter well. Anyone who’s spent time with their grandma as an adult knows the polite clash of wills that occurred here. Well done.
    I would like to have a bit more of the family ties explained. I understand how everyone is related, but I think there is a valid point in taking time to explore how Eleanor feels and relates towards her mother and father. She obviously interacts well with her grandmother, despite the interval between visits. Just me putting my oar in. Ignore as you will.
    Thank you for the update! It is, per usual, quite an enjoyable read.

    • Mmmm. I think that’s an interesting sort of comment. I’ll have to think about how it may be appropriate to bring those kinds of reflections in. There aren’t any general issues to expand on as o, yet, although some more information on Evelyn is forthcoming next week and then somewhere again in the next chapter. (It’s roughly almost done, but the length is pretty crazy and so with editing, it may be another few weeks before another thing sort of unfolds itself and makes you guys all nuts xD ).

      If there is something to say though about adult “battles” — most of them often are more like the ones you see in this chapter. As you have noted, people generally have strong opinions about other people and what they should do, be, act, think, etc. In that sense, I think I”m more Jane Austen right now than traditional fantasy xD. Anyways, glad you’re back…. no worries about commenting week to week though. As long as I know you guys are lurking, I keep dutifully typing at my machine xD.

  113. This is probably the most comments I’ve ever seen on a page. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my reaction of wanting to flail around while waiting for more answers.

    • Yeah – ignoring mine, this is the most from readers after the testosterone battle a few weeks ago 🙂 As for flailing, FLAILLLLLLLLLL 😀

  114. A lucky thing for me to be a new reader and to find your story just before an update.
    I find it to be quite well done so far. It is quite refreshing to see an author who’s learning the characters as they arrive in type. Makes the learning curve for a new reader not seem quite so steep when spending a few hours clicking through the updates.

    • Hello there and thanks for the comment! Based on what you mentioned, are you currently reading other stories or viewing webcomics? Also did you read this in one or more sittings?

      • Reading other comics/stories? Oh gods yes, probably too many of them at once to keep track of what’s going on. I read a few, catch up on the archives, find another.. a vicious cycle, truly.
        It took just one setting, I found your story around 6am today and posted my comment just after finishing.

        • LOL. With so many things to read, indeed – see why you’d be up to 6am. Very interesting though. I’d be interested to know what you are reading and viewing. Recommendations are always appreciated.

  115. Woo, First!!
    Had to be done..
    A wonderful chapter and lovely cliffhanger to get me through the week.

  116. pirates. spies. tales. This story has everything!!! I’m really excited for next week….

  117. Gahh…. excellent chapter, with a nice cliff hanger ending!! I didn’t even notice, what’s your update schedule? Soon, I hope!!!

    • (Waiting for creampuffs…) I update the text on Sundays (at least so far xD) at 5pm EST. If there are any miscellaneous art/announcements, those go up on Wednesdays :).

  118. The sudden POV shift (from Elanore to her grandma) was a little disorienting. But I did love that the guildmaster was described as….. pretty much like Aoshi (facepalm), by Elanore. ^^;;

    • Yeah – I did break pattern here. I’ll think about the shift (grandma->elanore->grandma ) later.

      Guildmaster isn’t an Aoshi type though o_o. I wouldn’t give him that much credit!

  119. Actually, I enjoy a good cliff hanger too. and this is a great one… imo

    But the guild master wanted Elanore’s mother for his own, and didn’t succeed in his quest and now is a bitter and nasty…. Not very original… oh great puppetmaster…. so new sins on this very old theme are being looked for…. Or I will start tossing Egg Creams at you…. 😉

  120. You are an evil man. Cliffhangers right before a good story in a story. Damn you Puppet Master!!

  121. A very sweet moment to warm the chill in the air, 35 outside here as we speak… spring in Texas.. I love it…

    • good gracious, when Texas is chillier than over here, that’s just weird.
      As for the moment. hrmhrhrmrmrhrmrhrm *whistles*

  122. It feels like there’s some kind of weird parallel between Elanore and her mommy…I’m pulling for The Count!!

    • Hm. I’m wondering if it’s used enough by regular readers to merit setting up some kind of fun mini contest through there. Will think on this some more. Thanks for leaving feedback! 🙂

  123. Very interesting chapter, thanks for the update! As for your question, personally I have both Twitter and Facebook, but I actually watch Twitter more.

    • Hmm. Thanks for the feedback. You seem to be one of the rare ones 🙂

    • Yeah – discovering this may be true for lots of folks! Do you use any social networks and what and how much?

  124. I took a couple or so weeks off to let you get ahead of me so I’d have a little bit to catch up with. I’m thoroughly enjoying this story.
    Thanks for sharing.

  125. Thank you for having more of Edmund! I’m afraid that I’m a bit of a more practical and down to earth person, so I enjoy his personality. But, as to the story, I’m enjoying seeing how you develop her relationships with people as she reenters this town as an adult. Having done a lot of travel myself, it is difficult to return to a childhood home and try to reconnect with people, even if you were close. Because, after all, you have all been changed by your different experiences. Thank you for addressing this in your story, even if it’s not intentional.
    I love the bits with his mum. She has the perfect reactions, especially the biscuit!

    • I’m glad there is more Edmund appreciation <3.

      Glad though that you're finding these small conversations interesting. I do realize that exploring interactions can be hard for those who prefer straight out action-fantasy stories, but I love characters so will meander a bit here and there. Thanks for your patience and glad you are finding something to relate to in this chapter 🙂

      • Hmm. Not a lot of regulars seem to, so will wait and see if I can find some other ways to do some fun treasure hunts …

        • Wait… TREASURE HUNT!? *feels eight years old again* ohhhh we have to get this to wooooooooooork 😀

          • It seems like folks are spread out in different places so I may try it again later with a slightly better incentive than bookmarks. I’ll wait, however, for all of you to finish up with your studies for the semester first 🙂

  126. Interesting character and relationship you’ve set up regarding Edmund. He feels like a proxy for us, the readers, but his own feelings toward Elanore and the role he’ll likely play as one leg of a love triangle leave enough ambiguity to make him complex.

    No facebook or Twitter, but it feels inevitable that I will someday. Privacy concerns be darned…

    • I hear you — I myself guard my FB pretty zealously, but did want to think about interacting with people through that mechanism if a good portion of the regular readers use that. I’ve found that one or two people recommending the story (through ‘likes’ or sharing it) does help refer people this way. And with so much of the regular population using FB to help them find content it’s not something I can ignore.

      Thanks though for venturing out of your private shell to leave a comment! Edmund definitely is a sensible, thoughtful person who probably is the most like the reader, as you noted. He has no special knowledge like the reader, and to some extent has become the “detective” in this story xD. At least for now… 🙂

  127. This is a lovely way to wind down before my last AP test tomorrow ^^ But now I’m all full of questions. haha 😛

    • Oh gosh, I hope you do well on the test. Or I’m going to get blamed xD. Hm – I guess my efforts to answer questions always bring more questions hehehe. Although hopefully the questions are the same that the characters want to know, which given their nature, means eventually they’ll find out the answers 🙂

  128. The plot thickens…and just about everyone has become far more interesting. Except that biscuit. It needs a bigger role in all this. 😛

    • The biscuit unfortunately was destroyed, so it can’t do much. Except crumble 😀

  129. I really enjoy this story. and love the sparks that are flaring up with Edmund, and Elanore, I can see why the count is reacting the way he does; even if he doesn’t understand it himself yet.

    I use Face Book, and am happy to “like” you there.

    • Haha, glad that someone else enjoys Ed/Elanore moments. I really like playing with them overall.

      I haven’t decided whether to bother with a direct FB fan page or not. I think the way things are distributed right now people seem not to be all that into it over there. (Rather I may have to use the FB fan page for my friends who otherwise don’t watch sites outside FB and alert them to updates on other websites.)

  130. I just started reading this, and love it so far!

    For the record since you asked, I follow both facebook and twitter, but facebook more often.

    • That’s great! Thank you for dropping me a comment and letting me know that you’re out there. I’m thinking about how to use Facebook to improve some of the communication and also help share the story with others. If you have ideas or anything , let me know.

      If you also happen to recall how you found this story, could you let me know? I want to know how/where to focus my ads and such. THanks!

      • I think most of the sites I follow on Facebook use it as a way to connect with fans and tell them about updates.

        I found the link to your site off of the web comic Red String.

  131. I don’t think I can wait two weeks! But I also think it would be better for the story if you did, otherwise it would probably be broken in odd places. I vote heavy installment!

    • IT’s alright, will do a post this week and then break only a week if all goes well 🙂

  132. Another red-hooded one, perhaps? Mm, maybe maybe. I keep changing my mind on whether I’d prefer a short update quicker or a longer one later. Which way would the story read better?

    • Hm. The answer to who/what is behind Elanore will have to wait. I will post this week,although I would have probably liked to have waited xD.

  133. lovely, as always, perfectly balancing warm fuzzies with ominous cloaked figures.

    I don’t know how i’ll survive two weeks without an update, but it seems like the best way to go!

    • I do have a tendency to react to smushy scenes with “DUN DUN DUN” moments. I can’t help it! (And yes, decided to go ahead and update Sunday.)

  134. DUN DUN DUN.

    I don’t really have a preferance for the update schedual. Whatever you prefer, I guess.

  135. Love Elanore again misreading Edmund and assuming she looks a fool for demanding to be treated as a woman and then acting like a child. I think the entire town will understand what’s going on before she does… meanwhile, is that a wolf escorting Little Red? We’ll see when you’re ready. No rush.

    • Yes, Elanore is still sometimes very much a girl. And a blockhead xD. No comment on the last portion of your question as I will answer it Sunday. (Decided to just go ahead and start and let you all stew one week with questions xD)

    • Yes, they keep me honest and posting. And here I was thinking I was going to let everyone sit in a cliffhanger for two weeks, but I’ll do my best to just keep it one now. I just need to make the next week and a half very productive so I can keep a little bit more space between where I’m writing and what is being posted (and having time to do more than a cursory edit on my drafts).

    • I don’t know if the hooded figure will appreciate being called that xD

  136. I’ve been following this story for quite sometime already and wasn’t able to leave a comment til now… sorry about that, I forgot my manners when it’s the least I can do to show how much I love and was enjoying this story… I love Edmund for his character and I love the Count for his mystery.
    I like how the ‘biscuit’ scene made a funny and refreshing break from the monotony of the conversations, not that I don’t like those exchange cause I find them important in the flow of character and plot development, but it is a wise way to keep to refreshing the readers interest to the story… Thanks for such great story that’s truly worth my time reading…

    • Ah yes, and without that biscuit who knows what might have happened? 😀
      Thank you for leaving me a comment, I do appreciate hearing from the lurking folks out there… and particularly those from abroad 😀

      • I am actually a follower of some of your fics at and had always admired the style of your writing, so here I am on a new thread of yours….

        • that’s great to know! It had been so long I did anything on that I worried about posting the links to this site from there. I’m glad you are reading 🙂

  137. I’m a new reader; I was linked here from a banner on another site. This is fantastic! It’s a little like the graphic novel Fables, in the concept of retelling fairy stories, and in the talent behind the project. You are really deft with what you reveal when, and it’s completely fascinating and engaging and frustrating, and I just want to know what happens! 🙂
    Anyway, looking forward to the next update 🙂

    • Ah ha! I only recently became aware of Fables because of Mark Buckingham, who used to ink my favorite penciler from eons past (Chris Bachalo). It’s definitely an honor to be put in that same category although I guess if that’s the superhero fairytale world, mine is kind of a … well, I guess we’ll see xD. I still like to insist that I’m doing a Jane Austen version of fairytale/fantasy. If you do recall what site you saw the banner at and could let me know, that’d be great. I have consolidated advertising but keep a few random campaigns going through Project Wonderful and am always wondering how people get here. Glad you’re enjoying the story thus far!
      PS – just updated :3

      • I was at Wapsi Square, I think, when I saw your banner. 🙂 And I do think this is a much more literary approach, which appeals to my little writer heart. 🙂
        I’m off to read the next part!

  138. Oooooh it’s getting so good! I’m really glad for this insightful post =) It makes me like The Count (and Giles) much more.

    • More explaining forthcoming on these two I think…. slowly, but surely!

  139. Wolfram is back, and more amazing than ever…this is the start of an excellent week!!

    • glad you enjoyed it! BUt don’t compliment him too openly, he’ll get too proud and not do what he needs to xD

  140. Thanks so much for the update! Interesting to learn there are still elves around fairly locally – if that was clarified before I’d missed it. What a lonely life for the Count, watching generation after generation of servants pass by. I hope there’s more like Hastings who really care about him.

    • They are around on the peninsula, but aren’t closeby… not sure if you ever looked at the map, but they have moved far beyond the current roads on the map.

      And yes, the Count is pretty isolated. Giles and Hastings are the only constant now, compared to what he had before in the past.

  141. Oooh! I love it when you get back to the Count! He’s such an interesting character–and what happened to Giles?
    Waiting with baited breath 🙂

  142. (I swear, I envy your readership (sigh).)

    I keep wondering why you don’t call him Max, though. ^^

    • max just doesn’t sound epic enough for this guy…think about it, the coolest literary guys ever were counts!

        • LOL. Max perhaps in alternate universe or when he’s really young and pinchable, but some people really do not otherwise like their names shortened!

    • I’m glad! It’s good to know that people are out there enjoying it . As I said before, knowing readers are out there keeps me going!

  143. Ahh for some reason my brain decided to tell me that you update on Wednesdays O_o I got the chapter late! Who is it that updates on Wednesdays…

    So many stories, so little time!!

    But it’s great so far – or still, I should say, as we’re a little farther in now – and I’m glad to be reading more of the Count’s affected musings ^^

    • LOL. Wednesdays is Suzy’s Box. The other two stories shifted to Thursdays and Fridays. I also sometimes update art stuff on Wednesdays… if you use any RSS alert features or want an email alert, you can use the “Subscribe” feature up top. I’ve changed it so that folks who don’t use Google Reader or some kind of subscription based web browser can simply get an email.

      Hopefully this chapter will unravel things a bit more.

  144. I like this chapter…. the relationship between the master and manservant was elaborated more… somehow this chapter made me empathize with the Count’s loneliness all those years living while things around him changed and passed. I felt like something pricked my heart just reading between the lines of his musings while he was at the watchtower looking out on everything. With that said, I’m very much looking forward for the next update…

    • I agree! It is nice that we can now empathize with the Count on some level. His background helps explain him, but it’s been difficult to connect with him as a character (besides the fact that of course he’s dark and mysterious and no woman can really resist that combo).
      It also gives depth to some of the minor characters, which is just as important as having well rounded main characters. After all, a world is made up of everyone, not just the people that we know personally.
      Thanks and well done.

      • Yeah – the balance of what to show and tell and what not to is hard to think through while writing this serially. IT’s one of those things that when I finish I’d like to think through and rebalance…(there are other things that need balancing in the long-form compiled format too, but I’ll deal with those later after I finish and think through the work as a whole).

        I’m glad though that you’re both enjoying the additional exposition or insight into his character!

    • whew. And it will be forthcoming as planned. Wasn’t quite sure but things are slowly settling…

  145. Another wonderful addition to the story. Looking forward to more from the Count and all others.

  146. Wolfram: *I’m too sexy for my cape, too sexy for my cape…*

    Bonus insight from Elanore: He’s so gorgeous….*inner flail*

    Ok, I don’t think either of these characters are like this. But Wolfram looks so self-confident and just a bit like he’s leering, so this is what went through my head. I hope the post just makes you chuckle. Please don’t take it seriously. The art is well done, and I’m not trying to smear the artist in any way.

    • He does look like he’s a little vain. xD
      And no offense taken. (I’m the artist too xP)

  147. Count wolfram: “Your jealously is amusing, huntsman.”

    I can’t help but think the count would be amused and smirk at Edmund’s discomfort at them being so close. XD I feel like we are seeing them from Edmund’s eyes, he more menancing and her more fragile.

    • What an insightful comment! I do think Edmund might completely agree with your statements xD

  148. I actually had two different reactions to what the Count might be thinking here, dependent on whose point of view this is perceived through.

    If Edmund were viewing this scene, the Count might be thinking: “Even with the ears out, she still like me better, hunter.”

    If an Unthing were viewing this scene, however, the Count might think: “Now, like we practiced; focus, breathe, and attack.”

    Those were my thoughts on it, anyhow.

    • Me too! Although to be honest, the Wolf is absolutely fine. He has enough fangirls. IT’s Edmund I worry about!

  149. “Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good. You’re everything a Big Bad Wolf could want. *Howl*”

    Am I the only one who knows that song? 😛

  150. this has been one of the best parts of the past two weeks. I never knew Giles was so nifty. probably one of the funnest updates in a while. 😀

    • Giles has always been a sassy man. I enjoy writing him. I also enjoy what I have planned for him xD.

      Glad you enjoyed this update… starting to finally dig down and peel away at everyone!

  151. Agreed, Giles was quite interesting here. And Ed is being rather weird again, aye? ^^v

    • Ed would insist he’s doing nothing weird. This is occurring the same day or so as Ed/Elanore interactions so he’s probably somewhere between sleep, the kitchen, and getting his hair hacked at the moment.

  152. What would a giant house be without secret passages? Is Wolfram Batman now?
    I digress…
    Giles is quite like able now, nothing screams ‘family’ like someone sicking bears on people.

    • Nah. Maybe his grandfather was. :p
      Actually the passageways above ground aren’t really all that new or secret. Elanore was dragged through part of it earlier. What the study leads to, I guess is open for speculation.

      And yeah – Giles is probably the kind of cousin or uncle one wishes they had, except when they really do sic bears on people D:

  153. Ok, I’m officially a Giles fan. I hoped we’d get back to him just because he seemed so snarky, but you far surpassed my hopes. Yeah for family joining together in hopeless circumstances!

    My only negative comment here is that it does feel a bit batman-ish to have the secret room, etc. However, given the time period this is written in it makes perfect sense.

    • The study isn’t really secret, but the cave and other things underneath are. As for being Batman, well, thankfully no need for costumes in this universe. Unless they’re weird.

      Below ground, well – the analogy to Batman’s caves might take folks down an unintended rabbit hole — if anything the caves and tunnels are there for a rather mundane reason, but will be explained later. But there aren’t any superhero gadgets down there. I promise.

  154. Ah, more on the Guild and on Edmund. Very good.

    Loved the bit about taking the elven books home for his mother.

    • Ah ha! Yes, I am looking forward to unpacking these a bit more in upcoming chapters. Thanks for letting me know this kind of stuff floats your boat 🙂

  155. Hmm…

    I think it might be like this…

    Count: “Don’t be shy, Elanore. Come closer…I won’t bite.”

    Or on a more serious note if they were out practicing: “Don’t tell me you’re scared already, Miss Redley.”

  156. “Why, don’t you look good enough to eat?”

    (also) Elanore: “My! What big ears you have, Count!”
    Count: “The better to hear you, my dear!”

    Slightly more than one line. But I love the picture.

  157. Oh snap, there are other Wolfram cousins who can do other nifty things! But what’s this about giles’s bloodline being purer than the Count’s? Nobody is awesomer than him!

    • Wolfram’s mom and dad have a backhistory that I want to write later. It’s largely through her line that his bloodline became somewhat exotic.

  158. I don’t know who I like better anymore, Giles or the Count. The Count was winning, but Giles is getting more and more interesting…
    I can’t wait for the next bit!

    • If all goes as they plan, you guys will see more of them. Exactly when/how/why well… we’ll see!

  159. An excellent chapter, as always 😀
    I’m really curious to see what happens XD
    GAHH Why do you do this to us? 😛
    … Plus to see the look on Edmund’s face when he learns that the Count has taken an interest in Elanore 😀

    • Oh, he already saw the Count pull something much earlier… so the thought is already there in his mind. Edmund will have his own problems to deal with shortly 🙂

  160. I agree with Marcus. Bring on more of the Wolfram Family!!!

    As for Giles acting as message bearer… that should prove to be interesting to see.

    • Giles definitely has the potential to cause trouble, but sometimes he’s all talk or easily thwarted :). We’ll see.

  161. I am really enjoying your work so far, but I wonder how does one have impossibly brown hair?

    • heh. I think it’s more of a statement that the hair was not golden-brown, red-brown, but plain jane brown with no highlights, no pretensions at being anything but middling xD.
      But I will think on that some more . When I get to compilation and editing I may decide to use a different way to describe it…

  162. Just a heads up you’ve got a bit of a continuity error: you kinda made a big point in the early chapters to note how the snow covered Eleanor’s footprints, but then in this chapter they are still visible enough for the Guildmaster to see she was running. That really stuck out as odd to me.

    • Hi Zephyr – I’ll have to go and look how I explain this … Giles initially left town before the snows picked up. He left shortly after carrying Elanore and Hastings to town. Although I don’t explain it specifically – the sequence of inspection was
      Count (up to bridge only) early morning, Giles (actually on and off the road beyond the bridge) (later morning), Edmund and the Guildmaster (later afternoon).

      I’ll have to look at exactly to what degree I stated that the tracks were covered in the very first evening/morning of events (the Count’s assessment specifically), but hopefully in answering it addresses some of the confusion. The timing of chapters sometimes is not strictly chronological which I think does create some confusion.

      Welcome btw to “the dark side of the commenting crew” and thanks for pointing this out.

  163. Is “E.S.” supposed to mean something, out of story? I notice that you make a number of references to stories (such as the Swan Queen). I’ve been beating my head against the wall trying to figure it out. I don’t even need to know who “E.S.” is, just is it significant?

    • Yes, it is a set of initials that belongs to the author of the tome that Wolfram and his grandfather referenced. It won’t be explained here in this arc. I am planning to cover it in the immediate arc that follows this one (that will talk more largely about the Swan Queen). The other story references are (currently) notes on paper to other short or novella length works I want to write. The “Sleeping Prince” reference is another unfinished work . THanks for asking!

  164. Ok, my brain basically works like a tv about 90% of the time. So when the Count starts talking about how he was doing his best “Giles impression”, I choked on my water. It was the funniest thing that had been in my head all week! And that is saying something because I work with 2nd graders.
    Oh, and I’m officially in love with Giles. 🙂

    • I’m enjoying the imagery of water spewing everywhere. (I too, have taught little kids, so I find things like this kind of funny. Okay, I digress.)

      Glad everyone is liking Giles. I like him. Except sometimes when I think he is a little too full of his manly self. -_-

  165. If this was an actual book, I’d buy it in a heartbeat, but there’s something special about waiting that makes me appreciate each chapter.

    And I love Giles! I imagine him looking like the Dread Pirate Roberts (without the mask), making all the women swoon shamelessly.

    • WESSSSSLLLLEEEEYYY. (I, too, love “The Princess Bride”!) In fact, Giles has the lovely beard and blonde looks of DPR. Very much so. (He’s kind of Errol Flynn in a way as well.)

      I’m glad you are enjoying that much! Thank you for the compliment. Hopefully someday I’ll actually be able to turn the stuff from this corner of the web into a book and then a few more books :). But like you, it’s just kind of fun unpacking this slowly. Just as you guys kind of have fun with the “what is going to happen this week” question, I’m having a lot of fun with exploring some of the characters in a more leisurely way.

  166. I just found your site and wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying the story. I look forward to your updates and seeing how it progresses.

    • thank you! Glad to always hear from new readers and always appreciate when they delurk :).

  167. Ah yes, the culture change within a country. haha
    Also, must agree that I can’t wait for the gossip to begin.

  168. I suspect it wasn’t intentional, but seeing a Mrs. Reyes in the area made me wonder if you have Pinoys or Latinos in this story. ^^;

  169. Wow! The Count is being quite social, albeit in a roundabout kind of way. Still, it’s a start to him being even more awesome!

    Speaking of awesome people, who is this northern lady? Any woman who can make Giles back off is a woman I want to hear more of!

    • Yes, with a little help from the less isolated and more socially inclined, I might add. The lady will definitely become an annoying presence as far as Giles is concerned… (in fact, one might argue she exists just to frustrate him.)

    • Hmm. Yes, she’s rather frosty and weird… And yup, Elanore and the Count will reunite more or less next chapter. (Of course, there is the matter of the grandmother also crashing the party…)

    • Aw shucks! I’m glad you are! I really do appreciate how quickly some of you jump in and let me know you’ve finished each installment! Keeps me pushing forward each week to work out the next one xD

  170. You’ve misused the word “doffing”. See the dictionary. I think “donning” is the word you want, but check the dictionary for that also. IIRC, doffing clothing is taking it off, not putting it on.
    Otherwise, a good episode, as usual.

    • Eek, yeah – it’s donning (on) and doffing (off). Will fix. Thanks for pointing that out…

  171. I absolutely love this series! My favorite so far has to be the count 😛 He’s such a weirdo I kinda wanna punch him in the face but ya know 😛 He’s too cute to!

    • Somehow “loveable… weirdo” makes me think of Gonzo. I’m not sure why, but it does x_x. Glad you are enjoying the series!

    • I’m going to assume this has something to do with the Count? 😛

  172. What is this talking statue madness? Oh well, at least the Count is the leading man once again!

    • I have to make up for the lack of pirates and ninjas with talking statues 🙂

  173. That was an unexpected but fun ending. I can picture the horse deciding it’s had enough right about now. XD

    • Haha, glad it amused. I just got a bit worried that you’d all be throwing things at me for this one.

  174. YEAH! I’m so excited that the statues get to play a part in all this. It’s also good to see that the Count can indeed interact with human beings in a semi-normal fashion.
    Thank you for the update.

    • 🙂 It’s nice to put to rest yet another little mystery I’ve been carrying around for oh, a dozen chapters. It leaves me room to make new ones xD

  175. great ending! clearly that ‘simple’ horse had a better understanding of a situation than she did 🙂 Can’t wait to see what happens next.
    Also, since this is the first time I’ve commented – really enjoying the story, and happy to have stumbled upon it.

    • Animals are quite smart, indeed! Welcome to the site and thanks for delurking 🙂

  176. Excellent chapter, as always.
    I really enjoyed the twist ending and I can’t wait for the next chapter XD
    …. for some reason I feel like a fangirl….

    • *pat pat* I’ve been a fangirl of a few series myself, so don’t feel so bad. Glad you like the end of this installment. Hopefully this lion will behave so I can get the next one under control. (He keeps talking like an annoying cat.)

  177. For some reason I lost the book mark to this website. I remembered it and had to come back. I love what I’ve seen thus for and look forward to catching up the rest of the way.

    The next link doesn’t work on this page.

    • Ah – did you ever think about using Google Reader to keep track of updates? (Noticed you’re gmail so thought I’d suggest it.) Thanks for pointing out the non-working link! It was pointing back to this same page… yikes… and it’s been that way for weeks!

  178. I’m loving this story!! it’s keeping me up late at night reading when i should be in bed sleeping lol!! It’s a shiny object to me lol..cuz well shiny objects are distractions 😉 i love it! ^_^

    Keep up the awesome work! I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

    • I’m so happy to hear that I’m keeping people up at night xD. No truly, glad that someone really is enjoying reading this.

      As for shiny stuff, I hear you. I like shiny stuff too…
      Thanks for delurking and letting me know you’re here. Hope now that you’re caught up you can sleep more o_o

  179. I just started readin and alredy i love the story! (^∇^)ven den måde wen does the sits get an updat? (please tell me if that is right Word or not)

    • Hello! It updates Sunday on EST/EDT. Generally it goes up around 5pm local time. (That I think is 22:00 GMT.)
      Last week I was traveling so the schedule was off.

      Thanks for reading. How’d you find the site btw? 🙂

      • thankyou
        is learnig english and readin online seemed easeir to me becaus i can rite to the writers, is gettin good at reading but riting and spellin gets me really
        what does btw mean?

        • “BTW” is a short acronym for “by the way.” You’re doing pretty well so far. Where are you writing from?

  180. ~LOL !!!~ GIGGLE!!!!~ SNORT !!!!~ LOL !!!~ I was wondering when the statues were gonna
    show more of who/what they are. They have been mention far to often to be mere
    decorations. Not to mention the fact that a few of their brothern guard the bridge to the town.

    Love it though, well played dearest Puppetmaster.

  181. Hey, I wanted to start a site of my own similar to this, but I’m not sure. I need to know a few things first.
    1. Does this cost money?
    2. How could I get it started?
    3. Any tips you could give?

    • Hosting a site on your own definitely has its costs. There’s the domain registration and hosting fees that get involved. Because I already had a webhost (for other projects I’ve acquired through the years and at, carving this one out actually only involved the cost of registering a new domain name. (WordPress is supported software on my host and is otherwise free, so no cost for using this to manage my content.)

      That said, for people wanting to do serial fics, I’d recommend looking at wordpress’ free system for hosting. It won’t have all the features that a full install of the WordPress package has, but it will do okay. If you’d like to see what people are doing with the free WordPress installs, take a look at the other Creative Wenches sites (see right). You can register a unique name for your WordPress hosted site. Be aware though that those sites have maintenance and can be slow at peak hours. Plan accordingly.

      There is also a new podcast out there you might want to check out called “Webfiction World” at the Webcast Beacon Network (see link). Take a listen, and then if you have more questions feel free to ask me.

      Before you begin though, spend some time working on different concepts and testing them out. Not all ideas are equally interesting to a public that is reading less (at least print media) and has a plethora of content to choose from. If you are looking for public comment, you have to pick differently than if you are fine with writing and generating no feedback. (For example, writing a slice of life scientists might not work very well. Unless they were crazy and on drugs.)
      Also, make sure to have a good buffer to work with. Get a lot of updates in draft first. This will help you establish continuity and flow for your characters and your style.

      Hope this helps.

  182. *de lurks and throws a fluffy bunny at the Puppet Master* I’ve been reading for a while now and this is one of the most frustrating cliff hangers yet! *pouts*

    • Oh, fluffy bunnies! (And this is supposed to frighten me? :B *pets fluffy bunnies*) … Cliffhangers appear to be good ways to get readers to reveal themselves. Unfortunately they’re not unavoidable because of the whole serial/writing as I go sort of thing, but hopefully the rewards (along the way) are worth it. Thanks for the fluffy bunny, oh delurked one! 😀

  183. Yay, first! *avoids various thrown things* Sorry!!

    I had almost hoped he would have let her wake up another of the lions. Imagine all the cute fan art that would have lead to with them moving about.

    • I don’t know if they could have controlled them all that much. These lions are a lot like cats, and we know how herding cats works xD.

      But yes, the image you suggest is pretty amusing. Gives me some ideas for crack art for the future!

  184. Gotta love that sassy lion!

    the enigma that is the Wolfram family, though is even more interesting. Was mama Wolfram hiding something from visitors, or am i just a tad delusional?

    • It’s more than likely it was Wolfram, not mama :).
      But she did have her secrets… not likely something to expound on in this story arc.

    • You know how you can look at a photograph and think, “This must have been taken around 1980” just from looking at clothes and hair fashions.

      While things are moving faster these days than they did back then, I am pretty sure paintings of Lady Wolfram would have shown their age to the closest century at least. This would make for awkward questions.

      Also, yay for lion. Wants one. Wants one BADLY.

  185. It feels like these updates are getting more and more eventful 😛 I definitely approve! And it’s fantastic to see so many new faces joining the comment list O_o congratulations, by the way 😉 wonderful chapter as usual

    • Ah, it’s nice to shake out those delurkers xD. Although it’s also good to hear from long-time readers. I always worry that I’ve lost them somewhere along the way as things get more and more “eventful” (or as I like to say, weird).

  186. XD Elanore and the guys she hangs out with, breaking the rules of decorum left and right.

    • Yes, we enjoy it, even if Elanore doesn’t. Poor thing… (heh. heh. heh.)

  187. Heh. I think the Lion might’ve become my favorite character with how he spoke about the Count.

  188. Poor kitty. Bad wolfy! ^^v

    I also wanted the two cats alive and wreaking havoc (and messing on the roof while making a lot of purring noises!)

  189. Came across this randomly and I love it. =)

    I love the lion. And the way Max just taps the lion on the noise was funny. XD

    • Yes, animals hate that ! 😀 Hello and welcome to the club of delurkers, btw. Glad you discovered the story and are enjoying it. 🙂

  190. I usually lurk and don’t write because frequently I have nothing more to add to comments already posted ;). But I do love this story. 🙂 I only wish you updated it more frequently, the suspense is killing me. 😀 I hope Wolfram gives Elanore (or at least the audience) more information in the next update.

    • Oh I believe Wolfram will have to do more than just be his usual silent self if Elanore is to eventually give him what he wants. 🙂

      It’s alright to not comment. I’m okay with people simply going “AUUUUGH” if that’s about all they feel they can add. xD As for the pace, yeah – I wish I had a good month to just sit down without interruption and finish writing. We’ll see.If I manage to get some time this fall and build up a considerable backlog, I may adjust length or frequency.

      (And btw, thanks for delurking anyway!)

  191. I want the stone lion for my pet, and I DON’T EVEN LIKE CATS! But, pretty much that would be one great, smarmy pet. 🙂
    Also looking forward, as so many others are, to seeing what Wolfram will tell us next, or not tell us as the case may be.
    It’s good to see the ol’ butler humaning (I know it’s not a word) up a bit and thawing out toward Elanore.
    Can’t wait to see what you have for us next.
    Oh! And do we get the door explained? Because I was really looking forward to that moment of magic and intrigue and then poof the butler walks in! argh!

    • Actually I’d like one too. Particularly one I can turn back to stone if it’s being a little snarky xD.

      A little bit more is coming on the lions and the door within this chapter (and more)… otherwise I feel Elanore is going to punch out Wolfram. 😀
      (And the word you’re looking for is ‘humanizing’ I think… and yes, he’s definitely a needed intercessor. Wolfram, as much as he is interesting, is sometimes a social idiot xD.)

  192. Came across the link to your website at another and I have to say I really like your story. It is very intriguing and pulls the reader in making them want more and go to the next page. I’m very excited to see what happens next, btw I like the lion as well.

    • Thank you! I”m glad to have dragged you in and pulled you along 🙂

      I think the lion has replaced Giles as “most popular character”. He’s likely to return quite soon!

    • It’s more of a lunch date (if a date at all), but as for it going well… I think that remains to be seen. Haha.

    • There are quite a bunch of them :] One might say that every time I throw a script/poem in here that I have my reasons.

  193. There’s more to this riddle than what meets the eye . . . I wish I could figure it out but I’m baffled by the witch of the sea bit.

    • I can’t solve mysteries without introducing other ones to chew over it seems :).

  194. I’m so glad that some of the riddle is starting to be explained and we’re getting some headway on the actual storyline. As much as I love delving into characters, I was getting a bit concerned that we were getting lost in them. Thank you for the excellent update. You had just the right balance of character interaction and story development.

    • 🙂 I’m glad to say that it will only be a week too. Too much stuff this week…lost lots of time in drafting, but think I’m going to make it!

  195. Aaand there go the slash/fic writers.

    A wonderful update, so many things for us to ponder during the week.

    • Thanks! Incidentally, I’m not sure we have the same definition of “slash fic” xD.

    • I was kind of amused and perturbed, myself. Ken dolls kind of creep me out Dx

  196. *Waves at the USS Elanore/Wolfram that is sailing off next to the USS Elanore/Edmund and wonders what the next ship to set sail will be*

  197. Slashy jokes aside, le Count’s actions makes me think he has not-so-moral intentions for the immediate future. ^^;

  198. That made my day INFINITELY better. Thank you.
    (I loved the Count’s costume. And ears. Mostly the ears.)

    • hehe. For some reason people seem to really like ears. I have no idea why. Glad you enjoyed it. I think CSKay is taking requests if anyone is interested. I suppose, though, that’s only for a limited time as I believe her niece wants her doll back xD

  199. Oh No!! At the moment the dear count is far to intent on getting her to accept the concept of the magics of Cauldron, Wand, Word, Will, and Stone; to be quite ready and try and “corrupt” her with the magics of kisses, caresses, silken sheets, & corsets undone.

    at least that’s how I am reading things so far.

    Still I wonder what wonders he has plans to show her now.?

    • LOL. I like that you’re dissenting with the other comments. It makes me feel relieved that there are several ways to look at the situation.

  200. @Puppetmaster, don’t think of it as the “dark side” of commenting. It’s a credit to your storytelling that people keep such close track of the story line. There are few gifts a person can have that are better than being a good storyteller. 🙂

    • I think everyone here actually has been great. (The comments are good feedback and catches, particularly with language that I should have used far more carefully.) That said, I’ve been concerned about some things I see occurring at other stories/comics.You’re right. It’s good that people love something enough to keep close tabs, but I also wonder if people realize that there’s an art to commenting too 🙂 Anyways, hello delurker! Welcome to the story 😀

    • Yes, and have seemingly wrapped up your question about the Book itself and its purpose. Granted, this is all according to the Count!

  201. Oooooooo Nice way to end the chapter. Not with a cliff hanger as is all to common; but with a mystery that we are all anxious to have revealed to us. Nice Work.

    Can I also assume that you are leading us not so subtly into a love triangle for our sweet Elanore??

  202. Lovely, as always!
    I wonder how the village (especially Edmund) will react to all this.
    Let the gossip and wild speculation commence!!! 😀

    • Ah, I do think Elanore has learned her lesson quite well from the messy gossip with Edmund. We’ll see how this sorts out,… xD (*just keeps mouth shut*)

  203. I liked the Count demeanor in the chapter ^_^ he seemed a lot more… taunting. Playful, rather than dark, but still pretty dark 😛 The double eclipse is interesting, too!!

    • I’m not so sure I like him at the moment. He seems to be awfully snakelike to me!

    • 🙂 Glad you are enjoying it! Hopefully next week people don’t snooze when we switch settings :p

  204. Wow, the Count is a fast learner. Are we sure that Giles didn’t have our dear Wolfram follow him and spy on any of his encounters with ladies? Because, seriously, the Count has gone from unnervingly stiff to sexy. Just a bit of a shock so suddenly, but….I think I like it.
    Anyways, to talk about the actual writing, well done indeed. We now have a mystery, but we know what we’re in for in the days ahead.
    Thank you as always for your writing.

    • Interestingly, some of the other comments I’ve received don’t find the Count sexy at all, but slightly creepy xD. I guess one person’s cake is another’s poison.
      And yeah – the Count (if he is reliable) has indicated what he thinks is going to happen. Of course, whether that is really what happens I guess we’ll have to see!

  205. I have to say he seems to be lusting just a tiny bit, since he seems a little jealous of Elanore and Edmund’s relationship. And because he is mysteriously tall dark and handsom, I’d say a bit sexy

    • Chuckling. Yes, he seems like he’s ready to swallow her up in some manner or fashion, agreed. As for the sexy part… dunno! Everyone has their tastes…

    • Haha,… she’s rather interesting. I can’t wait for her to mess with a few other people…

  206. Something tells me that Ilva might have some connection to the ‘witch of the sea’ from the poem on the Count’s map. She doesn’t seem as kind as she’s playing off being, but her conversation with Edmund is certainly intriguing. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes.

    • Thanks! Ilva is a meddlesome lady, but as for who/what she is that will remain to be clarified. (But it will be in this story arc …)
      Glad you’re enjoying it. I’m not quite sure Edmund liked his conversation with her however…

  207. And she does it again ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for another chapter with
    lively conversation and characters.
    And, sigh, I must admit that much like Nigel not being able to decide who his favorite dancer on So U Think U Can Dance is this season, I am yet again switching back to our lovely Edmund as my favourite. He’s just so……down to earth that I can’t help it.
    And as for Ilva, for some reason I see her being a very interesting character in the chapters to come. Can’t wait to learn more about our newest addition. 🙂

    • ahaha, I love Nigel and I love that show. I rarely know or care about the end of the voting because I just enjoy the dancing and the growth of the dancers. Anyways, tangent aside– glad Edmund is getting some respect x]. As for Ilva – yes, she will be around. A lot 🙂

  208. Very powerful lead in to whatever comes next. And yes, I can easily see that this is a lead in, not an actual “bite” as it were of the story. I like that Edmund is rather deep and thoughtful rather than brash and hasty, while still being kind and caring of others. More people should be like he is.

    • First comment! (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ

      Yes – Edmund is such an old soul :)… and yeah, far more centered than his current peers at the moment!

  209. I love this chapter! Thank you for showing us that the Guildmaster is more than
    meets the eye. Yeah for a modicum of sympathy!
    I’m going to agree with Amy that Edmund is delightfully rational and intelligent.
    Thank you for having such lovely 3d characters.
    Oh, and before I forget, I’m so excited that Edmund is more than meets the eye! I can’t wait to hear more of his back story.

    • I’m glad you are enjoying it so far! It’s been a quiet chapter (in terms of comments) so I’m very curious about what people think about Edmund.
      And (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ to you too . (xD I love these faces. I’m going to (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ everyone who posts a comment! )

  210. Huh, well, I’m even more curious now about what exactly happened with Elanore’s mother and the Guildmaster. I think if Elanore really is going to come asking the Guildmaster about it then it’s a good thing Edmund gave him a heads-up. And I agree with everyone else, Edmund really did handle the situation very well.

    • Mmm. I think I’m on the same fence as Edmund in that I hope Elanore will not talk to the man. That doesn’t mean she won’t xD.

      (Edit: Ahaha, forgot this (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ )

  211. I love that you give details to fulfill the story. I never would have thought to ask, “Why was Edmund adopted?” but in hindsight, I feel kind of stupid for not thinking of the question. So thanks for answering it (kind of). I want mooooore!

    • (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ
      Well now you know my modus operandi. Granted, not every little thing is always worth retaining and I have occasionally tossed in a few red herrings when I write, but this one with Edmund was/is something I’ve been waiting to hatch 🙂

  212. Has this Wilheim fellow even met Elanore? She’s way too nice to deserve all this from him.:(

    Edmund’s childhood, though, is far more interesting than the story of Elanore’s mommy. I’m desperately awaiting more details about it!

    • He saw her only but very briefly to bring a message to her when Edmund fell ill. And yes – the man has his prejudices based on his past experiences. As Edmund noted (and was surprised to observe) the man still harbors strong emotions/feelings about Elanore’s mother and that clouds his feelings towards all the Winchester ladies.

      And yeah, Edmund is the quiet sleeper. ehehhehe. I’ve been sort of waiting to begin playing this one out… I like to leave little mines here and there for later excavation 😉

      And Elanore wants to give you a (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ for defending her xD. Okay, maybe not exactly with that goofy of a face, but you get the gist of it!

      • “Edmund is the quiet sleeper” ~snort~ Please Edmund just like The Count is a still pond that there for must run VERY DEEP. Such an understatement on your part dear puppet master is only to be laughed at.

  213. Um….Ed? Are you sure you really want to know what you want to know? ^^v

    Good tension-filled conversation. Poor Ed (as always).

    • No. He doesn’t xD
      And yeah… I think … wow, I think he’s kind of lost right now. I’m trying to poke him into the next part and he is just stymied.
      (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ

  214. A wonderful update for the story. Glad to see the guild master is another complex character for the story to explore.

    • Thanks – initially that really wasn’t the plan, but the more I delved into what should happen later, the more I realized that he needed a little bit more meat than “big burly dude with a chip on his shoulder” 🙂
      Edit: (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ

  215. I’m starting to like the Guildmaster a lot more. Poor guy. I just want to give him a hug. Haha. He probably wouldn’t appreciate that though. =)

    • You’re absolutely right. The man is very proud… sympathy, well… likely doesn’t work on him!

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  217. first reaction: In which Giles goes bear wrestling!

    … oh wait. XD

    Also, I totally would not have caught the Father “Lorrence” reference if you hadn’t mentioned it on Twitter. Heh.

  218. i just wish everyone would get along…but that, sadly, would make for the dullest story ever.
    And, of course, one cannot forget the awesomeness that is Giles. He seems to have some interesting hobbies other than running errands for the Count and hitting on the ladies. Who is this guy, anyway?

    • Giles is apparently a poor superhero stuck in a vehicle that does not suit his awesome crazy behavior/powers xD. (Or maybe a quasi-Victorian equivalent of Errol Flynn reborn as a ninja.)

      In all seriousness, Giles is … well, it’s coming. I’d say he has quite a secret that some of you may suspect or not at this point. I will be doing some more hinting when he and Edmund reappear soon.

  219. Calendars! Something that can really show off your art. Maybe even with some of your favourite quotes from both stories in there. Yeaaaah!

    • That’s a good idea. I think at this point, I’d have to generate some new art though to go with full-fledged calendars first though. Somehow I don’t have quite enough pieces to make the kind of calendar that I”d like. (And I’m kind of anal when it comes to product creation, unlike when I just draw xD)

      Will think through this some more! Thanks for the input!

    • It’s been hard to sell charms lately due to the shift to smartphones that do not seem to have holes for them D:.
      I’ve turned them into keyrings and other things, but am not investing in more until I finish selling off both the Red Riding Hood run and my other random characters.

  220. Good to know that someone in this village has some common sense-the pries. Also, so happy that Giles has made a reappearance. He is my favourite minor-character by far.

    • Yeah, Giles seems to have had some difficulties, hence his absence for just a short while.

      And yeah – the Friar is a good guy, although hm… well he knows more than he has revealed.

    • Glad this works. This chapter has been an editing nightmare… part of the reason why I want a week off to regroup 🙂

    • glad you enjoyed it. Pins and needles aren’t comfortable. Make sure to have some ale or brew if you’re going to be stuck there Dx

  221. it has been so long since i read these! i really like what you have done so far 🙂

  222. Absolutely loved it, as always. For some reason, the doodle you have with the Count, with his little ears and that mischievous smile of his, standing behind Elanore kept popping into my head as I read. This chapter had such a wonderful bit of interplay between Elanore and the Count, it will make their future interactions, and the interactions between each of them and Edmund, even more delicious to read.

    • Ahhh. I don’t know if he’s really all that nice or impish — to some degree this draft brought /pulled him back from going to the length he had wanted to go to ensure Elanore’s compliance. I really had to dampen his ruthlessness or a lot of bad things would have happened xD
      (I do have to say that what I doodle tends to be a lot more humorous or out of character than what I write. I always felt if I had the chops to do this as a comic that the entire tone would have been far lighter and fluffier. )

  223. Silly Count, of course she has boundaries. She is a Young woman and you are a mysterious stranger. Women are supposed to have boundaries around men, Dark, brouding, Mysterious men…. they are tripply expected to have boundaries. lol

  224. This looks to be the start of an even more interesting relationship, especially since the Count gives so little away. I’m sure Elanore will keep him in line, though:).

    • I believe so. I don’t think he really has her all that well manipulated at all! xD

  225. “you punched me!” Oh, Giles, thank you for making my day, even if you did get punched.

    Elanore’s situation is freaking me out a bit, though. Does the approaching of the unthings mean the Count is going to get even more possessive/harsh? It kinda seems that way.

    • Poor Giles. He has wandered into the wrong vehicle for heroics. Instead… he’s here for our amusement 🙂

      As for your other question, it’s quite possible — the Count is very unpredictable. That said, what Elanore allows is another matter entirely 🙂

  226. I always knew Edmund had it in him. My two favourite characters together at last.
    And Count has officially reached a creep factor that I’m not sure can be undone. While I can get on board with the whole I’m not good with people thing so I’m awkward and make some social faux pas, I’m not ok with the “be right at any cost” thing. That is obsession, and we all know where that leads…..phantom of the opera (ala noose).

    • I think the Count really has to learn a lot of things, such as the consequences and short-sightedness of his current lifestyle and thinking. He is a “wolf” after all, and possessiveness/protectiveness I see as something that as part of the ‘pack mentality’ that wolves tend to have. It can be good/bad depending on how it’s executed or (as others may say) what the end result is. In any case, I do think he has moved in a direction that is polarizing although hopefully will sort of make sense when his past is fully unfolded towards the end of this arc and beginning of the next.

      As for Edmund … Giles and Elanore should have an interesting effect upon him and his development. I don’t know if they’re going to drive him slowly mad or what, but we’ll see. x)

  227. First off, love the story.

    Second off, the count is beginning to remind me a lot of Jareth from the Labyrinth, particularly fanfic versions of him. PS, this is not a bad thing in my book 🙂

    • Thank you! (And thanks for delurking 🙂 )

      This is going to sound sacrilegious but I have not seen Labyrinth all the way through. I just remember David Bowie with fantastic hair … I need to go watch again. I miss crazy David Bowie xD

      • You guys are scaring me xD. I’m seriously going to have to try to track down a copy of this movie now xDDD

    • haha! why thank you. I’m going to go off and preen for about five minutes, and then get back to working like mad on all my projects xD BTW – how did you find this story? I forgot to ask you during your first comment… it helps me to hear so I know how to spend my coffee money turned ‘advertising dollars’. Thanks!

  228. Good update. Thank you as always for the well written piece. It’s fun to have things written from Edmund’s perspective, just because he doesn’t know the whole story.

    • It is sort of an odd situation to have the viewer see more things than perhaps the characters do. I wonder sometimes if that can backfire, but we’ll see how it goes. Poor Edmund — I hope at some point he actually becomes the person with all the answers as opposed to the other way around 🙂

  229. life held me captive for a few days…I’m glad my eagerness to check this site paid off though…

    Great chapter.

    • Totally understand :). Life is being pretty mean to me too. I’m having a hard time keeping up the schedule, but still trying until I can get through these next few weeks!

  230. GAH! I can’t decide who I like better! The Count or Edmund! I think the Count is winning 🙂 By the way, Giles is awesome.

    • You can like them both equally, although Giles would like it to be known that if you have trouble choosing a favorite, he’s definitely the one you should pick instead of those two other boogers xD

    • thank you! Glad you are enjoying it. Just posted the next part, so not too long to wait 🙂

  231. Elanore is certainly not a woman to be messed with!! Excellent chapter, I only wish they came out more often than once a week.

    • Yes, she’s rather difficult when grumpy :).

      I do wish I could update more but I have found that I like having the full week to massage the text and tinker with the characters… I’m afraid if I changed the frequency you guys would not like what came out (ie., stream of consciousness dialogue). If more time makes itself available, I think it’s more likely I’ll lengthen the weekly installments than post more often.

      • Oh, I understand, but that doesn’t stop a bookworm like me from wishing that the story came out every single day, haha…

        • xD I take that as a compliment. But I do think you would not wish it if I really did that …

          • Well, of course I’d wish you enough creativity, time, and money to do a good job on it by updating every day. Just like I wish today’s update would go up!! *pokeprod*

            • aww. In my note last week I said it’s moving to Mondays as of “next month” or October… I have the next installment prepped but did one edit tonight and need to do another read through tomorrow when I’m not a zombie from the convention. Don’t stay up! It won’t be up on the site until late tomorrow night…

  232. I’m concerned about a little multiplying issue here. If the blue-green moon eclipses every 11 years, how could a double eclipse ever happen in a 105 year period if this is not a multiple of 11?
    Maybe you meant double eclipse every 110 years?

    • Urk. Went back to my notes (in another journal) and it was supposed to be 21 years, not 11. I’ll have to check to see how this error has propagated in the text (as I may not have referred back to the original journal). Thanks for pointing that out. The eclipse of one is not particularly important to the story, so for now will remove it.

    • I have had the pleasure of working around a lot of “healers” in real life and they are, when it counts, very good at what they do. But they also can be quite tough too haha!

  233. GAH! Okay I had a whole comment written out and then my browser just ate it!

    Anyways, it went something along the lines of I like how here there is the air of Elanore liking the Count and yet acknowledging how much bigger he is than them in terms of pieces to the game while poor Edmund is simultaneously feeling closer to and more confused with Elanore. I am also getting Labyrinth/Lord of the Rings vibes (a la Aragorn/Arwen)

    • Elanore has rather complicated feelings towards a lot of people … perhaps she’s better at working than relationships xD. And… dude, I really need to see Labyrinth!

    • glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for such a late response! I lost this comment 😮

  234. So much wonderful! Poor Edmund… he’s in such an uncomfortable and confusing spot right now. I can’t wait to see how the Count-Eleanor-Edmund friction continues!

    I always look forward to these updates so much!

    • aw thanks! Always glad to hear from new folks and get a sense of where readers are /what they enjoy. I do expect/anticipate more messy relational angst forthcoming, although maybe not in the way people expected xD

  235. I hope that is “Her Cat” coming home. A large stone cat would make a large thumping at the back door when it wants to come in and sit by the fire.

    • aww. Now that would be so cute. But if the cat were smart, it’d stay away until Giles was long gone. That man seems to loathe that thing!

  236. I discovered your lovely story through a link on the Girl Genius web comic page. I’ve spent the last 2 weekends catching up and now that I have, I’m a little heart broken that I don’t have pages and pages to still look forward to. I particularly like Giles and can’t wait to find out *what* he truly is. I’m really enjoying the story and the gradual revelation of the characters. Wonderful!

    • Ahhh! I’m glad to hear that the little banner ad sucked at least one person in x3. Yes – it’s hard to read things serially…I know a lot of folks prefer to chug through works at their own pace. It’s something I’ll need to keep in mind when I begin developing Book 2 :). But thanks for being patient regardless. Someday maybe I’ll be able to write full-time but I suspect that’s a pipe dream 🙂

  237. I have been reading this for a while and absolutely love the series.

    By the way, is this bird going to suddenly cry “Nevermore!”?

    • LOL. I was thinking about Edgar Allen Poe while drafting this week’s installment. Glad you are enjoying it and thanks for delurking.

  238. Oh man I absolutely love this story! I get so excited every Sunday, lurking and waiting for the next installment… Elanore and Edmund are so cute! I have this theory that Edmund is part elf and so is Elanore… I am looking forward to next week ^_^

    • Aww. It makes me happy to hear folks actually waiting for each update :). Hope you caught the bit about the updates changing to Monday for now. Last year I had a bit of a problem with the holidays and juggling Sundays… and so am going to try to keep it to Monday nights.

      Elanore and Ed are definitely open-ended as to their past heritage, although I think Elanore’s is a little more cleanly outlined than Ed’s. (Of course, a lot of what they know is still based on what other people say. *evil grin*)

      Thanks for also delurking btw. If you recall how you found this site, let me know! I’m always curious about how people found this site!

      • Actually I do. I believe it was a project wonderful ad that was in another serial I’m reading called “The Dragon Wars Saga.” Same author also is working on “The Haventon Chronicles” which is currently linked in your sidebar. ^_^ I always find it funny when you guys end up having advertisements for each other since I read you both.

        • Actually there are very few serials in the PW chain. Most of the advertisers appear to be webcomic projects … I definitely target my advertising to other serials if possible, as it’s much easier to convince someone already used to reading novellas online to try mine than convincing a webcomic reader to try serial fiction 🙂

  239. I love it when I read updates. =) It makes my week happy.

    I read over some comments and saw that you like to know how people find your comic. I believe I stumbled across your deviantArt gallery somehow. Prolly one of my random searches for Red Riding Hood stuff. =)

    • Ahhh. Yeah – My red riding hood art has been up there a while and it took me years to get to fleshing this out as a piece of fiction instead. Initially this was going to be more like a comic or something but I have no particular skill for paneling and feel more comfortable with putting worldbuilding through text.

      I”ll have an update later today I think ( a day early) !

  240. I’m really liking how the story is going so far. The plot flows seamlessly from one scene to the next, the characters and I’ve been pretty much hooked since the firs chapter (though I haven’t commented until now because…I couldn’t stop reading lol ^^; )

    Oh, so the Count has decided to pay her Grandmother a visit? The atmosphere in the room is bound to be thick with tension, especially with him and Edmund in the same room…

    • that is to say…. Prayers for you and your family…. Hope that all goes as well as possible.

  241. I agree, the shift in POV was a bit confusing, but hey, switching it up never heard anybody, especially when there’s a cliffhanger dangling at the end. Well done!

    • Yeah -that’s something I will think about when I eventually reedit this for an ebook version.

  242. Me thinks you have a typo: Slowly, he felt the hairs on heck stand.

    Other than that, excellent writing. I have enjoyed your story and have been having fun guessing where it will lead. Please keep up the good work.

  243. Hi guys. Thanks for your well wishes. Things went okay and I’m back in town and will start prepping the next update. Hope to have it up next Monday for all of you, just in time for Halloween!

    • thanks Marcus! I appreciate your note as well… so encouraged by all of you guys while I was away.

  244. Wow. I just found this yesterday, and I’ve been on a reading binge since. This is amazing work, and I’ll eagerly be waiting for more.

    • Thank you! I”m glad to hear that you’re enjoying it. Do you remember how/where you ran across it? I’d love to know… Wattpad? Erstwhile tales? 😀

  245. I have always known of that story as the Children of Lir. When I originally found it it did have 7 children, but most iterations I have found since have more like 4. It’s one of my favorites!

    • Oh my – I just looked that up and realized that Lloyd Alexander ( a childhood favorite of mine) also used the name “LLyr”… he’s a huge Arthurian nut too, so my guess is he may have picked up the same name …

      Also looked up the rendition you mention. I love the names 🙂

  246. Thank you for the new chapter! Some things revealed leading to many more questions.
    By the way, I found this off of the Phoenix Requiem.

    • ah, good to know! Phoenix Requiem proved to be a good place to hook in readers 🙂

      • I read Pheonix Requiem, but I actually found this through Dominic Deegan. Been hooked for awhile now 🙂

        • I think you’re the first or second person to say that’s how you navigated in. It was one of the more peculiar experiments in advertising I ran. Deegan is such a long epic and mostly humorous fantasy story, so didn’t know if there would be any crossover. GOod to know though that I found at least one person!

          Glad you’re enjoying it 🙂

          • Yeah, Deegan has definitely had a long run! And it’s been really neat to watch the artwork evolve over the years.

            But if you’re looking for the common thread, it’s probably the knack for good storytelling 🙂

            • I haven’t been able to catch up — I mean it’s that long! xD

              It’s surprising to me how he’s kept the four panel format all these years. I can imagine it was hard for people in teh early days to not get impatient with the storytelling. I definitely have the benefit of the humongous buffer to sift through the storylines.

              Anyways glad you find some common threads. Deegan has way more humor… I’m definitely interested in writing funny/strange/weird, but laugh out loud funny isn’t my strength xD

  247. Oooh, I’ve caught up. I absolutely love this story and am deriving great pleasure from
    trying to put all of the puzzle pieces together as well as finding all of the references to fairy tales that you weave beautifully into your story.

    Since I’ve seen you ask many people lately I will jump the gun and tell you that I have seen a link to this story in many places over quite a length of time. It has been sitting in my “to read” pile for quite a while and I finally got around to picking it up. I can’t remember all of the places I have seen a link to your story, but the most recent one is probably on Erstwhile.

    • Ahhh, yes, there are a few more references to fairy tales and mythology in here already. Some are more obvious, i.e., The Wild Swans, and some are very much tad in cheek (Beowulf, Shakespeare, and a few other Grimm Tales among them, along with some Mother Goose stuff xD).

      If you caught this on Erstwhile, my guess is that you saw the ad on RedString… I used to run one there pretty consistently but switched when I saw that Erstwhile was updating 🙂

  248. Hello, sgl. I have been reading and enjoying your webnovel for a while now. I am very much impressed with your worldbuilding and character development. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    P.S. My email is ryuuseiu.x[@]

  249. I love that we got to see the swan queen and her brothers. Especially since I have always loved their story. I had a vhs when I was little that had the Swan Queen, Spirit in a Bottle, Little Red Riding Hood, and one other fairy tale that I can’t remember on it. I watched that thing and I would usually fast forward to the Swan Queen and Spirit in a Bottle because I loved seeing the non standard fairy tales. I have unfortunately lost the tape. T_T I am glad that you utilize the story so much. It is nice to find people who know it since most of my friends have never heard of it and even my parents couldn’t remember me having this vhs.

    • Wow – I didn’t know someone had animated that. I’d love to see someone actually pick up these projects and flesh them out as high-quality releases for families. On a random note, since you’re a fairy tale enthusiast, oneo f the animation studios in Japan ran Snow Queen (not Swan Queen) last year or the year before . YOu might be able to still find the subtitled versions online… it was a pretty faithful (and sometimes slow) rendition …

  250. I have been reading your webnovel for awhile but once I caught up wasn’t able to wait a week for another installment. So with that said what does a girl do? 🙂 She waits a couple weeks between readings and gets drawn anew into your interesting process and world everytime.

    • 🙂 Delurker!

      Your addresses actually are in the db once you post (so it knows to leave you be the next time)… so no need to post your actual email address at all .Sorry about the confusion there folks. Thanks!

      • Ohhh! 🙂 I had to read through some of the comments to get that you were calling ME a Delurker. I will try and comment more often but I only speak/type 🙂 when I can be beneficial.

        • xD There are quite a few of you in this post… it makes me happy to know that there are REAL people out there behind all the random traffic hits and such (and not spammers :D).

          No worries about commenting though all the time. Just seeing new faces was a very cool surprise 😀

  251. I’ve finally caught up with the story. Due to work and moving continents I’ve been off for a while, but wow I feel a bit light-headed there’s so much going on. Thank you again for such a fun romp through this world.

    • ahhh, Yeah, so many spinning plates to track, I’m afraid 😀
      Glad you are back though! Hope you are doing okay with this move!

  252. COMMENT! I want one! *squee.

    I’m intrigued to see how the lion’s play a part in the future.

  253. Oooh…Wilhelm seems unwilling to admit there is magic in the world, so I wonder what explanation he will come up with for stone lions running amok. 😀

    I am also becoming more curious as to who Elanore’s father is.

    • Yes. The lion isn’t there at the moment though, so perhaps he will not have to think of it quite yet…

  254. So the count is finally looking into the whole Red Cape thing. I would love to see him explore this idea more deeply. There are SOoo many implications behind this. I also look forward to learning more about the mysterious female watcher of the lake. As always I love this story.

    • I don’t know that he will. He’s rather fixated on his alternative theory at the moment as to the whole weird thing for him with ELanore.
      As for the watcher of the lake, she actually has been referenced both in this story and in the short story I wrote a few months ago. (It was not really meant to be so obscure as to who she is, so perhaps one of the other kind readers might provide their analysis as to who/what she specifically is. She IS a major player in the next book I have planned.)

  255. I also can’t wait to see what further part the lions will play in the Future of this story. Why do I keep hoping that one of them bonds with our heroine??

    • Secretly they possess the souls of fuzzy kittens so you absolutely know that they will appear again and take over the entire story xD.
      (Actually one or more appear in short order)

    • 🙂 Yep. Alerted and curious… unfortunately she may not be the only one now turning an eye towards the town.

  256. I want one of the lions to attach to the heroine and follow her around and give her rides and such… I think it would be funny if it rolled aver and begged for a tummy rub XD

  257. A shame Elenore can’t benefit from current cooking classes. Start with simple things, boiling water.. making toast..

    • I think she has no idea what is bad or good. She’s able to cook… it’s just that she tends to approach things probably more like an apothecary and therefore seems to fail to understand the art of tasting as you go :)…

      Or… she just has bad taste thanks to growing up with a mother who isn’t that good at cooking either xD

  258. Noooo! Edmund, you were asking some of the questions we want answers to! Why did you give up so easily?! D:

    I love this story. I am very interested in who the lady Edmund is dreaming about is.

    • Giles is not being cooperative. Edmund will find out eventually what is going on, but he may have to try a few different ways to get at that information.

      As for the lady… well, she’s not a figment of his imagination. I think and I hope that by the time we finish this story that she and a few other characters will be more clearly linked together to give us all a better picture of who Edmund really is 🙂

  259. I can see is the Count and Elanore over a boiling cauldron…. With Edmund looking on in jealousy….

    So the Count had definitely got my attention… Can I keep him???

    • Wait, so you can see them cooking in oil and Edmund is jealous? xD

      The Count … there’s a line apparently that formed a long time ago for his body and his soul. You’d have to fight off some elves and assorted humanoids for him xD

  260. I feel bad for Elanore in the fact that everyone doubts her or pushes her. The Count wants her for her powers, her mother sends her off for her grandmother, and the town gossips about her. Plus, the Guild-master judges her as her mother. Poor dear.

    I really don’t like the Guild-master for some reason…

    • Giles brings out the best and worst in people. He is that too loud uncle that every family has XD

  261. Woohoo! I found it, all my favourites suddenly vanished and I forgot the name of this! 🙂
    Love it, love the story, love it all together! 🙂

    • Pancakes always sound better in fiction than in real life. I can’t stand them unless they’re cooked crispy and soft at the same time with real butter and really good maple syrup, alongside a side of bacon. But that has nothing to do with the story xD

  262. To tell the truth, I never comment on my web comics, though I really probably should…

    I can’t pass up the opportunity to not only win some of your art, but to chat with the author!


      Glad you are enjoying the story! Hopefully have more art to giveaway next month (as I travel for Thanksgiving, I’ll probably have more time to doodle…)
      As for a chat, sure, ask away!

  263. And I feel guilty, but I haven’t read the novel in a while. *^* Evil last semester of school, keeping me deadly busy, no time for enjoy my favorite things. As horrible as it seems, I can’t wait to start work, so I have time to do nice things, like sleep and read things that require me to remember plots.

    • He’s a lovable guy, or so he’d say while he preens a bit at your compliment. (He is extremely funny to write. He just says whatever the hell he feels like! xD)

  264. Elenore meeting the lion again is just begging to be sketched, shame I have trouble with stick figures..

    • hah! I’ll consider that a request. I hope to open up some free time in December to do a few b/w and toned drawings… I’ll consider other requests for characters or suggestions for scenes, so everyone leave ’em here 😀

  265. I really like your multilayered character development. Each one is interesting. Although it’s hard to have to wait for each installment to find out more! Thanks for the story.

    • Yeah – I wish I could write faster, but time is a precious, rare commodity these days! Glad though you are still enjoying reading 🙂

  266. Hi,I’ve been reading this for a while and I’ve finally caught up with the story. It’s an amazing story with brilliant characters.(I’ve deciced that Count is my favorite XD) But now I have to wait for the next update. D:

    • Aw, thanks for delurking and providing that gracious comment. I’m glad you are enjoying the story. (Granted, I feel a lot of pressure to keep you all happy xD. )

      Next update will be Monday if all goes well. It’s been a bizarre week for me post-Thanksgiving, so it may be shorter than anticipated, but it will be there Monday!

  267. yay! thanks so much! I’m super excited to see what the sketches/art looks like. 😀 is there anything else you need from me?

    • Nope! It was posted yesterday and hopefully should get to you this week. If it doesn’t, let me know… I’m paranoid about USPS….

  268. The story is wonderful. This is the earliest chapter I can comment on, but I must inform you soon before I burst of excitement. I am absolutely immersed in your characters and your writing. This is one of the first serial web-novels I have ran across and I have become seriously enchanted. I hope to see more of your writings soon and thank you for the unique take on the tale of the Big Bad Wolf!

    • Ahhh glad you are enjoying the story :). Can I ask how you wandered in and found the story?

        • Oh yeah! I follow that and the author’s other comic, Lavender Legend. I’m sad that EW hasn’t updated in a while though… interested to see how it develops.

  269. Ah my 2 favourite men in the same scene together. What could possibly go wrong? Obviously, nothing! I loved this scene and how they both brought out some honesty in the other. Thank you, and I hope to see more of these two interacting in the future.

  270. Ah my 2 favourite men in the same scene together. What could possibly go wrong? Obviously, nothing! I loved this scene and how they both brought out some honesty in the other. Thank you, and I hope to see more of these two interacting in the future. Is the lady he’s seeing in his dreams (Edmund I mean) the strange visitor he had in the shop? Or someone else entirely? Very intriguing.

    • Giles is essentially honest when he is left to operate on his own. Blunt and charmingly obnoxious sometimes, but a generally good guy to have in your corner. It helps that he is a bit older and wiser than Edmund… although not as wise as he sometimes believes himself to be. (heh.)

      Your last question is a good one. We shall see 🙂

    • Yup. Elanore is more like her grandparents than her mother :]
      However, at times she is a bit ADD like her mother xD

    • Glad you are enjoying it. If you recall, can I ask how you found this story? Thanks!

      • I saw an ad at the side of one of the webcomics I read. Might have been twokinds, but I can’t remember for sure.

        • Ah, that’s alright! If it was random surfing, then that’s cool — I have a few ads that are just targeted at random types of sites. There were/are a bunch of folks who came in through similar type webcomics so I was wondering about that… it’s always helpful for me to understand how people arrive here so that I can continue to hunt readers effectively 😉

  271. I just found your story a few days ago and have been devouring it ever since. Wonderful work so far and I’m very excited to read more. I have a fondness for fairy tale adaptations and yours provides a very rich world with lots of lovely teasers and references. Just thought I’d let you know I’ve enjoyed it thus far and plan to continue reading and sharing this work.

    • Ah – I love adaptations too. I’m hoping that with “Once Upon a Time” showing some success that we’ll be seeing more… And thank you for sharing with others. My biggest reward right now is finding new readers… any help you guys can give is much appreciated!

  272. I wanted to let you know that after stumbling across your site a few months ago, I read all that you had written over the course of a few days. I still eagerly await for each new chapter every week.

    But you inspired me to start writing again after a two year hiatus. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I read your wonderful story. I wanted you to know. Thank you. 🙂

    Very Sincerely,

    • Wow – that’s amazing! I had taken a break from writing too, but really am enjoying it now that I’m back. Are you going to be publishing any of it online?

      • I am, actually. 🙂 I’m terrified and excited about the prospect all at once. I’m pleased to say that I have a lot of background information finished and the first arc of a story done. But that pesky thing called “university” keeps getting in the way.

        • Ah ha! Well there’s always a vacation time to start writing… if you’re going to be posting/writing as you go, try to build up a large enough buffer so you can afford time off here and there. I’ll tell you once I tore through mine, it became really hard to keep up the schedule I established. definitely drop me the link too once you’ve started. I’d love to read…

          • Absolutely! Sorry for the late reply. Finals are next week and I had work.


            That’s what I have so far. And I completely understand about the need for a buffer. I’m very glad that I had the first arc done before I started posting. Second arc won’t start until next year, perhaps mid January.

            • ahhh, I’ll check it out! Let me know if you are looking for any feedback and what kind….

    • :p I do not like those gooey things called Cadbury eggs. Have you figured out exactly where the Arthurian references are popping up? xD

  273. I also started reading recently, I came over on a link from Erstwhile and am eating up every word you write. Also veins of stone he he he, I’m hoping the roads in this world don’t interfere with them. 😉

    • Well, the one main road is an elven road (repurposed by humans) … as for the rest, yeah, we’ll see 😉

      And glad you came on over and read the story! i’ve been following Erstwhile too for a while as I have a fondness for fairy tales 😀

    • They’re overgrown cats 🙂 Of course they can be cute. Once in a while. And then frustrating the rest of the time =^_^=

  274. Yay! Adorable, nuzzling stone lions! :3 This was a nice surprise after marathoning through five final exams in a week. Will you be doing more chapter illustrations anytime soon?

    • I’d like to just like when I first started, but after I killed the buffer, it was hard to pace out the drawing and writing on a weekly schedule.

      More than likely what will happen is I’ll wait until Book one is done and prep some illustrations before I compile it into an ebook version or some kind of special collector’s print copy (depending on what I determine to be plausible and financially within my means to do so). I definitely would welcome suggestions and requests though in the interim. I might be able to squeeze in some new illos over the holiday 🙂

  275. Such a thrill to read a chapter like this and see how an author puts together their own rules for magic.
    As ever, I’m left quite eager for more, both learning about magic and antics with stone lions.

    • This was really one of those chapters I was sort of dreading constructing because I think I’m not a particular fan of blackbox magic and yet didn’t want to have a huge ruleset to carry forward. Glad it seems to have passed your laugh test. As for the lions, yes… expect the next update to deal with them substantially….

      • A huge set of rules can be a pain, though I have seen authors who take a “Eh, it just does” approach to how a worlds magic works, and that has worked.

        • Yeah – someone put up a chart recently which I discovered while blog surfing last night: Think its’ funny how a lot stay away from defining magic, but probably for the best…. after all, why put in things which bind you later? 🙂

  276. Favorite chapter so far! I liked the description of magic; it was poetic and yet easy to comprehend. I especially like the Count’s conduct, and even if Elanore ends up with Edmund, I’m still looking forward to her and the Count’s stay together.

    I like your writing style. You slip in little words that intrigue me (opine, cognizant, etc), and I like that my vocabulary is growing from reading the story. I’ve been meaning to mention this for a while. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

    • *grabs the delurker*
      Thank you for taking the time to comment here. I’m particularly interested in the latter part of your comment as I know that by channeling more of my Austenian tendencies that the language might become somewhat of an issue for folks, but also am glad to hear that you are taking it as a challenge to be enjoyed rather than running away screaming at me x).

      Also glad to find that the description of magic works. I’m still sorting through the other kinds of magic in this world in my head and hope the explanation will work when it does come up. (As such, I hope not to delve into it at all with this particular book. I think I’m going to leave that to the elves whenever they become the predominant focus of my writing.)

      As for Elanore — well, nothing is set in stone. In fact, I think the way this book ends will probably shock a lot of people. xD

  277. The lion should be excited about finally having friends to talk to.

    So…Have you read Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber? Because in some ways the blue stones remind me of some in his story….in other ways they are completely different, but it still made me wonder.

    • The lion is already pretty excited with Edmund out there, but he and his friends are going to be really busy from this point forward :D.

      I have not heard of Zelazny or any authors who generally aren’t well known in the mass media. To be honest, it comes down to a list of a dozen or less fantasy authors that I”ve read– Tolkien, C.S., Lewis, Lloyd Alexander, McCaffery, Terry Brooks, some random TH White, JK Rowling, and if you count Madeleine L’Engle and her Wrinkle of Time trilogy — more like that. (Oh and then I tried to start the Wheel of Time series by Jordan and the Deverry series by Kerr but didn’t complete either.)

      From what I can tell, a lot of authors like the idea of “one stone”, “one ring,” “one talisman.” A lot of games do too… and if this were a game, these stones would probably be the kind that you mine and hoard for later use xD. They’re consumable and exchangeable… which I guess probably violates some fantasy trope out there.

      But back to your question which is about this magic system that is being unfolded here. Like Brooks and McCaffery, there is a scientific or methodological process to the “magic” that is described here, or at least with the stones and other items capable of “transference.” The best modern day analogies to these stones and their properties would be to examine some of the laws of physics — magnets and waves 🙂
      SOrry for such a convoluted answer… xD I hope it was interesting though!

  278. I loved your explanation of the different types of magic and how they work. Th Count’s certainty that they won’t have to worry about someone with both abilities has me a little worried now, though…

    The stone lions are so much fun 🙂 Glad to hear they will be more active in coming chapters!

    • Yes, it’s like saying the probability of getting struck by lighting is 1 in “xyz” and yet, people get struck quite often xD.

      The lions are rather interesting in themselves. I don’t know how much play time they’re going to have after this point, though .We’ll see… they’ve already set their sights on someone possibly quite surprising as a playmate xD (at least in this next installment I’ve started to write).

  279. I am, but I donated my Lego collection. I miss it at times. I think once I’m done with university I’ll start it up again. 🙂

    • Yeah, my sister and I had a lego set growing up but it’s been passed on to some younger “kids”. That said, I just went and splurged on some more just to make funny settings for my lego peeps. xD

    • 🙂 Thanks! Will do and guessing you’re now caught up. Should be posting the next installment tonight… if my brain functions kick in long enough to update xD

  280. These chapters are really great. So far they are making my week and I look forward to reading them.

    • *nodnod* I’d venture to say that the lion has a particular interest in Edmund. Possibly the only thing that really understand him.

  281. Okay, im delurking……..I LOVE this story……it helps get me through the workdays when we are not too busy. Very excited to see what will be revealed in the pages to come!

    • I’m glad to hear that 🙂 And thank you for delurking… sometimes I have NOoooooo idea if people are really reading or it’s all little webbots hitting this page xD
      I’ll be on break for the holidays (and to catch up on other things) but back at the New Year. Don’t get caught reading at work xDDDD

  282. If I could torture the next chapter(s) out of you I’d do it, but alas I have to wait till next week.
    Keep up the good work btw.

    • Haha, I wish I could get this out of my brain faster, believe me :). Glad you’re enjoying the story though and thanks for delurking :d

  283. Amazing work, as usual. I’m interested to see what the lion will teach Edmund. I have to wonder if the Count knows that the lion will be instructing the young hunter, though. I imagine Edmund’s presence on the grounds, “distracting” Elanore from her lessons, may be quite the annoyance for the Count.
    Can’t wait for further chapters!
    Happy holidays!

    • I think the lions will take quite a shining to Edmund for reasons that will /should become clearer in a few weeks. And yes, lots of issues with the lions doing what -they- want…

  284. More than anything I look forward to each update to this story. As for a name for Mr. Lion… Something about him suggests to me the name / word …. Ebullience

    • Actually he has a bit of an odd name, thanks to a much younger Count. x)

      Glad you continue to enjoy reading! I am glad to hear so… keeps me diligent about maintaining the schedule when I have pressure from everyone to keep posting :]

    • Thank you! 🙂 I have another one I”m working on, but Edmund is not cooperating atm xD

  285. I love you…. and hate you. You write such wonderful, interesting stories, with beautiful settings and 3d characters and I can’t help but think “WHY CAN’T I WRITE LIKE THIS! WHY DOES THIS PERSON HAVE THE SKILL I WANT TO POSSESS! RAWR!” Alright, rant over, love this story.
    Also, got here by a link from

    • LOL. Thank you. I do appreciate the compliment. I think when it comes to writing it’s important to state that one of the best ways to find a voice you like to write in is to read what you want to aim for. I read quite a bit of Brit lit growing up as well binged on Bradbury from time to time to help me “hear” the kind of voice I wanted to aim for.

      I’ve also been writing for a long time. Mostly fanfic prior to this, but it was enormously helpful for practicing.

      Glad you took the link over and decided to give the story a chance. I do appreciate every reader that passes through and comments. Hope you continue to enjoy reading (you’re almost caught up)!

  286. And every Lion will need to be different too. O what a lot of new folk in the story. Great work. SadCat

    • well, at least these first few. I’m not sure I plan to write 100+ of them at this point … I think I would go nuts trying to manage the crowd xD

  287. Bad Edmund, not being nice and sitting still to be sketched.
    What sort of names can we speculate on for the lions… Cuddles.. Mr.Fluffykins..

  288. Gah, and here I was sort of vaguely hoping that I’d never actually reach the end point where I’d have to wait for Mondays because… well because then I’d have to wait lol! Although this does mean I am no longer a lurking background reader. I am wildly enjoying the lions, and being as Monday isn’t toooooooo far away I guess I can be patient. You write such fantastic characters, I’m really looking forward to reading more!

    • I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the story that much! And yes — Monday is only another few hours away and I’ll be updating with a double-sized post I believe. (Still editing but it’s clocking in as a much longer part).

      And yes, there will be more lions to enjoy. They are such little stinkers xD

  289. I’ve finally just finished catching up on all the chapters so far. I must say, this is a delightful and intriguing story, and I cannot wait for it to continue. Clicking on the ad link over at Erstwhile was a wonderful decision. 🙂
    And I have to say also, Edmund is so amusing, I love his sense of innocence and propriety. But my favorite characters so far are the lions. 🙂
    Til next time!

    • Ah -I’m glad that you found the story that way! I figured that that would be a good place to catch the attention of those who like fairy tale tropes and such. And the lions I think are everyone’s favorites….

      Thanks for delurking! Always love hearing from folks where they found the story.

    • haha. That might be partly because the last sentence had something to do with food xD.

  290. OMG!!! Thank you. What a great way to help me end a very horrible day with a very happy smile!!! I love it.

  291. A triple long update is a wonderful thing with chapters like these. I would hate to think of waiting another week between Lamb and Uwain waking up.
    The names are wonderful fit so far. Myself, and my fox-squirrel plushie named Arthur, are hoping for one named after our good king. 😉

    • Yeah – actually I was not really inclined to spread it out. I like the lions but they are greedy little guys who need to go do other work and let the plot move along xD. As for a lion named after the “once and future” king… no… the Count did not see fit to do that . But I suspect he’s given the other 100 or so lions some rather fun names from literature.

  292. I can’t wait for the next chapter! I happen to be a new reader and so far I’m just loving this story. I am quite happy I found this site.

    • Wow – you caught up! xD
      Welcome to the site and thank you for leaving a comment or virtual hand wave to let me know you’re here. Do you recall how you found it? Thanks!

      • Thank you for welcoming me to the site XD. I found an ad for this site while I was reading an online comic called ‘Hurrocks Fardel.’

        • ah interesting. I have some random campaigns so am unfamiliar with that comic but will check the site out! 😀

  293. The lion’s differing temperaments, I feel, will make for a very interesting visit next time. =)

    • I think so too… although it’s also helpful to have those that know a lot more about how things are supposed to work. As much as I love Lion #1 (aka Gawain), he’s a little bit excitable and sometimes brash. He’s not as quite given over to explaining things as some of his more newly awakened companions happen to be@!

  294. I enjoyed this installment, but I liked the sound of the idea, so I’m still gonna throw bon bons. *grabs a scale trebuchet and starts chucking bon bons* It’s nice that Lamb can now help Elanore translate for the other lions. I wonder if it’s because he’s newer? Or maybe there’s something else about him…

    Thanks for the update!

    • (I seriously would be hugging you if those were not virtual. I’m editing so in massive need of a chocolate fix xD).

      To answer your question — yes. He is newer and his particular ‘mix” of stuff in him has been adjusted. It’s not a very sexy explanation, but it makes him far more suited to be of help in this situation. Galahad was very VERY clever when he picked our dear little “Lamb” to be woken.

  295. *resists urge to be a troll and call firsties*

    Glad to see the count will be paying attention to those around him a bit more, if this is good or bad I suspect we’ll be seeing soon.
    Hope Giles will be back to his old self soon, he’s had quite a rough few days.

    • Haha. you should call it. That would be extremely funny although in most cases these days you are the first or second to post a comment xD.

      I think the Count is kind of a dolt sometimes and I think it’s going to be quite a shock for him when things start to unfold over the next few chapters. I’m actually really looking forward to how he is forced to interact with society again… as for Giles… he’ll be back soon in some kind of action, even if he ought not to be doing much.

    • Yeah, they do have their charms but… man… they keep wanting to just run around and take everything over . *shoves them away*

  296. Stayed up to read through the whole story- it’s absolutely amazing, and I can’t wait for your next update.
    Thank you for sharing your gift.

  297. So I’m getting the feeling that Giles has these “transforming” powers(resists to call him an animagus) that he can turn into a wolf…And it apparently runs through the family;maybe like a special gift?. anywho that’s my theorie…

    • 🙂 I like these theories. Giles’ special gifts should start falling into place in the next few chapters… After that I hope some of the questions from much earlier chapters start to resolve themselves. At least… that’s what I hope happens!

  298. And the plot thickens…
    Love the update! I can’t wait to find out what Edmund’s secret is, this is so much fun to read.

    • Hehe. Glad you’re having fun 🙂 I think Edmund’s secret is pretty interesting although I don’t plan to wholly resolve it before I end this specific “book.”

  299. Double-sized update! Excellent, I love how much attention the lions have been getting. They are the biggest love-sponges! Aside, definitely looking forward to some time spent with our favourite (not quite) humans in the aftermath of all the magic. See you next week!

    • Love-sponges! That’s an awesome term for them! (They do seem to just be greedy little kittens after all.)

  300. Bah! Reached the end of the archives ;_; Good thing it’s Monday tomorrow!!

    Congratulations on roping in another fan! (FYI I arrived here from Devil’s Cake)

    • Awesome! I will try not to let you get too far away now that I’ve roped you here ^_^ . (Sends over some lions to pin you down xD)

  301. But all children are magical… Maybe something will happen to help keep these two forever magical….

    • You know, sometimes I’m not sure if that’s a good thing… the Count started off as one, and not sure that he’s quite whole at the moment. Haven’t gone back and filled in a lot of missing years for you all, but … well… magic has its price and draws its own enemies.

  302. The line “dumb but tasty deer” had to be my favorite line. It made me giggle. 🙂 I also like how we are seeing more of the white woman. It will be interesting to see how she fits into the story. And the children are so very adorable. 🙂
    Til next time!

    • (Bambi fans will hate me for the deer comment. We had so many of them where I grew up that I missed wolves and coyotes in our area Dx. )

      The white lady (Ilva) is pretty darn tootin’ important. She’s going to cause a lot of gnashing of teeth soon (wheee)!

  303. I am so hooked. I read like all the chapters in a matter of days. I am just so intrigued with the count. 🙂 I keep refreshing to see if there are more chapters posted yet lol

    • Haha, all of my characters (older ones at least) are such a complex mess xD. Glad the story drew you in. As I and some of the readers have been doing this the long drawn out way, it’s hard to gather what kind of impression is left on people reading things all at once!

      There should be one more update from Monday in your queue (part B)… but I usually stick with a once a week update… with an exception for a midweek art post when I have something to show.

      This week I should have something to show although I may hold off until Thursday out of deference for the SOPA related activities going on… come back Thursday/Friday-ish if you want to catch a new color doodle 😉

  304. Finally caught up after these past few, enjoyable updates.

    It’s nice to have a change of scene (albeit I’ll miss the playful interactions with the lions). I have an inkling that this mysterious white lady is up to something.

    • Yuuuup 🙂
      And the lions will return, but not in such large quantities. There’s at least one or two probably sniffing their way towards town 😉

  305. Nooo! It ended too soon! What is the friar going to tell Edmund?? The next update cannot come soon enough, and I await it eagerly. 🙂

    Also, may I just add that some of your descriptive writing astounds me, it is so lovely. Case in point: “She watched him, his profile cleanly and elegantly illuminated in the light of evenfall.” I can just picture this in my mind, which goes to show how precise your descriptions are. 🙂

    • x) This time I promise we will see exactly what the friar has in mind. (No skip forwards with explanations later.)

      As for the writing – thanks. I know the chapters have been dialogue lately and I’ll have to figure out how to bring the descriptive elements back in (either by contracting what I work with each week or by leaving it all to the ebook version).

      I do appreciate feedback like this though. You have no idea how annoyed I get at myself if I think I’m slacking in the writing department!

  306. A triple long update would have kept such a cliffhanger from happening..
    I kid, please don’t throw anything at me!!

  307. Whoa! Something to give and tell him, that might deter him from Elanore? The plot thickens! 😛 I wonder… What’s the ‘well incident’?
    Though I don’t think Edmund is entirely correct in assuming Elanore only thinks of him as a brother, I can’t figure out if I’m happy he feels reluctant to pursue her or not. I’m having trouble deciding which suitor I’m rooting for, though truthfully, at this point Edmund seems to care more for her, and I’d want her to be with someone who appreciates her.

    • 🙂 Edmund’s journey in this story is not about Elanore, after all. He’s a young man with no identity… and we know how that works in most fantasy stories xD.

      And yes… our characters are often mistaken on many things although when it comes to Elanore, I don’t really think the matter of “who she ends up with” is going to be resolved conclusively for some time. I have indicated that there will be at least two books and it is very reasonable that while I will focus on explaining more about the world and the Swan Queen in the next book, the story of Elanore, Edmund, and the Count wil lbe tightly wrapped up into that book.

      And yes, like you, I want Elanore to end up happy. I think it remains to be seen how that is accomplished though xD

      (And yes, the well! Note it! It may come up again :3)

  308. I bet he’s going to give him something from his past. I can’t wait to see what it is. This is much more interesting a tale than the usual Red Riding Hood story. Is it wrong I’m still cheering for the lord? lol

    • *nod nod*
      Red Riding Hood is a framework of sorts . More metaphor than literal interpretation .

      As for cheering for the Count, there’s no harm xD. That said, the man does not have an ounce of romance in his body xDDD

    • It’s okay. I did that in one update too. I was getting all my Edmunds, Edwards, and such all mixed up after rereading one of Jane Austen’s books! (She has both Edmund and Edward for her protagonists… quite confusing.)

    • That would be an interesting development if he was but keep in mind that while the elves are the only “race” specifically mentioned thus far and that there were more as alluded to by the Count himself in a recent chapter.

      I will say this, though. Ilva could answer your question.

  309. *coughs* Dun Dun Duuuuun!!!

    Yay for a few answered questions followed by more mysteries. This isn’t “Lost”, is it?

    • You know I’m a fangirl of “LOST” right?

      But if it were LOST, then the Unthings might be the smoke monster. Or maybe the polar bear.
      And I’d say there’s a Desmond equivalent in this universe… but not sure about Locke or Linus.

  310. Very interesting to see more of the family history seeping out. Looking forward to the new chapters, as always.

    • thank you. I have a delinquent set of flashback installments to set up for … by now most people have probably forgotten (unless they read recently) that I left the Wolfram family past story in limbo. The past, however, is why the “modern day” Count is pretty much unable or unwilling to do much of anything that takes him out of home, away from home, or forces him to socialize.

      • I’ve had a number of stories with parts that end up in limbo, I know the feeling. Heaven forbid I have to go back and reread everything if I forget what all has happened. I’ve only done it twice so far 😛

        • haha. I’ve reread this story so many times myself, concerned about internal contradictions….

  311. I am riveted to my seat. I can’t wait for more in this exact line of the story. From the beginning this has been a captivating story to read, but this is beyond captivating.. I don’t even want to speculate as to what may be next, prefer to allow a very talented author to show us all what will unfold.

  312. Hmmm…About halfway through I was convinced that the Wolfram family had the power to turn into wolves, but then the Count said that the servants thought he was going to transform into a werebeast in such a way as to make me think that was not the case. And I was confused even further by the idea that they can transform into SOMETHING and all of the references to “the Wolves of the Northernlands” and “wolves, beast or otherwise.” You’re doing a great job of revealing the story and the characters’ pasts agonizingly slowly and keeping me speculating about their true identities.

    • I should clarify that his irritation was with the “werebeast” label. In general, popular imagination and myth has always portrayed were-creatures as evil tainted beings who need to be purified, so the label (and the stereotypes associated with it) in itself is offensive.

      Hope that little bit helps you continue sorting out your theories 🙂

    • I have a devil of a time keeping them off screen. They seem to want to get into everything! 🙂

      Glad for your assessment. It’s been a quiet few weeks in the peanut gallery and I’m wondering what’s going on and if everyone is now sitting in corners rocking themselves miserably while they try to figure out what’s going on Dx. (Puzzling since stats seem to show people are reading, but it could that everyone is either really shy or perhaps secretly robots in disguise.)

  313. Not a robot! 😀

    Hmm…I wonder how the woman is connected to Edmund…I think the object he was holding maybe wasn’t cursed so much as held the bad memories of what happened to Edmund’s village. Or at least I think he was given something from the priest…

    • But I like robots! 😀
      Yes yes, wonder about how she’s connected to Edmund or intends to connect to him. *muahahaha*
      As for the object, yes that is a very good theory regarding the weird things the lion saw while looking at the object!

  314. Long time lurker, first time commenter! I’ve been too lazy to subscribe/bookmark the site, and so I come via google each time. I use chrome and for some reason instead of the url coming up it just routes me through google.

    • ahhh. makes sense. I switched to chrome recently and can understand how this might happen. It’s helpful to know this though — makes me glad I picked an easy to recall name for the site 🙂

      I am too lazy to bookmark too so I set up RSS/Google Reader to just manage all the various things I follow. 😉

      Anyways, thanks for delurking and letting me know!

  315. not a robot, just dont post much. I will say that this is one of the better written online stories that i have read and i am very much looking foward to seeing how it turns out.

    • ah thanks! Are you someone who looks for stories or are you more of a comics person? I’m curious as to how you find new stories? Most other folks have come in through here from webcomics, not other fiction… so definitely interested in your input.

  316. hi! um, not a bot either 🙂 I really like your story so far (and when I found it I was praying it was complete because I’m truly terrible about waiting for stories.. or webcomics.. or anything I like, really.) I got here from a webcomic, and was expecting more pictures, honestly, but I can’t say I’m disappointed that it’s mostly story. Keep it up, I’ll be checking back frequently for new installments 🙂

    • 🙂 *wave*
      Yeah – you know I had hoped to keep the ratio of pictures to story pretty even, but it has not worked out that way at all! I’ll hope to eventually have more pictures to create and add whenever I finish this particular “Book.” Glad you’re enjoying it regardless and continue to do so. If you ever have suggestions for illustrations for specific sections let me know too . Definitely want to hear peoples’ thoughts on this.

  317. I Cat not bot. Came here from comics but like books better. Feel like most comics have many links and book sites may not have any or few. You link to 3 of them I think and I am reading 2. SadCat

    • A few years back, there really was a lot more fiction online, but people seem to have drifted away or perhaps are just less connected. I think you’re right about booksites. I think it’s easier to network as artists b/c most of them actually interact at conventions and such and also have time to read other projects. I find that I can only keep up with a handful of fic works myself while I seem to be following 25 webcomics xD.

      Which two are you reading btw?

      • Memory and Activated. Hope they both can keep updating. Nice worlds to visit but not sure I would want to live there. SadCat

        • Oh you should of pointed up to the “” as one of your listings of better reads. You do not control the list and some are NOT work place friendly but I have found a few Good Ones there. SadCat

        • Activated’s next installment is updating, although not consistently. The author is back in a crazy job situation but I saw she just posted the other day! Memory of AUSOS is on hold while the author finishes another book… but I”ll poke her. I think she’d be encouraged to know you enjoy reading the stories 🙂

          And yeah – topwebfiction is really interesting in what it reveals.. I haven’t worked my way through that list yet but will!

  318. I am a robot…. No, I’m just kidding. 🙂 I haven’t had a chance to read the update until today, but it is a really good one. I love the lions, and this chapter was all about them. Its interesting to see the characters from their perspective, especially Edmund and the little metal thing. Neat observation that objects have memories attached to them, and I certainly wonder what exactly the metal object had. Something personal or something village-wise, I can’t wait to find out. 🙂

    • The weird thing is as soon as I made that crack about bots, I got 14 spam messages from apparent bots. *sigh*

      And I do like the lions – they have a completely way of viewing people and categorizing them and their interactions with one another and objects.

      As for the metal thing – I think some of your fellow commentors are pretty close to explaining what the reason/cause is for the black threads associated with the object. You are too 😉

    • Ah – good to know. I guess it points out the relative importance of having a site with a name that can be remembered, having relevant keywords, and praying for a little luck to be listed high enough in Google xD.

  319. Poor Lambegus. Hmm, I wonder if the woman is the Swan Queen? I can’t quite figure out if she’s going to bring harm to Edmund and Elanore or if she’s helping them in some way. She’s too suspicious…But now I’m really curious at just who or what is Edmund?

    • This one I _can_ answer… definitely no. The Swan Queen hasn’t been described too much but the artwork I did gives it away. Our Queen is a brunette with green-blue eyes and quite far away at the moment.

      As for her intentions — yes, suspicious. We’ll see what you guys start thinking after the next few chapters. xD *rubbing hands together*

    • My intuition is that this mysterious lady is the Snow Queen. As to why she has a connection to Edmund, I’ll chalk that up to that she either has a history with his people or she’s a bored immortal or some combination thereof. I’ll be happy to be right or wrong, I think. I’m just along for the ride.

  320. I love the mental images I get in every chapter.It’s like my own personel movie.There a rare spring of snow where I live so I’m getting the “Stone Lions Playing In the Snow” vibe,unfortunatly it’s almost all melted away.I had my money on the swan queen as the mysterious lady…but I think this just makes it a little more mysterious.It’s not fun If I already knows what happens.

    • FYI — The Swan Queen and Snow Queen are two different entities. The Swan Queen actually is more of an allusion to The Six Swans and the principal character there while Snow Queen is the troublemaker described so aptly in Hans Christian Anderson’s work :).

      Glad the story is invoking strong pictoral elements for you! As for snow – I wish we had snow here… it’s hard to channel thoughts of snow these days as it’s been an unreasonably balmy winter with mostly 50-60 degree temperatures. I miss my days of living up north…. to a point xD

  321. Have I missed the update for the 20th? I keep looking at the chapter que and not seeing anything. I look forward to it each Monday 🙂

    • Nope – I had family in this weekend so am finishing up the edits to Monday’s update right now. I hope to have it up in a few hours. Thanks for your patience!

  322. Hi!
    Thought I would de-lurk and compliment on the effort and dedication that it takes to write a serial novel in real time. I’m estimating that you post fifteen hundred words a week, plus or minus a few hundred… (except for some of those longer posts, which felt like several thousand words.) I’ve tried some writing, and know how difficult it was for me to generate volume of output, much less quality! Keep up the good work, and I hope that someone is actually willing to publish you!

    • Thank you! It’s been a lot of fun for me to write. I enjoy this weekly word masochism too much, methinks.

      I actually do plan to publish even if it means foregoing the traditional route. I’ve really been interested in the ebook universe and tapping into the ereader market. (In fact, I’ve been chomping at the bit to find a good place to “break” this story so that I can start this process of putting together the electronic book format together and tapping into a new set of readers.)

      That said, I know where I want to take that pause and I do not know yet when this will be. So until then, hopefully I will be able to maintain this pace to everyone’s satisfaction 🙂

      Thanks for delurking, Mr. Ninja! I enjoy meeting all of you and appreciate folks taking time to let me know that you’re out there.

  323. Yeah…..Am I weird in hoping the lord and red riding hood end up together eventually? lol I still like him better than Edmund for some reason.

    • I suspect that if there were a shipping war decided by votes, most female readers would choose your ship actually. But that’s based only on comments here. I actually sometimes get more comments on DA going the other way.

      Secretly I think everyone likes the Count because of his floofy long hair. (One early concept drawing of Edmund had him with long hair and people really liked that. The problem was I wanted more contrast between the two gentlemen, so someone had to get their hair cut! oops!)

      • I ship her with the count because I’ve always been a fan of the broody, quite men in fiction. But if it was real life I’d be encouraging her to go after Edmund.He seems like the more reliable type. And like better husband material.

        • LOL. Edmund is actually a bit more likely to go off the deep end emotionally, but I guess the Count does win in the “grumpy” category most days ^_^.

          I always wonder why people frame this in terms of Elanore though. Do you think either of the gentlemen actually would benefit from having Elanore in their life on a more intimate level? It’s an interesting question that I hope some of you might answer.

          • That’s hard to judge. Edmund at least thinks he would. And the way the count acts he might think the same thing, if only in the hindbrain.

            • Yes, I think Elanore does help Edmund a lot. THe Count… not sure… he just kind of is grumpy about everything and everyone xD

  324. Ooh, does Giles turn into a bear? And I wonder who the wandering lady is. Thanks for the update!

    • Haha! I think the Count was actually making fun of Giles… bears are kind of clumsy oafs in the fairy tale world, although there was a rather nice bear in Rose Red/Snow White.

      As for the wandering lady, yes – it’d be fun to see the woman who dumped Wolfram up close and personal.

  325. Could this lady possibly be the one trying to steal Edmund at the moment???
    *I’m trying to express a sly look and it’s not working*

    • It’s okay, I’m imagining “Troll face” and it’s working quite well.
      No comment, Hatim, no comment.

  326. It seems far to obvious that The Wondering One would be the woman trying to use magic to steal Edmund. So obvious that I almost hope that our dear author would find it in his creative powers to make The Count’s former Fiance into yet another character. So that we have even more women with magic and power to help slice down some of the potential patriarical magical testosterone. :p

    • O:)

      Oh, there are plenty of women out there in the greater lands that have magic. The Count has mentioned a few already that are far more powerful and scarier than young Elanore. (Actually, Wolfram and the unreliable narrator, have rarely mentioned male magic if you were to go back and look again.) He has the scars to prove that he’s been beaten down before (although it has been a long time since that was mentioned).

      As for where some of your thoughts are going, hmm, hmm, hmm.

  327. I can’t speak (type?) for any of the others but I don’t mind at all that you spent some time with family. When not driving us crazy, family can be quite useful for keeping us from going crazy.

    • Some family can be good at keeping us sane while oftentimes some family can make one insane xD.

      Pretty much though I know I’ve been conditioning folks to expect that I post early and not late… but I have to make exceptions and this was one of them. It’s not often the little sprite comes to visit, so the sprite must be afforded as much attention as possible 🙂 Thanks though for understanding!

  328. Are we sure Giles doesn’t turn into a Polar Bear? 😛
    Quite a wonderful read, enjoying the interlacing story lines although I am sad to see the lions sent to bed without their supper, as it were.

    • If he did, that would be too blatant an homage to LOST. xD

      Thankfully lions don’t eat. I suppose they might try to eat dirt though? One wonders what statues might do in their mimicry of human behavior.

  329. I feel Giles’ pain. I don’t like to shop for formal clothes either.

    Also, Yay! More lions soon!

    • I think Giles really doesn’t like any restrictions on him, whether it be clothing, food, or traditions.

  330. I feel for him. I’d rather deal with the stone Lions than dress up and eat a formal meal with all of those forks and spoons.. Flashbacks to impromptu formal dinners with my cousin insisting we all learn to eat like “proper” people..

    • Uggghhh. For me, torture was Sunday mornings being dressed up in some awful outfit to look proper for church. Thankfully I’ve avoided all formal stuff except for the occasional social event since!

    • I think so, too. Especially since the Count just went emo-rage offscreen xD

  331. This is the first time I’ve actually said anything on here, though I’ve been reading and playing catchup for about two months. This story is just absolutely wonderful and keeps dragging me deeper into it. You are an absolutely wonderful writer and I look forward to the next post.:]

    • Hi Victoria! 🙂 Glad you are enjoying it! Thanks for delurking too. I always like to know that people are still around. (It keeps me honest and not slacking on my weekly updates >_>)

  332. Ah, the count finally “admits” that he may be wrong. I like how you set up the scene here contrasting the antics of the characters to the lions without making it over dramatic. I am eagerly awaiting next Monday’s installment!

    • yw 😀 As always, thanks for poking me and letting me know you’re keeping up 😉

  333. This story very much reminds me of the red riding hood movie by M. Night Shaylaman(spelling) I love the detail you put into it and look forward to reading more!!!

    • Nah, do not give him your sympathies xD. He needs a good kick once in the while.

  334. Noooooooo! I finished out the archive ;_;
    Anyway, I’ve had a blast reading this story so far. I think one of my favorite things about it is the way that you’re building the relationships between the three main characters. It’s always nice to see a heroine who is practical enough not to immediately fall head over heels in love with the first pretty face that she encounters. I’m also looking forward to the upcomming Wolfram family reunion.
    I do have one question… is the mysterious lady in white (I think her name is Ilvia) the Snow Queen from the Book of Tales? I don’t really expect a yes or no answer, but most of what you’ve revealed about her seems to match up with what I remember from the fairy tale as it exists in the real world. Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter, and hoping that poor Elanore will be up and able to participate in it!

    • Aw yeah, if only it was possible to write faster xD.

      Regarding your question about Ilva, I think the best thing to say right now is that she was not the Snow Queen in the Book of Tales (which is a record of the past). Whether she or any of the characters we meet in the story (this one and the next few I hope to write whenever this one gets done) can be(come) the Snow Queen is an entirely different matter 🙂

      • Huh. I guess I just assumed that the Snow Queen was immortal because I thought I remembered something similiar being said about the Swan Queen. So it’s just title to be inherited/claimed? *very* interesting!
        I guess I’ll just have to go back and read everything all over again to make sure that I didn’t miss anything! 🙂

  335. I just found you a little under a week ago (from girlgeniusonline ) and was a little sad when I caught up this afternoon. Can’t wait for the next chapter! I think I need to get my best friend to start reading this so we can talk about it between updates!

    • aww, I’m glad you came over from there! I’ve not had a lot of luck enticing readers over (to my knowledge you are only the second one to reveal themself) but am grateful that you have decided to read everything thus far :3.

      I hope you will share the story with your friend. If s/he doesn’t like reading off the web, there is a slightly different interface through Wattpad (the orange/white icon on the right side) that will work on tablets and smartphones quite nicely.

      And yep, been busy this week trying to prep for my first convention of the year, but will be aiming to update Monday so see you then 😉

  336. I kinda like that the Count is being taken down a peg. I realize he might have once had good reason to be so aloof and self assured, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that he needs to suck it up and let people help him. Who knows, it might even get him his powers back! Also, I love that last line. It’s very creepy.

  337. Another Fabulous installment to your fantastic story. The count buys a clue, and then admits he needs more wisdom than just his own. Boy that has to wrankle his ego.. alot!! lol
    The lions as always amuse and thrill me. And Giles will probably remain one of those characters who I love reading about or seeing on the screan but if I met in person I would find myself laughing at him/ with him half the time and needing to beat him with a rolling pin the other half.

    • I think Giles would really like you xD. He’s definitely one of those larger than life types who probably frustrates and amuse while waggling his eyebrows at you xD.

  338. I first discovered this story on Wattpad and I absolutely loved it! these weekly updates don’t come around fast enough. thank you.

    • Ah ha! Thanks for coming over here then :D. I hopefully won’t be lagging the two sites anymore but sometimes I do get so distracted trying to just get the update up that I sometimes don’t post until the next day Dx. Glad you enjoy it though, and if you do catch it on Wattpad again and don’t mind letting other wattpadders know (i.e., share/recommend) that would be appreciated.

  339. I’ve resisted commenting but now I can’t anymore! Please let the romance develop from here, I can’t believe he finally had the guts to tell her he loves her! Oh, Edmund and Elanore, they’re sp perfect for each other!
    I hope you realize that if they aren’t married or engaged by the end of the story I shall hunt you down. They just have to be together!

    • You are the lone voice in the wilderness xD. I really can’t say very much with respect to your requests though. I have a feeling people are going to be hunting me no matter what I do . heh.

  340. I don’t know. lol To have it develop from there is just too…predictable. lol I personally am rooting for the Count and Elanore. lol

    • True. But sometimes there’s more than one way to do things. The cats … they are kind of a bad influence :3

  341. Y’know, I think I’m going to have to agree with at least one of the comments above… I think I’d be kinda annoyed if Elanore and Edmund immediately moved into romance from here, especially since I’ve been getting nothing more than ‘friendship’ and ‘sisterly affection’ from what I remember of Elanore’s private thoughts. Then again, I’ll admit that I have at least a slight preference for the Count over Edward as Primary Romance Interest, so my opinion is probably biased.
    BTW, was that comment about the well meaning that it was over one of the energy focus things that the lions are looking for, and Giles thought they were just complaining because the well was annoying? (sigh) I think I really need to go back and read the archive again… I can almost feel my brain rotting in my skull, I used to be really good at remembering little details like this…

    • ^___________^

      You forget I’m an evil troll who is planning for TWO books featuring this particular set of characters. Nothing ever happens that is final or resolved.

      The fountain is bothering the lions because it does seem to be related to one of the things they were looking for, or quite possibly obscuring it. It is a bit hard for them to investigate though because to do so, they’d have to jump into the middle of the town square. They told Giles to do something with it or about it, but he told them to scram xD.

  342. Hmm I agree with the Count and Elanore being a better match. At least in my opinion. Elanore is strong and she would be fine with the Counts more serious attitude by her side but Edward is just… Brotherly. I honestly don’t want any romance to happen there :/

    • I honestly do not think that it’s possible to decide teh better match right now. 😉

      • Oh I don’t want you to yet! It’ll ruin the rest of the story. But in the end I’m rooting for Elanore and Count to end up together 🙂

  343. OMG!
    So Good! Your words and the way you describe the feelings is like magic, like walking into a magical world filled with wonders. \( ^ 3^ )/ BTW i LOVE your story Tales of the Big bad Wolf! Its so fantastic! It would be so great if the count and red fall in love! Kyyyaaaah!
    sorry for talking so much just wanted to tell you that you are a fantastic author! And that your captured me with them

  344. Nooo the count is the. Person who should say that he loves her and then she would say I love you too plz let it end with something romantic between those two 🙂

    • Maybe? To be honest, this storyline isn’t really a one-shot, so I don’t expect to resolve things concretely for a while yet!

  345. Max Wolfram
    Elanore Redley
    Edmund Ormond

    I think Wolfram is my fave – I always like the dark, broody types.
    Hope you have a good time at the con!

    • thanks. I did! But I forgot to promote the story. I was so distracted with selling and with sketching! I’ll have to do better at the next one 🙂 And btw, at this point you are the ONLY entrant, so unless someone shows up… it’s youuuuurs.

  346. Max, Eleanore, Edmund, Ilva. I like Ilva, because she’s bringing a new curiousity to the story. She’s somewhat creepy, but seems to be doing some good in her own creepy little way. She makes you wonder.

    • LOL. She is weird. Really – she’s the female version of the Count, but perhaps with very little insight into her real thoughts.

  347. I’m really glad to hear that this isn’t the point where the romantic relationships get resolved. I feel that we don’t know the characters (any of them, including Elanore and Edmund) well enough to have a good idea who would suit who in a strong, long-term relationship. Also, neither Elanore nor Edmund have gotten to know the Count or Ilva well enough to really know either of the currently rather mysterious formerly betrothed duo. I think none of the potential romantic relationship characters really know and understand each other well enough for them (the characters themselves) to come to any solid conclusions yet, either. The two who know each other best are Edmund and Elanore, and even though they grew up together, they’re still working on getting to know each other as the people they are now. The other two characters are not only much newer to Edmund and Elanore, they’re also way more cryptic and less open, so I think it’s going to be quite a while before Edmund and Ilva or Elanore and the Count have any more than just surface impressions of each other.

  348. From top to bottom, Maximilian Wolfram, Ilva, Elanore Redley, and Edmund Ormond.

    My favorite is Edmund. He’s a kindly person but has his own mysterious past and role that has yet to be revealed. I am interested in what will unfold.

  349. No I don’t want him with her 🙁 I hope she realizes that she doesn’t like him like that! 🙁

  350. Oh, he did that all wrong… silly Edmund, can’t you see she needs you to be gentle with her? Please Elanore, say yes to him!

    • xD If he did it wrong, she’ll punch him the next time she has a chance.

  351. I love it! i want her with him. I think the obvious choice would have been the count so Im glad Edmond has stepped up!

    • Hopefully he took the right step. That remains to be seen. Thanks for commenting!

  352. Scandalous! I’m lovin’ the romance going on between those two.Normally I think romance is kind of sappy.Any way, I wonder what the Count should think…Edmund:1 Count:0

    • Right now in my head, the Count and Ilva are both kicking Edmund around. I’m not sure if there are personal reasons to do so, but I think they’re generally thinking the whole thing could have been handled better. xD

  353. I haven’t posted before, but I have been enjoying the story very much. I look forward to finding out what happens. I work in the watchmaking/clockmaking world, so I couldn’t help but notice the way you used the clock in this update. I noticed something that I couldn’t help but point out. Unless the technology in this universe is signifigantly different from ours, cuckoo clocks don’t have seconds hands. Actually, I don’t see many mechanical clocks that have seconds hands, though quartz (battery operated) clocks and electric clocks frequently do. I specify cuckoo clock becasue the clock you used was indicating the time with a bird. It would be making a tick-tock sound, but that would simply be from the motion of the pendulum, and would not correspond to actual seconds. Ok, I’m done being a pain now. Can’t wait for the next update!

    • Ah… now that is useful to know! The timeperiod is a version of the 1800s, but not significantly different that I would try to bend on that point. I’ll have to adjust that then in the edited draft and attribute the sounds to the pendulum. (Symbolically I like that too so it works for me!)

      Thank you for taking the time to explain all that too. Learn something every day. 😀

      (And glad you are enjoying the story thus far!)

  354. That was a really long kiss. If you have a cuckoo clock you know he ABSOLUTELY DID mean to do that. That was longer than *I* would dare, anyways.
    (Edmund isn’t who I’m rooting for, but I give mad props to someone THAT bold.)

    • ROFL. Yes, it was probably at least a good minute xD… I am not a huge expert in clocks so was going off my memories of one I had as a kid… and… it should be observed that maintaining that length with the permission of someone else requires a little reciprocation xD

  355. Once again, I have absolutely zero complaints about the romance, which is pretty rare for me. Elanore’s reaction was just priceless, I could almost see her brain explode, lol. I’m actually really looking forward to seeing what Elanore decides to do once she gets her mental ducks back in a row. I don’t think she’s suddenly going to realize that Edmund is her soulmate… I think the real tossup is whether or not she’s going to end up getting mad that he essentially ambushed her. I’m really looking forward to the next update! (Unless we leave this lovely little dilemma to check in on one of our other characters…)

    • I love how you put it – brain explosion, indeed! 🙂
      As for the next update, you are leaning the right way. Things are going to be hitting the fan soon >:}

  356. Did I notice a introduction to your next story with the little trip in the spring? Love the story and the romance with the two young ones.

    • do feel that the natural end to this arc and the beginning to the next is spring. Whether things happen the way that a young blonde headed guy hopes for, we shall see.
      Glad you’re enjoying the story! Thanks for delurking, ninja commentor! xD If you do have the time and recollection, please let me know how you found the story.

  357. I don’t believe I’ve commented before, but this part really got me thinking.
    I wonder about the true intentions of Ilva. As the lions said Edmund has some sort of power (magic or otherwise) within him. So one has to wonder if her fascination with him is a way to get control over that. Part of me wants to say that she does want to help him and maybe even has some answers but, she has her own agenda. I do believe she’s this “white wolf” that was mentioned a little ways back. She knows of the Count, it’s disturbing that the Count doesn’t know of her, yet.
    I reread the archive and while it’s obvious that Edmund does love Elanore, this kind of revelation is very sudden. I know that all these things are happening very fast but to spring this on her while she’s still trying to get her strength back isn’t going to reflect very well on him. While the words are honest and true, it’s the way he went about it! The urgency of everything is going to upset her too. And it does seem that he’s intending to leave much sooner than the spring. I don’t think he will, old habits die hard and he still wants to protect her as much as he can. Hopefully he’ll put his search for his past on the back burner until the eclipse is over.
    I doubt that the Count and (especially) the four lions will let him leave unless this journey will help with the upcoming darkness.
    I will wait for the next update in earnest!

    • I think overall you’ve raised a lot of good questions (and have done a really nice analysis of everything thrown out here so far). I won’t comment on the specific things that are on your mind as well as some of your speculations (because that would totally ruin the fun).

      However, many of your general concerns are well said. Characters (just like people) are not always driven by simple motivations (as you raise with Ilva) or elegant in how they carry out their inner desires (like Edmund).

      Certainly, though, you are right in that Ilva has a very material advantage over both the other characters and the reader. We don’t know very much about her thoughts and motivations (which hides her from us), and second she has a powerful magic.

      • I’ll admit I was a bit tentative about commenting because of all the speculations I had. :3
        I hope we’ll learn a bit more about Ilva and what drives her (as well as the other main characters).
        I like the idea that Elanore might not end up with either of the two gentlemen in her life. While your writing has a very fairy tale feel to it, it doesn’t have the “cookie-cutter” (for lack of a better word) fairy tale relationship that most of those kinds of stories have. They are overcoming obstacles (within themselves and the dangers around them) and acting as persons in real life would act in the given situations.
        That being said, if she does choose someone to be with, I’d like her to end up with Edmund. C:

        • Preference, duly noted xD.

          Yeah – I don’t want to spoil the fun for you guys who are reading this in this particular format from the beginning and enjoy the aspect of “not knowing” what I will be tossing at you next. I do realize that this makes it hard for some readers, and can only apologize and say “I’ll have a compiled ebook version in the next year” for them to read. But, what I value about all of your comments thus far is that it provides me insight into how people are responding to the text and the characters. It’s extremely valuable to hear peoples’ points and thoughts and while not answering them specifically, thinking about how to make subtle adjustments with those comments in mind.

          Ilva’s motives will come to light, or be forced out of her at some point. There are, however, motives within motives, so you’ll have to decide whether the character is being honest with others or with themselves :).

          And yeah – to your point about this not being really a fairytale underneath the outer layer — I suspect all of you by now understand that you entered a fairytale, are walking through a fantasy landscape, but are now following a character story set in a twisted up world. Anyways, rambling… and back to work!

  358. Sorry for not reading or leaving replies in forever. For some odd reason I’m weirdly happy for Ed right now, though my information has a gap in it at the moment. Keep up the good work!

    • that’s cool! I’m glad you’re still reading and hope you are doing well. I have to catch up with your last few updates and hope to do so while traveling :)…

  359. I Always love your work; and this story is almost always extremely captivating. I love that Edmund is stepping up. The fact that as I read this there is a clock on my wall that is always quietly ticking away truly helps set the mood for your work. Today that clock added so much to keeping the mood, that I honestly felt like I could stick out my foot and trip Edmund before he could flee.

    It seems like the count is of two minds, on one hand he is happy for anything that makes Elenore’s magic and her grasp on the magic stronger. On the other hand he wants to be the one controlling her, and with Edmund in the picture controlling her becomes that much harder. Ilva, Very obviously has many motives within her motives and will manipulate things as she sees fit. At this point I don’t see her as evil per se’; but rather very much her own force to be reconned with.

    • Hm. I think the word “controlled” might be strong but I do think when someone sees something they want, they certainly have a “stake” in that person and the level of control varies according to people involved and their interactions. I do think Edmund of the three examples mentioned is fairly innocuous. The rest, it’s hard to say…

  360. Wanted to let you know I got my package today! Love the sketch cards and thanks so much for all the little extras too!

    Hope you enjoy your epic trip – I’d love to see your concept art.

    • Glad to hear that! 🙂 concept art will be rough, but okay. I’ll go dig up some sketches that I’ve hidden away and doodle up some new ones.

  361. I wish the captain would trust his instincts about the things he try’s to force himself not to believe in. It’s going to get him in trouble soon that he’s so far from home and anything can be in these woods.

  362. Wow it’s fantastic! I cant wait to see whats going to happen! Btw please make some more love scenes with handsome mysterious and magic man baron( u know the wolf) and red riding hood;-) it would be fantastic ( ^ 3 ^) sorry 4 my bad English 😉

  363. Do I spy elves of some sort? I think I do! Also, the guildmaster is proving himself more knowledgeable on these things than originally expected.

      • Indeed. Grey eyes anyone? Wild behavior and appearance as the Wolves displayed when not so close to humans? The call from Wolfram through Giles to the relatives? Large group of minstrels—a convenient excuse to men whose main contact with wandering folk was minstrel elves…

  364. I would guess less elf, more pillagers (perhaps related to the ones that destroyed the village Edmund was born in?)

  365. Since I’m feeling very kindly tonight (as I prep my 2-3 weeks of buffer and feel guilty about leaving you all hanging a bit), I will say ONE of the above guesses is CORRECT :>

    • Oh man I’m dying laughing. You just made my day. Ah, thanks for that. I’m gonna be grinning like an idiot for a while. 😀

  366. Whoa there, Edmund! Calm yourself! xD Though good for him, telling her his feelings finally. Now the true struggle will begin.
    I’m not worried. A confession and compulsive kiss is nothing to be up in arms about. Elanore is her own woman; if she truly loves Edmund, she should chose him. However, there is still time for the Count to get his act together and become a serious contender. We shall have to wait and see!

  367. I cast a vote for the Wolframs!

    Just finished reading through the story so far, and I love it! Can’t wait for the next update!

  368. I usually never comment, but I’ve been reading for twenty chapters, on and off for about two years now. So, I figure it’s time for me to tell you that I absolutely love your story and I’ll continue to read it for another two years if you’ll continue to produce it.

    Can’t wait to read what happens next!

    • Thanks! Kind of on the fence on how this will proceed, but glad you enjoyed what you saw so far.

  369. I have to say that the guildmaster handled the situation quite well. I’m leaning towards either the Wolframs or pillagers for this mysterious bunch.

    • Thanks. It’s a back-burner project. I’m still mulling an illustrated story. It doesn’t feel like it wants to come out as a novelette.

  370. Yay, Female Knights! Always nice to encounter a heroine like that. Looks fun. I love reading roll reversals. Will this sleeping beauty be musicly inclined ala Disney?(or a certain prince in Monty Python and the Holy Grail…) 😉

    • Haha! No. I don’t think I have the creative juices for either type!

  371. Interesting! Also, a redundant phrase: “The soldier silently scolded the door before continuing inside the castle before moving inside”

  372. I’m also really enjoying this and look forward to its continuation! I was left a bit confused on a couple points – The “it” in this sentence isn’t defined: “place a thick forest of briars around it.” I think from the prologue’s info that the “it” must be the abandoned castle, which they were apparently living in? Or did something happen to either move them or change their cottage/house/whatever into a castle? Also on the forest of briars, I know they’re an iconic part of the original story, but within the context of this one I’m not really clear on why the wisewoman thought them necessary?

    • It may be a while before I pick this up again. My rhythm is off now because of the trip so this may sit for a while. I’ll definitely re-edit these posted sections and try to catch the non-specific “It”s!

  373. It’s not fair on the girl- you can’t ask her to kill a handsome prince! But the story is awfully sweet 🙂

    • I think it will be… more or less I think I’m going to try to figure out how to get them to fall in love, if I can. But without direct interaction, it’ll be hard xD

      • I guess the interaction doesn’t necessarily have to happen in _her_ world, hrm?
        Just a suggestion 😉

        • Nah. THe falling in love will occur in parallel, I think. I want to make it hard on myself xD. No direct interaction! Just need to flesh out how to move each character through their separate journeys of discovery. Pretty weird structure I want to explore using :>

  374. I’m guessing Wolframs as well, considering the man mentioned there were families with small children with him. I don’t know much about the habits of pillagers, but I wouldn’t think they’d bring women and children along on their expeditions.

  375. Of course it’s not fair! Life itself is not fair. The choice between beauty and wisdom is often very cruel, And everytime beauty gains wisdom it will age beauty and thus chip away at the very essense of that simple beauty.

  376. I cast my vote for either Wolframs or Elves. Especially since they said they were minstrels, I am leaning heavily towards elves of some sort…. SOOO excited for the next update! *grins like a fool*

  377. Hey guys! I got back last Sunday and have caught some kind of viral infection on the plane back. I missed most of work this week due to the combo of jetlag and virus. I hope to have something up by Tuesday. Sorry for making you wait!

  378. This chapter just made my day.
    I’m so excited that we finally get to see some of the Wolfram family. :]

  379. A new chapter! Huzzah!
    But I was hoping for some more Elanore and Edmund. sigh

    • yes, thanks for hanging in there xD . Almost recovered but still trying to find my groove. I feel rusty after three weeks off!

  380. First comment, right? Yay!
    Who is the Count’s ‘her’? How will the Wolframs manage? How will Elanore, Edmund and the Count deal with all the new Wolframs and what will the Wolframs do about this strange (and probably in their eyes unsuitable) triangle?
    What will happen next?

    • Yes, first!
      And… will all these people make the Count go nuts? 🙂
      I’m actually really excited to delve into this… hopefully find a way to bring back that missing Chapter 15/16 I had drafted years ago back into the narrative xD

    • thank you! I noticed you guys were being very kind while I was gone and keeping the story on the listing. I appreciate it so much! I don’t have any presence on the other directories, but it’s nice to get some cross-pollination from other stories on that list :3

  381. Oooo!!! I can’t wait to start meeting some of the strong and strong minded women of the clan. I am so betting they are not as controlable as the men would like… I can even envision a few who refuse to follow the roles of women…At all. and the consternation that can and will cause.

    In any case, I have loved this latest installment to a very beloved story.

    • Yes, there are some very strong women among the Wolframs. But I don’t think the men mind it much :3

  382. Very excited to meet the Wolfram women. Also, my guess is that “her” is the lady with the sleigh. Wouldn’t that be nice!

    I really liked these last two chapters 🙂

    • Glad you are enjoying them. These have been quite hard to write just because of all the stuff going on in the midst of writing them xD

  383. I’ve been reading through your chapters (found you via TuesdaySerial) and this is a great story! I’ll be marking to return later. 🙂

    • Awesome! I just found out about Tuesday Serial recently and am just kicking myself for not taking advantage of it before 🙂

      Hope you enjoy your reading!

  384. What the blethers? “Some of these humans have their uses”? “you and your men may find a few of them here on the estate”? Oh yes, I keep a girl and a boy here to amuse me while I ruin their lives and frighten the living daylights out of the readers.
    You are a cold, annoying weirdo, Count.
    First comment again.

    • He was betrothed and that sort of doesn’t quite have the same meaning as it would for us. I’d say they were cohabiting 🙂

  385. Wow.
    What is Edmund’s curse? And the woman- Ilva, right? Is she a healer for real, or does she have some other magic talent? What’s going on? Will Elanore be able to control her magic and will the new Wolframs bother her?
    We need another chapter!

    • Ye s- it is Ilva but the lion doesn’t refer to her as such. And the woman definitely has the ability to read and manipulate magic. The term “healer” though is something the lion uses but in its own way for reasons that only it and the woman understand 🙂

      Hope to have chapter up next week somehow in spite of a big punch in the schedule this week. Taking a few days to sort through some notes. My characters have beaten the crap out of the outline I was using to guide my movements and so am mulling some switches around. (Plus, I am guessing by everyone’s quietness that they are dying for a change in scenery, so I am considering how to do that without the outline coming back and beating me back xD.)

  386. Hope you have fun at A-kon! :3 Sorry I haven’t been commenting on your updates recently. Graduate school is draining my life at the moment, but reading your updates during my study breaks motivates me to keep going.

  387. I love it when Elanore gets firery!

    As always this is a great story… can’t wait to see “the family’s” reaction to Elanore and the lions.

    1st comment?

    • :3 I think it’s almost time to see this come to light. Elanore is definitely on fire.

  388. Aw, you know, it kind of amuses me that Elanore is so SENSIBLE about this all despite being understandably flustered.

    • Yes… and then sometimes she just goes off the deep end. xD (*Scuttles away*)

  389. Can’t you just see everyone looking at Elanore at the mansion if she has an outburst like this one? Apparently she’s not as timid as she seems!
    She’s so sweet, even when she’s angry, and the way she acts bides well for Edmund.

    • 🙂 I think they’re going to think she’s bonkers… but I’m looking forward to their first meeting too. SO MUCH. xD

  390. Have I ever mentioned how much I love this story?? Just sayin..

    Elanore is all for knowing her own mind..even when she is not very sure about what is in her mind from one moment to the next. Strong, capable, vulnerable, magical, and always headstrong!!! Sounds a lot like I was back in the day. 🙂

    The count and his family are in for a few shocks, I doubt he will be able to control her the way he might like to.

    • Oh, I’m glad you are! Some weeks I want to lie down and just play video games (or marathon anime) but the thought that someone is going to be waiting for the update guilts me into instead putting down my controller and staring at keyboards :3.

      As for the Count.. ahahha, yeah. I don’t think he’s going to be too pleased.

  391. I’m surprised he touched the stone lion… doesn’t seem like his cup of tea.

    • Well it was more about steadying it before it dumped Elanore on the snow than out of curiousity :3

  392. Say what you like, but I honestly think that part of why he touched Gawain was so that he could honestly say it was real and not a hallucination. 🙂

    • HOpefully that is the case and he doesn’t insist otherwise. (I don’t think he will. It’s really a matter of him deciding what to do after he has adequate time to freak out xD)

  393. Your updates make me happy!
    This was a strange chapter, what with the wife and her husband’s remark: Indeed, I do. What does he mean by that?
    I miss Edmund-and-Elanore, they were so sweet.

    • I haven’t really given you guys full access to his thoughts, but he did come to realize something or suspect something of a more personal nature. (And if you’re wondering what he meant, can you imagine Elanore’s thought process? ahahaha. Poor girl is really confused now.)

      And yeah – poor Elanore does miss Edmund, but he’s busy…. not going to get to that for at least a week or more. Something else I have planned . heheheh.

  394. dear ThePuppetmaster
    how often do u update?
    I’m a really big fan of your story, and i look everyday on ur site, to be sure i don’t miss anything…
    So PLZ tell me how often u do it xD

    • My version of cats. You can not have them make sense to us. And it’s always ALL ABOUT THEM xD

  395. Dog folk have the count. Cat folk have lions. Like dogs and cats, wolf and lion can live together and still disagree a lot.

    • True, although Not sure that wolves are all that different from lions. Frustratingly odd compared to the humans!

    • First comment. Yes! 😀

      I think she will make sure that she addresses her needs and concerns. What those are, we shall see.

  396. Looking forward to the next installment! This story is quite addictive. You have talent!

    • Thanks! Out of curiousity, have you been following the story recently? How did you find it? (Was it through a link on a picture at deviantart? Or did you come through my DA page?)

    • In this volume, I still see them as unable to understand one another and hope I can bring them to a point of some clarity. I believe that the little boy that we saw the hint of very early on is still there inside the Count, and that Elanore will eventually see that human side and trust him. But right now, it’s hard to say.

      To me, it’ll be interesting to see how time at the estate changes her perception of him, if at all.

  397. Ah, the Count. As formidable as ever. It’s interesting to see how each character interacts with the others. Looking forward to the next chapter and seeing more of the Count =)

    • That you shall! (However, he does not share your interest in interacting with the other characters. Right now he probably wants to spork them :3.)

  398. Finally all caught up. 🙂 go me! Love this story and the characters. Looking forward to the next chapter keep it up :).

    • Woohoo! Congrats and hi there! So glad you’re enjoying it that much 😀

  399. Great chapter, I’m glad Elanore is safe… for now…
    Aaw, Edmund is back and sweet as ever, even when he’s being a bit annoying, and the Count is obnoxious as ever.

    • Aw. I think Edmund’s pissiness could be excused given the absurd hour and seeing the most annoying man (in his mind) at his door xD.

  400. What a great chapter! I’d say all is revealed, but all that’s revealed is so little! And Edmund isn’t completely human? I’m not sure if that’s bad or good, or neither… And Elanore? What’s happening to her? You better protect her, Edmund.

    • Yes, he or those lions better x_x

      Glad you’re enjoying it. I realize a lot more still has to be unwrapped… I do expect some more things to come to light in these next few chapters, but at the very least I’m glad that the Wolf has been unmasked 😀

  401. I’m still routing for the Wolframs. Call me odd lol. I do see her being pushed close to her limit though. 🙂 Such good writings. And adorable lions.

    • Dun dun dun! Actually it’s also letting a few “incidental” characters run around before I smack them down with my might hammer of plot doom 😀

  402. what… i dont want her to love him 🙁 come on, u can’t be serious
    ( T____T)/ can’t u make wolfie get in the game 2? PLZ!! 😉

  403. Hi! I finally caught up! I haven’t decided if I’m happy or upset about that yet. Hehe.

    Again, enjoying your story very much. It has many elements that I enjoy reading in a story: the olden thing, possible love triangles, mystery, fantasy, names I have no idea if my brain is pronouncing correctly, kitties!, comedy, brooding men, learning/discovering love, and Giles.

    I peeked over to your art for TotBBW and it’s interesting to compare our interpretation of the characters because they’re so different/similar! The count I envisioned as a gruffy type of guy. And by gruffy I mean imposing, tall, bulky, with some stubble, a decent farmer’s tan (which doesn’t make sense at all considering the setting) and overalls (LOL)… I’m not sure why. It might have to do with his entrance in the story of him coming out in the middle of the dark and scaring young women. Since clean cut good looking fellas would never do such a thing /sarcasm.

    • Wow, that was really fast!

      I like to joke that the Count is some kind of sparkly vampire (or rather pretty)… Elanore doesn’t talk much about physical descriptions (and you’ll note I don’t either since) and so really other than knowing he’s dark haired and tall, she only makes one comment (inwardly) that he might be an elf. That might be a weird blind spot on my part since I think I’m more interested in the mind/thoughts of characters rather than describing how hot they are. (And sadly I think while Edmund in my mind is simply better looking, the personality and his youth kind of muddle the picture for the reader.)

      The description though that you posted works far more for the Guildmaster — or even Giles. xD

      • Minimal description works… I like how it allows the reader to fill in some of the blanks for themselves. It gives me the opportunity to envision something that is not necessarily wrong. (E.g. books to movies with characters/details that don’t seem to match). To be honest my vision of them is kind of like a dream: I know what it is though the details are blurry.

        • It’s puzzling though how readers have inferred “hotness” to the Count based simply on his unknowable nature. I’m going to have to do something about the slight to Edmund soon D:

  404. Splitting my comment in two (computer is being odd).

    As for this chapter it upsets me Wyte did not go follow! Does he not understand there is a nosy reader that wants to know all the coming and goings of these secluded peoples?!

    I am really enjoying your ability to write these creative adventure stories. Reminds me much of your ff work which was fun too.

    Looking forward to the next installment.

    My vote goes for E/E or E/Giles (LOL)! I’m done with the socially inept! LOL.

    • Hmm. Wyte’s decision not to follow (the red cloak) may be something I pick up on later.

      I do miss my ff stories. I wish I had an avenue to bring tricky ninjas into the story, but the most fun I might allow myself in book two is to have some pirates. But book 1’s fun will sadly be limited to lions and Ilva (the badass mystery woman).

      And yeah – I realized that if Giles had a serious bone in his body, he might have stolen Elanore away completely. BUt Giles is a terminal bachelor!

  405. Yay! Delurking now… Just finished catching up with the story. Am glad and sad I got to the end. Will be watching mondays for the next part of the story. Bny the way, really do love the story!

  406. OMG!!!! I am in love and AWE of where this story is going. The current twists are beyond perfect imo.

    1st comment goes to me??

  407. Man oh man!! So mutch drama! Elanore has another dad, hunters turning into wolves? Lots of new things to worry about… Hope to see many new lions in the next installment. Just love everything about this story! Love it!!

    • Ilva might be joking. She and Edmund recently had a conversation where they discussed a lot of stories being bunk. Her statements sometimes don’t completely add up …

  408. Just what it is that makes us love these ambiguous characters, full of dark spots and riddles … actually I would rather fall for the Count than for a comparatively plain man like Edmund, although he has his own share of riddles hidden in his descendancy. But I guess in the end the open and honest ones make the better company 🙂

    But I can’t stop my self imagining a scene with the Count telling Edmund: ‘So you thought I have intentions on Elanore? Wrong … I only draw her to me because I know you will follow!’

    Now that would be a bit surprising, wouldn’t it? And we still would not know if it is about the peron or the magic, because the earlier encounter with the lion seems to imply that he also might be susceptible to this sort of power … oh well, we will see. I am just half through the existing chapters, and eargerly awaiting the rest!

    • I think it would have been really cool to go with what you were thinking regarding the Count/Edmund. I think the Count, however, is as much a puppet as the other two– if anything, there are a few unseen hands manipulating the Count, Elanore, and Edmund. (Or you have brief hints of what those entities might be.)

      As for Edmund being plain — he’s actually handsome, but his personality seems to be rather vanilla to folks. I think most good guys tend to be thought of as that way, although, honestly I want to see how people react as he continues to change. He was a funny kind guy in the beginning and lately has been evolving into a tired, angry dude xD.

      • Whoa, not just puppets of ThePuppetmaster, but even of some higher entities within the story? Now I’m getting hooked even more! Although I feel a bit sorry that even the Count is not the start of the food chain … but then, the more we get into his story, the more ‘human’ he feels, including that he might occasionally err in his asumptions. But he is still extremely cool 😉 Looking forward to learning more about his past.

        Btw., I found this via a ProjectWonderful add in :)I liked the graphics used and did not realize at first I was jumping to a serial novel, not another comic. But … got me hooked, as you see 😉

        • xD Oops. I seem to have a lot of random ads through Project Wonderful. That seems a total mismatch … but glad you clicked through.

          As for the Count – yeah, I think as “old” as he is, he’s still kind of young compared to the other unseen figureheads in this world.

  409. Already saw one of my predictions come true … there must be some magic also in Edward 🙂

    Well, about the Count and Elanore … I would still rather fall form him than for Edward, BUT not for an engagement, for sure. I mean, with his longevity, it might be fun to share his life for a few months or even years, but as soon as one starts withering and dying alongside such a man … no. Wouldn’t want that, neither for him, nor for me.
    And so, for the long run, I would opt for Edward for Elanore 😉 But she shouldn’t let the opportunity for some adventuring pass completely …

    • Edmund … yeah, won’t spoil it, but he is really our archetypical fantasy hero. He just doesn’t know it yet xD.

      LOL at the “Elanore should experiment” bit. Someday I’ll write a more typical harem story for ladies, but this won’t be it.

  410. Now I would have welcomed Edward back with a volley of cushions for running away in the first place! Elanore is too soft … but the turn of events was quite unexpected! What would we do without Grandmas smoothing the follies of the young ones.

    • 🙂 I think if Elanore hadn’t been so inexperienced she might have tackled him. But I think she was truly confused. Maybe more? 🙂

      And yeah, thank goodness for Grandma or the two might keep simply missing each other entirely. Sometimes life and love is that way, though…

  411. I was kind of expecting this twist with the guildmaster.
    by the way I love this story and that of the unicorn.

    • Ah good. I think that for those who were of the suspicious sort the hints were there. Certainly the guildmaster’s treatment of Elanore has been surprisingly polite, perhaps even gentle given the bad blood between him and her family…

      Glad you liked the Unicorn story too! Someday I might rewrite that into a fuller novella… but I think it’ll wait until after I get these other stories out of the way

  412. YAY!I so love it when we get to see where everybody is in one chapter! absolutely love this story thus far!

    • cool! Glad it didn’t prove too overwhelming with all the scene shifts..

  413. Well well, saw it coming … and I guess it is no coincidence that the woman’s name so closely resembles that of the Counts runaway wife. Besides that, she seems to be a mixture between the snow quenn and all-kinds-of-fur. Quite interesting to watch where this part of the story is leading to.

    What I do not understand is why suddenly Edmund should not be welcome, after he got an explicit invitation by the Count earlier on? Seems to be a little slip in continuity. But apart from that, the plot is nicely layed out so far, and I am really looking forward to watching a lot of loose ends connect somehow – if ever they all will 😉

    • Sorry if it wasn’t clear. Edmund was invited at Mrs. Winchester’s request to see her at the estate. But to stay with Elanore is a bit different at least in Edmund’s mind. Going from visitor to “I’m going to find a way to not leave Elanore” is kind of out of his control. Some of this might come out in the next few paragraphs (to be posted) .

      And yeah – I’ll leave your comment on Ilva be for now. Her “name” actually is kind of funny for other reasons which I’ll talk about soon.

      • Any connections to Vikings here? 😉

        Ah, and I forgot to mention … though some of the scenes keep popping up drawn in Manga style in my mind, there are others that could hardly work as well when drawn as they do in the way they were written. Especially the scene where the count picked Elanore (plus her Granny)
        from the Winchester house – when he stands so close to Elanore, trapping her, that would have been hard to put into a picture, but it felt marvelous in writing! Loved that one. Hope there are still lots like that to come 🙂

        • Ah, hm. No to “vikings”!

          I think actually it works better as an animated or cinematic scene with lots of crazy violins in the background! 🙂 But yeah – sometimes the written word allows the reader to fill in everything else they might want to add.

  414. HI:

    Two updates rolled into one?! Yey! Sadly I devoured the update in a short span of time. ):

    Daddy Wilhelm?! Haha. This is like watching a daytime soap unravel. LOL. Poor Edmund. It must be a whole lot of pressure to have to keep Elanore alive especially considering how headstrong she can be. I can see that girl getting in all sorts of trouble. In my opinion Wilhelm hasn’t been generous enough to Edmund. Hehe.

    (Ilva = Count Wolfy’s runaway Wife?)

    • Two parts because I didn’t feel like holding back. I wanted to get some stuff out of the way so I could set up for next chapter and getting the count, edmund, and elanore all in one place and then seeing if they burn the castle down xD.

      I think Edmund really doesn’t see anything related to Elanore as a pain… and as for Ilva . :3 :3 :B :3

      • If they were to burn down the castle on the up side the fire/light might keep the shadows at bay. ;p

        I love royal rumbles!

        • Yes burning everything down might solve things, but it would sure be a bummer for everyone who lived there xD

  415. Just a note at the side – the ‘Prev’ link here leads back to this page instead of the previous one 🙂

    • Aww. Glad to hear from you though! I would be interested in knowing what you have enjoyed most and hope to see as I start winding up this story.

      • Hmmm what I enjoy the most….

        I like the fairytail like feel of the story and the different points of view. 🙂

        • Ah, yeah – one of the reasons I picked a third person perspective is to allow the most flexibility to shift “scenes” and to also be selective in what is said. I do like big casts too.. notorious for doing that in both original and fanfiction xD

  416. I am not sure if or if not I want to see Ilva proven wrong in her assupmtion that the Counts human side is dead. On the one hand, elf and wolf provides us with a very intriguing mix, fascinating to watch, but because he can not create bonds and help to knit together strange allies, he is actually easier to manipulate in that form than he was if he would still have something human that helps him to look beyond just his clan. Maybe E&E will have to fil this gap and do the knitting, but even for some kind of true alliance between the Count and them, a bit of human spirit still alive would sure be very helpful. And it looks a bit like eventually they will all have to work closely together to be able to turn away the coming dangers (or at least that is what I would expect 😉 )
    Oh well, still 4 days to go before the next installation comes, and still I keep coming back, if only to speculate how it might go on … how very fannish ^^

    • The Count definitely is flawed in his current incarnation — most aligned to his Wolf persona and the duties that come with it. Edmund is probably his opposite in that regard (and also starting his life off — a real baby compared to the Wolf) and so I hope by this book or (if not this book) the second’s end I can have a better compare/contrast going by then…

  417. I think the fact that the count is far too human is part of the problem with his magic. That and all his deep brooding. Anyone who allows him/herself to sink into deep brooding throws off the way that the heart and mind can work together.

    • Sounds plausible – but then, Ilva attributed the vanishing of his magic to the dying of the human side. But maybe dying should not be taken literally here – to sink into such a state of mind is maybe as well as killing the human side, just blocking it off. Which would mean, there is still hope, if just he wakes up that side again. And actually it sounds like it would be possible to revive the magic, and somewhere I even got the impression that the Count knows perfectly well how to do that, only it is something he does not WANT to do … oh well. I guess we will have to wait and see 🙂
      Poor lost l… erm, wolf … *thinks about patting the creature, but decides otherwise*

    • I think this answer is sort of there. The Wolf definitely is not exactly embodying good qualities one wants of a hero. In that sense, maybe that is a symptom of a problem or the cause of the problem .

  418. I would pat wolfy! I think human or not he is still cute and I would give him a good pat on the head and tell him everything is going to be ok! At least he has got some people looking out for him. Even if they don’t all like the bad wolf that much…

      • I think he’d be secretly pleased by all the patting, but I don’t think he would care as much about it after five minutes. Giles or the lions, though, would adore all the attention!

  419. I’m so curious about that door that always changes. Does it reflect the present or give voice to the future I wonder? I’d love to see artwork done of it at it’s many stages. It’s such a cool idea! 😀

    • 🙂 I think your question is what is on everyone else’s minds for the moment!

      I’ll have to think about the door artwork further. It’s an interesting idea…. almost like a good image to insert in the front of each chapter (should I ever have a print version of this story).

      • That’s a totally kick ass idea. Or even just a margin insert. That idea definitely makes me smile. 😀

        • Remind me when I go to print someday xD. I really actually like the use of some b/w stuff kind of like how some fantasies use a celtic knot or some small motif to set off each chapter heading.

  420. So the Unthings are things that make sure people stick to the script (and die when they’re supposed to)?

    I take it her lady is Count Wolfram’s lost bride? Was her script Beauty and the Beast?

    • Seeing that she just confessed that she was the one who had the relationship with the Count, not the lady, it is rather Ilva=Selva. But the thing about the Beauty and the Beast sounds quite fitting, nice idea! And because she failed, she was taken up by Frau Holle … or the snow queen. We have a reference to that fairy tale already in the children, and already for quite a while she herself acted a bit like the snow queen from that tale. So that is probably what her lady is, a personalization of nature, inhuman and absolutely neutral. Sounds a bit like her successor-to-be is not quite that much detached as she is.

      • The Unthings have both a logic and illogical side. I pretty much removed the prologue (because I decided not to have something happen with Edmund halfway through the serialization) but the poor fool who had given him a hard time was eaten up by an Unthing that had rolled its way in from the woods and was kind of wanting to eat people xD. (There was no reason for him to get eaten other than he made an unlucky decision to step where one happened to be. Similarly the elves that encountered the Unthings long ago in Wolfram’s past were probably just in a bad place at a bad time.)

        Not commenting on the tale itself. It’s fun to see you guys discuss further.

        But Gertrude and Cai are named for Gerta and Kay. The Snow Queen story already exists in this world. Whether it’s true or not we don’t know (as it’s not one of the established canon stories in the Count’s book.) But this section implies maybe, yes, maybe it is/was, and will be.

  421. So if it is the Beauty and the Beast that she failed….then another person could also take Beauty’s place. Hence Elenor. Yes is still routing for a match with the wolf and the red riding hood. lol

    • There are plenty of stories with dudes in castles xD. Dracula. Bluebeard. Okay.. those don’t usually end well xD.

      • Personaly I would like to see the sparks fly when Ilva and the Count meet again! 😀

        • I can’t really see that happen … both seem to me too, I don’t know, grown-up? to start yelling at each other about a quiet split up that happened at least decades ago. Both have had their own lives since … plus it seems to me the Count somehow regrets a bit the way things went then. Otherwise he probably wouldn’t have kept her room for such a long time prepared for her return.

          Well, maybe some sparks might fly in a more … icy manner. Like the one demanding she comes back and stays for good, and the other telling him she is not his property and will go on living her own life, thank you. Which does not mean they could not still come together again one way or the other later on ^^ But I guess at least one person would have to change a bit before that can happen.

  422. Mm. I like all the references to the fairy tales. This is progressing very nicely. =)

    • sorry about that! I wanted to go back and edit/rewrite some more. The problem is when I have longer installments they take more time to pull together and with convention prep and work picking up again, I am definitely less efficient and less focused!

  423. Hmmm wonder what the count has her doing that makes her so nervous…….I picture the lions rolling around in the snow with the string like cats with a piece of yarn.

    • They probably are rolling around . Or just breathing heavily at the window once they realize no one is paying them attention xD

  424. Maybe Edmund’s going to get the support of the entire household… or maybe Elanore will get jealous. They just need a push, really!

    • Maybe. Maybe not? 🙂 I think Edmund is trying very hard to sort out what he can do or should do.

  425. Lions are back!

    I missed those guys, they remind me of my childhood. I loved the chronicals of narnia and I loved to collect small statues and figurines. I would often pretend that they would come alive…

    • Oh me too! I loved Narnia and “Indian in the Cupboard.” My sister and I always imagined that everything would come alive and have personalities and stories. But I really did use to wish that I’d turn my back and my toys would move around on their own just like in Toy Story. sigh.

  426. Uh-oh, a fallout between the Count and Elanore … would have loved to witness that! But probably our lady the Puppetmaster wants to hold us in suspension … eeeevil lady!
    Splendid installment!

  427. Great scetch!
    So soft … and this light in her eyes. If she really is Maximilians lost fiancee, and she was this young when she met him … well, surely there is still something deep inside, either love or deep hurt or both. She looks so fragile!

    Please, go on with these scetches … I will not vote more often as I can not vote more than I do already, but I will do it with even more enthusiasm 🙂

    • Aww, I didn’t mean to make her look fragile, but she was definitely very pretty and at least amenable to what had been programmed for her to do (i.e., helping the master). And I will try to squeeze these in when I can, although they will continue to be kind of raw like this. I’m in the middle of convention prep so I’ve been spending more time painting stuff for that and not able to do much doodling otherwise.

  428. I found this story a few days ago, and have been reading intensely every quiet moment I’ve had ver since. I’m so lucky as to attend a course named Myths & Fairytales as a part of my education as a preschool teacher, and I can only say I love this story! You inspire me to write more of my own. Keep up the good work!

    • Wow – I’m terribly pleased to think you’ve been reading this like crazy trying to catch up. (And now very aware I have a few days to polish up /finish this next update. Dx. )

      Very intrigued by your education coursework including a class on Myths & Fairytales. Was it to discuss how to teach it to children? Or was it part of a curriculum on storytelling?

      • The course is about what fairytales and myths are, how to understand them and use them in teaching, where different stories comes from as well as learning to make our own stories. Our first exam is to perform a puppet play in groups, having made the puppets and stories our selves. That’s only 5 weeks away… We’re in Denmark now, but after our first exam, we leave for Norway, my native country, for another 6 weeks. A whole semester dedicated to Fairytales as too good of an opportunity to let it pass me by! 😀

        • That has to be a terribly interesting class. Storytelling via props and oral tradition has to be a lot of fun. (I’m also a puppet fan too 😉 )

          I’d like to see more stories from the Nordic countries. Not a whole lot are translated here to English, although I think we have seen many stories borrowed from those customs….

          I’d be interested to see what puppets your group makes! KEep me posted!

  429. Ah! I see I had lost track of time. I thought the trouble about Elanore being supposed to be waking more lions had happened the day before.
    Looking forward to how they solve this problem … looks like they need more help. Maybe Ilva can help out a bit once she decides to drop by?

    Wow, first to comment 😉

    • I do agree that Ilva needs to be consulted. She probably knows a lot more than even the Count himself.

      SOrry about the slow progression of time. One of the drawbacks of this format .

      And yes, you’re first! You win! 😀

  430. Huh, Edmund looking at us as if he wishes us to go away and not disturb this moment of private happyness together with his beloved *g*

  431. Thank you for this lovely story! It is really very captivating and very awe inspiring and I truly enjoy it very much! I just can’t wait for monday mornings to see what happens next! And just so you know… I still think the lions need more work to keep them busy and out and about with Elanore and Edmund, they are all just so cute together! I could almost reach out and touch one!

    • I’m glad you are enjoying it :> . And yes, I agree, the lions need a lot more to do…. they seem to be pouting off thinking like you are! Things will change for them soon, so no worries. They pretty much refuse to be ignored

  432. I like that you called us continuing readers “Cranky People” XD I am happy to wait for this story. The updates are always beautifully written and capture my attention immediately! Thank you so much for making this kind of thing available to us poor book lovers!!!

    • aww, actually “Cranky people” was a reference to Mrs. Winchester (who is normally quite polite) and (to some extent) Elanore, who was perceived to be difficult by the Wolframs earlier.

      But thank you for delurking and assuring me you guys aren’t cranky xD.

  433. 300 lions = 300 kisses .. if they start off by using kisses to help wake the lions would that be less taxing on Elenore and Edmund?? How would the count feel about that?? :evil giggle:

    • It would take too long *shakes head sadly*
      (And would be a good subject for fanfic. heh heh heh.)

  434. Really a very nice picture or Elanore. I think it looks just like her. But the black hair doesn’t really work for me. But still very good!

    • I think the scan doesn’t show the brown marker all that well. It’s there but overwhelmed in the scan by the ink. The artist tends to use a brush ink style and he may have gone heavy in the hair . Since the technique is to color after the inks are put down it does mean that color Is completely drowned out .

      But I do love the composition of the piece and her slight sadness.

      Wondered if that was intentional or not as other artists have generally made her happy!

  435. Yes! They’re together, and nobody can tell me otherwise!
    And the lion’s lesson and poem… hmm, interesting…

    • Haha I think it’s best if I just say no comment. I rewrote the middle part before the break at least five times trying to decide what interpretations I wanted to encourage.

      As for the riddle – I know some readers are mythology nerds but largely most I think are more fairy tale oriented. Therefore speculation about the tales playing out seem to have had more of a fairy tale focus but there is definitely room to expand beyond. I’m a huge fan of mythology and folk tales. Hint hint hint

  436. I don’t care I’m still routing for Eleanor and the count. Though what Edumond acutally is has me curious.

  437. So absolutely love this chapter! Every part of it, though mosts the glimpses into the feelings and the history of the Count. Yes, I confess, I am his fan girl. Deep, ambiguous, mysterious, and now even laughing *g* He more and more resembles my most beloved character of the story I have been writing on since ages and which will probably never see the light of day. Ah … love these guys.

    • Haha. I’m glad you’re his fangirl. He has to carry the storyline in subsequent volumes … and well he has a rich and long life to draw from. It is hard and sometimes unfair to the other characters in this story that they’re soooooo young.

      As for your own story, are you still working on it? Have you thought about self-publishing or are you going for the traditional route?

      • Just a guess, but could the Count be the hunter’s father? It would fit the clues.I guess time will tell.

        • If so, he doesn’t seem to realize … but it is an intriguing idea, somehow. Also, it would resolve the threesome in a nice way. On the other side, I can not imagine the Count as a fatherly figure *cough*

      • About my story: Don’t know yet. I am writing so much in the mean time, and yes, also publishing, in the traditional way. This old story seems to me a bit like some cuddling toy from childhood which you just never give up, but wouldn’t show to all the world, right? 😉
        But still, maybe I will at some time publish it online, maybe even in a serialized manner, so I can see step by step if I want to reveal more of my inner world or not.

        • If you decide to go that route, then let’s chat about where/how. I’s awfully hard to find readers with a website like this and I think depending on content you might be better served by a closer knit community like Wattpad.

          I’m not sure sometimes what to do about old stories. I had one that I just had to toss and leave aside. The fact that it didn’t come together was a hint to me that it had some huge problems with its construction and the characters themselves. I moved on to other material and made much more progress.

          Are you doing any regular writing though? One thing that I do feel helped me feel comfortable about just jumping into this crazy online posting was a few years of posting on . I found it very encouraging , made friends, and also learned what I was capable of putting out. I started with short stories and then worked my way towards bigger ones. (I do have some failed epics though where I just ran out of steam too soon… so it also teaches you your limits.)

  438. Just noticed that the ‘Prev’ button is not working here.

    And 300 kisses on 300 stone lions would probably mean 300 days of sore lips. Yessir. Rather kiss something soft …

    • Totally forgot she kissed Edmund, not the lions. So, soft. But still, sore lips. I mean, 300 … that is quite a lot, and somewhere around 100 I guess the fun stops …

      • I think if they had to they’d just make out a lot and kind of just forget about waking the lions xD.

    • Hm. Can you doublecheck by refreshing your cache? It looks like the link is fixed now. (Someone else pointed it out and I thought I corrected it.)

      • Works finde now 🙂 Maybe I just found it when you were correting it or something. I mean, we are living in different time zones, so … 🙂

        • Now typo monster has come my way oO It was supposed to be ‘fine’ and ‘correcting’, of course.
          Maybe I should go and find myself a hunter …

          • it’s okay. There are a few bugs with WP and one of the plug-ins I put in that make it hard to see edits to comments. I think it got worse after I did the theme upgrade too! I have similar problems but I think I can edit my comments unlike you guys :/

  439. Uh! Weeeell …
    *takes to her heels and runs*

    Surely manly, that guy. But I am missing the dark hair. Was it ever explicitly written somewhere that his hair is dark, or did that just come from my imagination / your scetches?

    But yes, this is fine art! (though not MY Count *g*)

    • It was stated probably very early on and only a handful of times. I’m kind of the camp that hates to write lots of descriptions of manly thighs and beautiful flowing locks. (It makes me think of those romance novels my friend used to hide at school…) But I do think people have forgotten because I tend to understate it.

      His physical attributes pretty much are tall, medium build, long black hair, and grey eyes. If one were to best describe him it would be “what would a black wolf look like as a human?” 😀

      Out of curiosity, if you were to pick an actor who you think best matches your idea of the count (or a drawing/character), who would that be?

      • Um … your Wolfram pinup drawing? *ggg* Although he looks too, well, nice there. But it very much influenced what I imagine him like. I have a picture in my head, and I wish I could draw it. But I will keep an eye open when going through pictures on the internet next time.
        As for actors, there’s hardly any actors I can remember, so it’s hard to pick one. Usually I would pick Johnny Depp for any role, but I think his way of moving and giving every character a slightly befuddled touch doesn’t fit my image of the Count.

        • OK, now I found this guy:

          Not watching stuff like ER, I did not know him so far; but looking especially at pictures 39 and 55 in that album, I think he might be able to fill the part. However, I know nothing about his acting, so I can not say for sure. But it looks like he’s been playing already all kinds of roles.
          Plus, in some of the other pictures, he looks quite hot to me *rawr*

          • Oh, I loved that actor back in the day when I was still sort of following the ER stuff. And image 39 is PRETTY GOOD. I think that’s kind of the look one wants for a semi-scary dude. hehe.

  440. I agree- totally LOVE this chapter! I look forward every week to the next installment! Also loved the deeper look into the Count’s history- I’m dying of curiousity!

    • -also would just like to say that I have no idea why it always posts my comments twice- so, i’m sorry about that :/

      • aww lol. I’ll take care of the other comment. It might bea server glitch of some sort. Glad you enjoyed it!

  441. Three wishes … nice.
    A way to escape the curse of falling in the big bad wolf’s tale.
    And now that his heart is beating he may have magic again one day.
    Loved this chapter.

    • I’m glad! I think this is the first time you’ve posted (or under this email), so thank you for taking the time out to say hi and letting me know you’re out there 🙂

  442. I read this chapter on Monday morning. Did not have time to leave a comment then, but do have to now. I just love all the lions!! Very exiting to have some happy and exited and chattering lions on the grounds. Probably very confusing to all the people living there at presant. Why oh why can’t I just go and have a look for myself?! Probably cause I will want to take one or two or three home with me… Lovely chapter! Please keep up the wonderful writing!!!

  443. I think this is my first time commenting! Absolutely loved this reveal with the Count, definitely the most human I’ve seen him yet. Keep writing. 🙂

    • Yes, I think so! whee! ninja reader!

      And glad you enjoyed this. He is going to have to relearn some things. Hopefully you all will be patient with him as he continues on his merry/angsty/confused way.

  444. Oh, very nice! I love the lions, and the way that the count can’t seem to stop himself from being rather open and far more honest than he might want to be, with our young hunter.

    Worth the wait as always.

  445. Interesting how our count wavers between being the wolf and being a man.
    There is a lot to be told here and I do hope that the two doomed lovers can also have a happy ending.

    • If I had the foresight two years ago their story would have been woven in instead of the stuff that relates more to the elves but now I feel To go into it here would probably be felt to be too much of an interruption to this arc.

      There is a lot I want to work with around this Selva/Ilva problem and so I decided that their story is going to carry forward into the next book/volume of the serial.

      That said they will meet again in this volume. Or at least I’m trying to push them to do so XD. They are both very proud. So they need pushing.

    • It’s his last name. The count rarely uses a first name with most individuals . The only exception is Giles.

  446. I am still routing for the count and red riding hood. lol Its kind of like the beauty and the beast to me with Edmond as Gaston lol Not that he’s that bad but am routing for the Beauty and the Beast.

  447. Uh-oh, I have a bad feeling about this. Something is going to happen- I don’t know what, but I don’t think it’s good.

  448. I get the feeling that no matter what happens, This is gonna be EPIC!!! Can’t wait to see what’s next.

  449. Not sure why nothing good should come out of this. But of course, apart from all worries about feelings, Maximilian would let a potential spy for the ice queen into his house, and so far, nobody knows the intentions of THAT lady. So, the count will have to take that into account (hehe, pun!) too. Maybe a summit meeting between the ice queen and Maximilian is called for … might be very interesting!
    But anyway, to me it does not sound like Ilva/Selva would come back to stay. She has responsibilities of her own now, it seems. So, this might just be a visit to find out where everybody is standing. A recon mission, you could say 😉
    We will see how the story unfolds …

  450. *feeling ccccccold*
    But still, like the lady. Not so much the crown, somehow … to me that looks a bit like a child drawing something additional onto a picture … the lines are too thick maybe, everything else looks somehow more delicate. However, this is of course just my point of view 😉 Others might like just that.

  451. This pic reminds me of a gently falling snow. More of a snow princess or the Snow Queen when she was young and not yet the queen. It’s really well done, especially the eyes. However, my own vision of the Snow Queen is more severe – incredibly beautiful, regal and powerful but COLD, more like a tall mountain peak, or a blizzard. Must come from the fairy tale of the Snow Queen I liked as a child.

    Thanks for the pic! It’s always fun to see how different people see things.

  452. I think the Count needs to see and talk with Selva – perhaps rediscover his heart. It didn’t sound like Selva chose to bond with the Snow Queen to me. Rather the S.Q. bonded Selva to her; that’s not a nice thing to do. I think Selva wouldn’t be gifting the Count with something so personal as a story book to just come spy on him. Perhaps she has just recently been able to separate herself from the S.Q. Anyway, I hope so because I’d like the Count to have his love back, and Selva to find shelter with him again. They could partner with each other, the lions and others in protecting the wolves and the humans (and any elves left) from what is to come. And yes, I’m a romantic!

    • It is not like I think Selva intentionally wants to spy. But she nevertheless might get into a conflict of loyalities. Also, if the Ice Queen saved her from the Unthings, that does not sound to me like she pressed Selva into her service. She helped her, and Selva pays back for it. Not the same thing.
      Apart from that, I agree that it would be nice if EVENTUALLY the Count will get back his humanity bit by bit. BUT I don’t want it too happen too fast, because then he looses all that conflict and brooding and stuff that makes him special and interesting. If he gets to be just another nice guy … that would be a real loss. So, I rather vote for a nice and wild fight between the two of them than an instant reconcilation and second honeymoon 😉

  453. I for one am happy that the count does love and is capable of it. Hope for him and red riding hood lol

  454. Aww. It’s so sweet to see how both Edmund and Elanore have grown throughout the story — Edmund especially.

    But now I worry about what you have in store for them later on. 😛

    • 😀 You know me too well. Something must go wrong, inevitably. But who, where, what and how?

  455. Oh, no. I was at AWA for a while on Saturday, but I didn’t read this whole post, so I missed the info. I guess I better start reading everything instead of immediately clicking the link to the newest update. 🙁

    • Awww. I did try to put the message out on my social network channels too, but unless you’re active on those it would have gotten drowned out. (Tumblr especially was a total crazy place to track AWA news.)

      IF you will be going to Momocon this year, I should be in the alley. I’ll renew my offer for free bust sketches for active readers most likely!

  456. 🙂 Thanks guys. I think we all know that an encounter between Ilva/Selva and the Count is inevitable. Just when, how, and why and what next is all that remains to be seen xD

  457. Mwah! Missed the update because it didn’t appear in the arc list … *sigh*
    I like it 🙂 Looking forward to the next move …

    • ahhh! It’s because I forgot to update that! Glad you caught that. I was so tired last night I knew I forgot something…

  458. I am surprised to see edmond leaning towards the count somewhat….But then again. lol I do prefer the wolf to the hunter. lol

  459. It’s not your fault. I wasn’t paying attention, and then didn’t look at the artists list when I got there. 😐

    I haven’t been to Momocon before, but it looks fun! I’ll do my best to see you there.

    • Cool – I’ll post in March the info that I have about MOmocon. We’ll be in the dealer’s room so it hopefully should be easier to find me. 🙂

  460. Aaw, Edmund’s growing up. And Edmund and Elanore are growing closer. But I’ve given up on keeping track of those bothersome lion riddles.

  461. so i just finished the whole story and i ve come to a conclusion:I DON T WANT EDMUND AND I DONT WANT ILVA! i want elanore and the wolf together,they would so make a great couple and their story woulb be such romantic and intriguing..i would be like ‘Pride and prejudice’s mr.Darsey and Elizabeth Benett!!!

    • Hm. Darcy and Lizzie are indeed a favorite of mine, but I think Elanore isn’t a strong Lizzie. (She’s much too sweet!)

  462. So now we know the rest of the Count’s history, a bit vaguely. And why Elanore’s red cloak made such an impression on him… Wow, this guy has serious problems. It seems the magic has come back for him, though!

    • Magic likes to mess with him. He’s lived multiple lives already in a way, and he’s kind of confused xD

  463. Finally learning the rest of the count’s story and seeing him learn wisdom from it all; is a wonderful way to start my week. Thank you!

  464. Wow, several pages at once! A wonderful start for the week. Thank you!

    And all centered around the Count – even better 🙂 I agree that although there is much information in there, it still seems a bit vague at times. But to me it feels a bit like ‘this is another story to be told at another time’ (or however this passage from the neverending story translates into english). Actually, it sounds like something that could get its own storyline.

    Let’s see what our mistress of color and word grants us next … 🙂

    • Actually really interested in what part seems vague to you and MK. Is it the part with the parents/grandpa? Or were there parts from the elf-part that you wanted more from?

      The elves are something I will come back to in the next book or book afterwards… still mulling whether to insert a new section on the sea witch era though in either an edited extended edition of this volume or pull that material into the next volume.


      • For me, it is mostly the part of how he got rescued. I mean, it is only a short mention, and it sound to me like there is a whole own story behind this; how the elves and the grand father found out what happened, how he found people to help him rescue his grandson, how they found him … this part is pretty vague here; even the part Maximilian himself experienced is only presented in short flashes that have the feeling of being a bit incoherent, probably also because he himself was part something else when it happened, so memories might not be absolutely clear, plus he probably avoided them for quite a long time.

        • Yeah – thanks for clarifying. That definitely is true and I suspected that part would kind of feel very vague after the great detail that preceded it in the remainder of CHapter 28.

          Part of this is simply avoiding inserting yet another storyline that wasn’t yet critical to the main narrative but also my indecision on whether the entire narrative about Max’s parents is a good story in itself that could be told as a separate prequel or companion story. Eirwyn and Philip’s story is one of the “True stories” outlined in Maximilian I’s book. (Long ago he spoke of at least two true ones to his knowledge, and his parents’ version of a fairy tale is twisted from European one, but some of you may already have figured out what it is.) I’ve tried not to touch too much on their story except through Max’s eyes as I wanted to leave the option open to write it as a separate tale. BUT… who knows. It might make good bonus material for the ebook. Just need to think it over some more once I find the end of this volume 🙂

          Thanks though for fleshing out that comment though. IT helps to understand what you’re experiencing and the level of interest in that specific area.

          • I would love to read that part of the story from an outside view, maybe his grandfather’s. How they found he had gone lost just after he had learned more about his gift, how they followed his path, what adventures they lived through until they reached the village, how they found Maximilian and encountered the sea witch, and the dramatic end with him turning on her – yes, it would make up a really fine story. Although probably the starting point of it all, the reason for their earlier flight etc. would have to become more clear in that story too.
            But for the moment, let’s stick to the story at hand 🙂

            • Yeah – I almost prefer using the grandfather as the narrator and thinking upon it, think I’d like to use a first person – episodic structure for whatever I’d put together from his own archive of “stories.” He has a lot of fun things to talk about … he has that odd collection of things in his study, the obsessions with the Swan Queen, the woes of having six nutty sons,… it’d be really fun to voice his character while expanding out the world and the stories of importance.

              I’ll think about this more. Once this volume is done, I need a break to plot the next major arc in greater detail. (As is, the objectives of it shifted recently after I decided what fate to bestow on various characters.) But writing his thoughts could be an appropriate and less taxing method of keeping this serial going and not just going into major dead time . Hmm. I’ll think on this some more!

  465. I kept waiting for an update – because there is no “NEXT” on this section. Than I went to your chapter section and found 4!! You have been very busy and excellent writing.

    • OMG! Sorry about that. I think I got so overwhelmed with all the pieces that I didn’t check this page. I will fix now. Thanks for pointing it out!

  466. Pingback: Webfiction Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood - Ch1The Webcast Beacon Network

  467. I just.. I can’t… OH MY GOSH IT’S SO AMAZING!
    Those are the only words I can form about how much I love this story.

  468. Like the one at the top better ^^ Probably because it at least depicts the Count as an ‘angry kid’ – I just can’t get my brain around a cute version of him … that’s not him!

    • Hehe. I think he’s cute when he was younger though… but yeah, he’s generally more irritable all around while the other two are generally happy and less damaged xD

      • That’s probably true, he seemed quite carefree when he was still young. But then, when he was young, the other two were not even born – so the picture is a bit, hm, anachronistic? Not that it matters at all ^^

        • Hehe. Chibis I think of as being in a universe of their own. I’ve always wanted to do a comic strip alternate universe with the small versions of these characters. It would involve a lot of playground fighting.

  469. Selva as a white arctic wolf (if a bit less massive than those probably) – sounds fitting 🙂
    By the way, I noticed the link from the story arc leads to 28B instead of this chapter.

    • Thanks for pointing out the error in the link! FIxed it 🙂 And if Selva is a white wolf, what color would the others be? Been thinking about this a lot for a LOOOONG time.

  470. poor dear. Anger is good — light a fire to bring him out from the shadows, wherein he loves to dwell.

    • Yeah – I think more or less the man has been rather locked up in his tower too much. He occasionally comes out, but only if pressed.

    • I don’t think that’s her intent but we’ll give her a little slack for a while. Hopefully she’ll at least open up to someone. Eventually? 😀

  471. Oh dear, I happen to have reverted into being a n00b and have yet to figure out how to post in the comments section in your chapters. As you see, I had to pause from reading and login to this dusty old account, as it has been ages since I’d used it, simply to comment on how wonderfully you have rewritten and twisted your elements into this fairytale.

    You’ve created personable characters so the plot leaves me curious yet worried while laughing with the humour laced into the web so as to keep the mood light enough rather than leaving your readers despairing all the while. Thank you ThePuppetMaster (and pardon for this comment appearing rather out of nowhere)!

    • Aw, you could definitely always post with a new account. THe authentication on my side is simply just to keep spambots from going crazy! I’m glad you are enjoying the story so far. Still working through your comments from the last few days. Man you are catching up fast!

  472. I started laughing just as Giles started laughing. Such a natural progression to everyone’s reactions, haha!!!

  473. Okay, must say that Edmund cooking up a batch of pancakes was too sweet and left me smiling for much too long (my cheeks hurt). It did not help that “Uncle” Giles’s meddling ways added to the pain in my cheeks as I read on x9!

    • Giles is kind of sweet on Elanore/Edmund I think. Or maybe he just likes teasing Edmund because he’s such easy bait xD

  474. Kya! The way you created each of the lions leaves me in fits of giggles (and still pleasantly yet surprised Galahad chose Lamb, if only for his observing skills and nothing else).
    (Oh and pardon… I really don’t remember how I came to find your story; I was on one of those sprees of opening up everything I found interesting from one page to another and when I found yours, I left it in a ‘to read’ pile but did not take note of how I got to it.)

  475. Before reading the comments, I remembered the 12 races but wish I knew how to guess which ones they are. To say fair-haired and light-eyed is too basic for me to stab in the dark to pick a fairy-(tale)-typed being. But your writing of Edmund’s reaction to hearing Mrs. Ormond (though interestingly while written in his point of view, both are very often referred to as Mr. and Mrs. Ormond as opposed to ‘his father and mother’).

    Have also wondered for a while if Giles was a werewolf (although that race may be too typical for this story) or a wolf animorph (does anyone recall that series? It was great=D).

    • 🙂 IIRC, Giles is explained soon. As for the twelve races, there are definitely holes and I haven’t defined them all as I’ve chosen to leave them alone for the future since I plan for this story to be part of a series of works set in my fairy-tale/fantasy world. So far, I think three have been seen in this story, and about 2-3 referred to in an off-hand manner by those related to the Wolframs. At least one is near-extinct at this period in time, and I’m toying with whether to actually verbalize what that is.

  476. “He hoped Giles had behaved himself, otherwise he feared the younger man would not be alive for very long after the female members of their clan arrived.”
    And with well-written lines such as these, how could one not pause for a long minute to finish laughing before continuing on with the story.

    • Giles is the one character who refuses to get with the program. He belongs in a comedy 😀

  477. I had been wondering whether Edmund’s encounter with that stone lion (with the sharp prick) had led to something else…

  478. I do wonder why people find it so difficult to grasp Edmund’s name hahaha (must also say I am glad to find an ally in MK in the comments as I too wish it more him and the Count to be with Elanore, at least so far to this point).

  479. I find it rather funny how so many suddenly are rooting or at least congratulating Edmund on his advances whereas I, contrasting my previous comment in the preceding chapter, found him too aggressive (though with the planting of thoughts and magic weaving Ilva has been conducting of melding her own and making it seem as though everything came from Ed’s own person, it should account for some if not much of his actions in this section).
    As someone commented above, Elanore definitely will need the time to get her mental ducks back in a row as she attempts to ‘logic’ it out. (I really enjoy the depth you’ve put into every character btw!)

      • I have seen “The Birds” too o_o. Birds actually do kind of scare me when they mass everywhere.

    • He’s a young man and got very impatient. I thought it was funny actually how he didn’t really do what SHOULD have been done at all xD> ALways amused by how everyone interprets the same action very differently.

  480. Aaaaand it seems Edmund has yet again managed to reclaim my like for him as he reverts to his true internal self. Also, you write with wise words (as spoken through Mrs. Winchester).
    You have done the incredible task of making everyone in this world fascinating to read about. I can easily picture myself being bored every time Wilhelm became the main for the chapter or say the Count in his moody ways (not including family history reveal chapters) but you have crafted every person into important elements and made the reader care about each character; even the half dozen that just wandered away from Wilhelm’s troop at the end of this chapter leaves me frightened for them.
    So to that skill of yours, well done!

    p.s. Wilhelm, now also seemingly endowed with elements of magic or something of a particular bloodline… and how this relates to the Count I’m sure… or at least Elanore’s father… (My mind, as it was with Elanore’s blankets, appear to be just as tangled in my confusion.)
    p.s.s. Pardon if I comment too much and too frequently… >o<!

  481. Different views on the world of magic–increasingly intriguing (and ah, I really hope she’s the White Wolf who may be Selva (Ilva… Selva…) because if not, you’re taking me far too long on a ride here (@.@).

  482. “Don’t throw that biscuit at me.” – Giles
    Oh my, a couple biscuits have been harmed in the writing of this tale! x9!

    In all seriousness, to see how all of your characters have their own childish/naive sides but just as much sense and inner strength (for themselves and/or for others) has made each very 3D, perhaps even 4D if that would make much sense.

    • If this someday ever becomes an animated or live action drama, I hope people are inspired to protest my treatment of biscuits. So many destroyed in this story so far, and so uselessly xD.

      Glad you continue to enjoy the characters too!

  483. Your men AND women are both so strong in their own ways, relenting in others; it makes for great power wielders but not to the point that everyone’s always fighting either.

  484. Nevermind my previous comment–you’ve warped my mind and now I must rewrap my ideas that imploded into a nicer neater bundle (if at all possible).

  485. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I still want Max and Red Riding hood together!!! Put Sleva and Edmund together!!!

  486. I like it whenever the Count is the center of attention. Reading about Edmund and Elanore and the lions is all well and nice, but the Count is for me the seasoning in this very fine dish! Whenever he appears, everything else drops into the background for me somehow. *sigh*
    And I think I like Selva, too 🙂 So different in many ways and still so much bound together by what they share. A very, very interesting partnership, especially now, as her power makes her his equal – she wasn’t that before, and it might lead to interesting differences compared to their previous relationship!
    Looking forward very much to what is to come. As always, so far 😉

  487. This land needs them both.
    There must be a lot of power in the count for the Unthings and other evil things of the world to hunt him so much and go to great lengths to hinder someone that wants to help him.

  488. Oh, I like these Lions!! So literal and forthright – “Edmund won’t like your idea of keeing an eye on Eleanor.” Can’t wait till the next chapter.

  489. Breath Taking!! I was litterally on the edge of my chair as I read this part of the story. Something tells me, that Max, Ilva, Red, and Ed have a lot more bumbs in their roads. And that Max and Ilva are gonna have to make some hard choices….

  490. Amazing! Also, I have a theory. I think that Edmund is their son. These last couple sections have led me to think that perhaps Selva was (unknowingly) pregnant when she left and then the Snow Queen got a hold of her. She had Edmund in her home village, but then the unthings destroyed it and Edmund mysteriously survived… That is my theory anyway. Also, it would make the dynamic of Ed and the Count a lot funnier… and twisted.

  491. I can’t comment on the plot speculation (or won’t hehe), but I am glad that Selva/Maximilian is evoking a lot of comments from you all.

    Couple of things I want to address though
    1) The Unthings have both intentional and unintentional drives. They will go after something that bothers them. And then they will just randomly eat things because they’re not really guided by intelligence. Rather it’s instinct or accident that makes them grab onto things. They will come after a person, or entire people.

    This is something I had explained in a prologue I deleted somewhere in the first few months when I had to drop a scene (from which the rest of story would be flashing back from).

    2) The romantic triangle had to give way. It was a driver in the story early on, but the characters wouldn’t let me play them off each other that way. Elanore had too much integrity to let me toy with her. The lions also really actively conspired to engineer that pure love they needed to unlock them from their sleep. Sly creatures really did unravel my plot quickly xD. In any case, we’ll see what happens next.

  492. I didn’t really like the count at all to start with. But the more I read about he and Selva, the more he grows on me.

    • It’s always good to hear from the minority. I think the COunt (in spite of his serious flaws) tends to evoke the most interest, if only because we have the most access to his thoughts. But he does have issues that make people uncomfortable. (Some of them have simply told me via twitter that he is borderline creepy xD.)

      But he’s redeemable I hope. Maybe not wholly by the time we finish up this arc, but eventually in time.

      • It’s not really his creepiness that I didn’t like. His dark and brooding nature combined with his (sort of) broken heart and that he tried to play with others’ feelings frustrated me immensely.

        • Yeah – I think it should. HOnestly, it works only in fiction but in real life, these are signs of someone who may not be good to be involved with at all!

  493. I have been super busy and just caught up with what I missed. This is so amazing! I love the Count! I knew he was soft and squishy inside. I’m so glad to see Selva back with him. I am also egar to see the townfolk all huddled in the Wolfram estate. I still want more of Edmund, though. I want to know where he’s from and what he’ll become as he learns about his past and ability to use magic.

    • 🙂 Edmund’s journey is really just starting here. I do plan to keep writing him when we finish up this arc. I just haven’t decided exactly who else gets to be in his story xD

    • I’m glad that you enjoyed it. I was very nervous about how this would play out between them actually!

  494. I am delighted that Selva and the Count have begun to circle around each other in their thoughts, and are beginning to view the world from a ‘we’ stand point. It gives me hope for them. It is always so challenging for two strong partners to come to unity when they have differences in their overall characters. But when they succeed – so powerful! I look forward to this story’s continuation! Thanks.

  495. I must be in the minority here. I knew the count had a soft heart but I’m still routing for him and red riding hood. Suppose its just me not wanting the traditional predictable ending. Besides…something about the count I find alluring lol

      • He’s definitely a hot dude. I think the predictable ending, however, would have been Red/Wolf. IT’s quite a common element in a lot of variants of Red Riding Hood.

        But while romance is a heavy part of this arc… I’m not really sure how it’ll fit in the next one. I expect the characters to either feature or appear, but most of them are asking me to give them lots of magic and pointy swords. Romance? Bah. They don’t want romance once I finish this volume xD

  496. What’s with Selva- talking in Elanore’s head, and now she’s ill? And Lady Tala’s wierd little speech?

    • Selva is just still exhausted. And as she is powerful in magic, and Elanore has magic as well, it sounds not unreasonable that they can comunicate in this way.
      And I don’t think Talas speech too weird – I would also prefer to deliver before the trouble begins, and not in the midst of it ^^

      Waiting for the next steps that come!

      • Yes, thanks V! You’re on the mark here. Selva’s gift of magic makes her able to do a bit more when she communicates with Elanore. This will be explored a little bit more in the next update.

  497. Pingback: Webfiction Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood - Ch2The Webcast Beacon Network

  498. I say ILLUSTRATION… or maybe some sort of vintage design look. Definitely not photomanip — that gives a very slick look IMO that doesn’t really suit your story. Photomanip makes me think YA or urban/paranormal/modernish fantasy. Maybe historical romance, but the moment you signal the fantasy elements, it starts looking like YA again IMO. (Then again, for reference, here’s how Tor marketed their recent Regency fantasy: — notice they changed the look for the second book — so I suppose it would work, but probably would be really hard to find appropriate photos unless you set up a shoot yourself…)

    As for genres, I’m not sure tbh. Fantasy, obviously, but you’re writing a very different kind of fantasy than most other stuff on the market. Romance is probably too competitive (and romance readers have a very specific conception of how the story needs to play out). The various fantasy subgenres aren’t really that helpful…. maybe someone else will have better ideas though!

    • The look you linked to (not on the left, but currently middle) is a common trick with Regency novel reprints… basically taking a classic public domain painting subject and shoving text on top xD. The majority of my dustcovers for Jane Austen books look like that. hehehe. That would be amusing…

      But yeah – genre is weird. I’ve pushed a bit forward through Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and think that’s closer to what I wanted to do – more literary magic/fantasy, and yet that makes it quite hard to classify. It really doesn’t fit into fantasy… but on Goodreads it quite often gets put under that note. Hmm.

      • Yeah, especially since literary fantasy/”speculative fiction” as another commenter put it isn’t really much of a thing, as far as I can tell, on the indie scene. (amazon/smashwords et al pretty much only offer general fantasy, epic fantasy, contemporary fantasy, historical fantasy, so the only way to get more specific is to use tagging.)

        Apparently the public domain look didn’t work for them which is why they changed to the photo. XD The Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell look is actually the other option I was thinking re: something more design-oriented, but I think you already got a lot of good feedback on illustration so wheeee, looking forward to what you decide on!

  499. I’d buy the e-book, but not print version. I already have piles of books, and it’s hard to justify adding to the pile when I can read the story online.

    I’m not sure about the genre, but would it be possible to call it fairytale fantasy? I love fairytale retellings. Are you going to call it a compilation of a web serial or a novel?

    • Hm. Depending on how much I edit, I might simply call it a compiled serial. I don’t know if that might disadvantage me though. A lot depends on how well received the current “serials” are through Amazon.

      To some extend the compilation probably needs to offer some additional content, though, and I might write a short story or “add” content . Still mulling that.

  500. I’d buy the e-book, simply because I have way too many paper books and I tend to read multiple things at a time. The e-readers make it so much easier to carry around a library. Though, to be completely honest, I’d probably get a paper copy as well, just for the smell of the pages.
    For the genre, you could always classify it under “Science Fiction/Fantasy”. The reason I like your work so much is because it is very similar to one of my favorite authors, Jim Butcher, of the Dresden Files and Codex Alera. I don’t mean to compare writing styles, but you’re both very good at taking a story and throwing the reader for a loop when you take it in a different direction than what they expect.
    Also, for the art, I personally think that a vintage look, probably an adaptation of the first piece of art (the one from the first chapter). Nothing too fancy, but different enough to catch the eye of people who browse and read the back of books because the cover looks interesting.

    • Thanks for the art suggestions. I’m seeing a consistent point made in the comments and it’s helped me narrow down what I’d like to do. (One of the suggestions below is absolutely genius and I think I’m going to run with it.)

      And yeah – I’m the same as everyone else. I don’t like having too many paper books because I have too many already that have exploded all over my closet and shelves :3. If I do print, it will be POD through Amazon Createspace.

      ETA: thanks for the suggestion/reference to other works. I can’t wait until I have some free time again to read and will definitely check out Jim!

  501. I would buy both! If you only chose one type, though, I suppose I’d vote for e-book; there’s no shipping involved, so distribution would be easier.

    An illustration definitely seems like a better fit for cover art than something “modern” and photoshop-y. As far as a category, if you had the option to market it as a fairytale, as a subgenre of fantasy, that would be great — I don’t know if that is offered, though, and it might just go under fantasy in general.

    • Yeah – I haven’t seen “fairytale” consistently written down as a subgenre. Marketing wise it would be easier to hang on that hat, although I do worry based on what I have seen that fairytale stories tend to want to focus on “one story at a time” and are squarely targeted at female readers. I don’t know if this will be an outlier in that genre too and cause male readers to run away.

  502. I am a huge fan of being able to hold the book I am reading. Although, from an economical point of view it would probably be far less work on you to just do the e-book.
    The story has a classic feel to it and I don’t think a contemporary cover would really fit. The illustration idea would probably work out best, although photography done in the right style could serve the purpose as well. I tried to dig around for an exampled of both but I couldn’t find anything that looked right.
    Hope the recuperation time treats you well!

    • thanks! I spent time with a sibling in Hawaii. We took in sights, slept a lot, and splashed around in the water. It’s given me a good break too — the next update is a hard one.

  503. I would buy in book format, for some reason I really like the paper versions compaired to the ebook. Mostly cause I do not have the best luck with technology at times.

  504. I prefer buying a paperback to owning an e-Book. However, I completely understand if you do decide to release your book in e-Book format due to costs. I would still support this.

    As for e-Book genres, this serial has a similar atmosphere to Ellen Kushner’s Thomas the Rhymer– a retelling of a Celtic legend. It was categorized as “speculative fiction” and “fantasy.” Apparently, the whole idea of “speculative fiction” is to categorize works that contain multiple elements, such as fantasy, history, folklore, etc. into one umbrella genre. This is one possibility. I agree with the other comments that “fantasy” is another option.

    The ideal book cover for your serial would be illustration as others have mentioned. If you plan to use photography, it should be natural and elegant without being overbearing, such as the opening scene with Elanore traveling through the snowy forest alone. Possible examples of style are a European-like air ( or with a fairytale/folklore feel (

    Hope this helps! Enjoy the 2 week break.

    • I think it’s possible to do both but I need to decide which way to go first. I will probably commit to the ebook first because it’ll be easier and the lesser of two investments. Going to print means spending more time with a designer (or doing it myself) and getting the formats right. The ebook formatting I might be able to handle myself or get done at a lower cost (should I decide to pay for it).

      And thanks for the links to the illustration examples! Brian Froud is a great artist — he has a classic and dark feel that appeals to a lot of traditional fantasy folks. Also the other reminds me of classical paintings… something I hadn’t considered but could work very well.

  505. Are you OK, Puppetmastress/S-girl? *looks worried* Not used to late updates without even a comment … although it is anyway strange how few comments there are for this part … maybe something wrong with the site? I will see once I post this …

    • Just found the comments and you announcement that you will be away for 2 weeks – and feeling relieved 😉 Have a nice holiday!

      • Yeah- sorry! I had hoped to have another installment out last Monday or this one, but I had too many internet problems while away and exhausted by a lot of the excursions I was on.

        Thanks for your concern!

  506. omg! the art should be the door!!! as stated in previous comments I would LOVE a look at that door. please please please please! also I vote you do an e-book! 😀 and I have no idea for genres… um. yeah. *shrug.

  507. I just found the story and I have already fallen in love! I cut my teeth on authors such as Anne McCaffrey, Terry Brooks, and Douglas Niles, and have recently moved on to more “local” talent in fanfiction. So I wasn’t certain what to expect when I started to read, but I’ll admit, the depth of characterization and intricacies of plot with it’s multitude of arcs has made this a wonderfully intriguing story!
    While at times certain elements are occasionally predictable, there is quite enough mystery to keep readers second guessing their assumptions. You’ve beautifully incorporated the subtleties of “human” emotion with a tremendous amount of depth and history and you’ve woven the fabric of this reality so well that it makes for an easy escape!
    I’ve fallen in love with your precious lions and I anticipate the development of all the little relationships along the way. Will Elanore ever find the truth of her past? Does every secret come into the light of day?
    I look forward to your updates and request that while I know this has been a long road of writing for you that you not give it up. Thank you for sharing your talent!

    • Hi there! Welcome delurker 🙂 .

      Interesting comments — I kind of fell into the fantasy realm through McCaffrey, Brooks, and Tolkien… so not wholly surprised that we seem to get along as writer/reader xD. If anything, I like the way they sell their worlds — they’re very grounded in what they put forward. In that way, I’m hoping the “worldbuilding” here is similarly grounded.

      Glad you also are finding the balance of mysteries (resolved/predicted vs. unresolved) to be good. As for Elanore, I don’t think the truth will be quite resolved in this volume simply because the one person who could answer (her mother) is completely absent from this story. For the moment, Elanore also seems to have forgotten about the matter actually. Unlike Edmund (who I think still very much wants answers), she’s the sort who can be content not knowing everything… don’t know if this will create problems down the road (volume 2?) or not. Much depends on the guildmaster and how much he wants to push the matter. (*distracts him*)

  508. Ebook. Lowest financial risk. BoD if people want more. Or, they can pre-order, and once a certain number of orders has come together, you go and print. Don’t take risks. Don’t riun yourself for people who now say ‘well yes SURE I would buy a paper copy’, and in the end you sit on a pile of paper and have to think of how to pay the rent. This might not be your problem, but I know of enough people who really wrecked themselves financially by printing a book that could as well and much cheaper have gone purely as an ebook first to test the market.

    And, illustration. Definitely. Vintage style sounds good, door sounds perfect because actually you are presenting a door to a fairytale world. maybe on the back side the heads of the three main characters encountered at the beginning. And at the door, a lion should be sitting.

      • Yeah – I think if Createspace wasn’t such a good setup at this point I wouldn’t even mention “print.” Amazon’s setup with Createspace is really good. The books would only be printed on demand (as the customer orders) and the cost for a 350-450 page paperback book is reasonable.

        The investment on my part is only then on the matter of editing and formatting. I’m going back and forth on whether to get some formal proofreading or not. I’m notoriously bad with commas and punctuation and I’d love to get this corrected. And yet with the length of the volume clocking in so high, urk… this would be tough.

        And the door image is actually really a good one as is your suggestion. I’m thinking of actually Elanore and the lion looking up at the door. It would allow me to use the iconic red-cloak figure and the weird little lion to good effect. I’m going to think on that one some more.

        • Yes, as I wrote, BoD = book on demand is the only option I would agree is a good start when publishing in print for the first time, if you don’t want to set up a kickstart project with people pre-paying.

          I was also thinking about adding a person to the picture, but actually I somehow thought it should not contain too many elements that distract from the door and its symbolism. But maybe the door could feature scenes with Elenore in her bright red cloak. The stone lion, being mostly grey-whitish I suppose, does not distract too much, but still raises curiosity, especially if it is clearly alive (maybe a colored ribbon should hang from its maw …).

  509. I’m all about the door idea for the cover! That sounds like a thoroughly fascinating and beautiful idea! On the paperback vs. e-book thought I’m undecided, though I can say the only e-book I’ve ever bought was a professional school application guide.

  510. Ohh I can’t wait to see what happens next. What followed her I wonder………I’m still hoping for the count and Eleanor though lol *fingers crossed*

  511. As always, the intrigue continues!! …and I wouldn’t have it any other way! The details are always so refreshing, and the appearance of the wrens in the former chapter as well as Elanore’s appearance in Selva’s mind as one get all sorts of connections and thoughts going!
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I look forward to the next update!


    • thank you, I did! Also recovered from vacation in a different timezone, I think.

  512. I love the idea of the door as the central element for the cover. I vote illustrated cover. I would classify this under fantasy and fairytale. Not that fairytale is a widely used sub genre. I love having books on my shelves, but shelf space is hard to come by and ebooks are easier to store/organize/keep intact.

    • I added that link last night after I went into my galleries and found the two images at end of October. So…. will put a different kind of incentive tonight once it gets done!

  513. I am in love with Elanore- Edmund and Selva- Count (don’t remembdr his name). Elanore and Edmund and the lions as marriage counselors is so sweet!

    • I’m not so sure they’re good marriage counselors at all! haha. They have a very simple view. “Things should work because WE THINK SO.”

      Damn cats.

    • It’s not impossible. Characters in this story are certainly mistaken or unreliable as narrators. I’d be interested in whether this is a gut feeling or something you are trying to figure out is possible . (And whether Selva is mistaken, lying, or speaking the truth!)

  514. Pingback: Webfiction Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood: Ch2 p2The Webcast Beacon Network

  515. Noooooooooooooooooooo. Not Worlfram and Selva, He needs to end up with red riding hood!! *pouts*

  516. Oooh, who’s the interrupter? Selva or Edmund?
    And I can definitely guess what happened between this chapter and the last. Expect little Wolframs in 9 months or so!

    • Due to his habit of lurking, I’d say the Count owns that shadow.

      All in all a good development, I’d say. =)

      • My bets are also on the count 🙂

        Bah, christmas season … seems I missed one update last week with all the trouble it is causing *grumble*

        • I don’t know if you rely on RSS or Facebook but I think something has gone wrong with the Facebook and RSS feeds. Some of this is due to Facebook’s new policy about fanpages (and how you no longer will see all the notices unless you subscribe to the page’s feed). Some of it has to do with Facebook/Twitter issues (they’re at war if you haven’t noticed).

          I’ll try to pay more attention to things “breaking” in terms of the notices but sadly Twitter is the only reliable broadcast method at the moment.

          In any case, looks like you caught up 🙂

          • I rely on nothing but my own unreliable self *g* And my hunger for stories. It will always lead me back here sooner or later. *looks at her growling stomach* Seems it’s lunch time again soon … 😉

            • Yup! It will be Monday evening I think. I want another decent edit tomorrow and then have time for some kind of sketch I think this week.

    • 😀 He’s like a kid. Or a puppy. As are the rest of them… Elanore really doesn’t know what she started.

  517. I know lol I see Elenor giving a lot of kisses when they return. lol Still hoping for that Wolfram/Red Riding hood hook up but its seeming its not to be that way *sighs*

    • No, I don’t think so. Not unless you want some very angry characters beating the crap out of him xD

  518. I like Edmund and Elanora (though their clothes don’t look old-fashioned enough for me ;)), but I think you have to practise a bit more on the lions 🙂 Still, I do like your evolving art more than most of what I’ve seen as guest strips, to be honest. They are fn, but somehow hardly ever fit to the story for me. (That up there is supposed to read ‘fun’, but for some reason I can never go back a line to edit something -.-)

    • The lion is very cartoony, I know. I have done more realistic versions but need more time to finish these out …

      I haven’t really decided whether to be strict about clothing in the Edwardian/Victorian sense. It’s important that the technology/era derives from what we would consider late 1800s early 1900s, but it isn’t the same time continuity as our own. The reason why is something I can’t go into until I deal with the Swan Queen in another book…

  519. Elanore handing out kisses is like Snow White saying goodbye to the seven dwarves. And the lions are adorable!

    • Haha. They’re adorable in moderation. I think Elanore would be very grumpy if all 100ish of them started demanding things at once…

    • It’s Monday nights (EST) unless I can get things wrapped up earlier (i.e., Monday midnight). (And sorry – I just realized that I hadn’t added the link to part C on this page, so you do have one more installment to read before you’re caught up!)

  520. Pingback: Webfiction Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood - Ch 3The Webcast Beacon Network

  521. *squeals* A chance to hang out with the Count…..*brushes herself off and makes herself presentable*

    • LOL. Currently he’s bored doing nothing. You should try the magic 8 ball and ask him something.

  522. Okay okay. Sorry was family day *smooths out her hair* One question a day…Hmmm….

    Max…..What’s your favorite memory of your long life time?

    • Technically that would be the Count, as he is the head of the clan. There is no synopsis — had thought about it, but it fell along the wayside. This arc should be wrapping up soon though (after which I’ll probably generate a summary before launching volume 2 later this year.)

    • But you’re missing so much with just a synopsis! Read the story, that’s what it’s all about – stories … I mean, would you read through a synopsis of Lord of the Rings 1 to read Lord of the Rings 2? Makes no sense … if you love reading good stories, read them from the start!

  523. Terrina asked: Max…..What’s your favorite memory of your long life time?

    My favorite memories usually involve my grandfather. He would hop around in a passably bad imitation of dancing. My uncles would then try to do impersonations of his dancing, much to my mother’s amusement.

    I also loved listening to the elves sing on a starry evening. Their voices were far better than anything the Wolframs could manage.

  524. Ooo still just me huh. Shame…*smirks* Have there been any other love interests in your life other than Selva?

    • Hmmm. (*Stalling for as long as possible*) I generally don’t think any of those women qualify as love interests.

  525. 🙂 Interesting. And still only me here. Not complaining mind you. You always give off an air of sophistication and refinement. But in secret, other than with the ladies, do you ever just let loose and act …well goofy or playful, say like a pup?

    • Most definitely not. Giles does all the playing on behalf of everyone in the household.

      Selva…she plays. Once she rearranged all of my books. I was not amused.

  526. Why not do both, once you find time for it again? You could even mix it. Might be an interesting experiment. Maybe render one of the worlds in pictures, the other in words? Chapter by chapter?

    • That’s a really interesting idea… thank you for suggesting it (and I’m truly pondering how that might work)

  527. So, let’s see who this is … and if he is the person Edward was expecting.

    Haven’t done much commenting recently with the holidays and all that, but be assured I’m still following the story with interest and delight! And I keep voting, yessir-ma’am-sir 🙂

  528. So, the favourite son of the mystical stone beasties, while standing amongst a sea of said mystical stone beasties, some one approaches with a drawn sword.
    Yeah, right, wish them luck.
    Can anybody say ‘lunch is served?’

  529. Still only me huh? Shame…its a rare treat to get to talk with Maxilian like this.

    Next Question……..Other than being useful and well annoying to you at times I’m sure, are you happy to see the stone lions up and moving and talking again like when you were little?

    • The lions didn’t actually move when I was young. But they did talk. For a while I thought I might be crazy when I heard their voices, but Grandfather assured me I was not.

      I’m relieved they are awake for many reasons — namely that they are the closest things to the elves that are left to us now.

  530. Assuming that the darkness is defeated with everyone under your care unharmed. What are your hopes for their futures??

    • *long pause* Admittedly I haven’t thought that far yet. (Author: You stumped him. Super huge character flaw on his part.)

  531. Ahw…I’m not the only one anymore lol. Hmmm…..If I am correct in presuming this, and correct me if I’m not. Humans and elves marry into your wolf clans? Especially if any are like Giles. Are there many pure blood in your race left?

    • The first of the animals to try to become like the two-footed ones were the bears. The wolves were not the first or last to learn how to change. And then they married the others.

      During the last eclipse, a great many of those originally descended from the changelings died out. Our line, our clan, is one of the few left from those who changed.

      In our clan, there is no one pure.

  532. I’m all caught up again, and thrilled to see the addition of more twists and turns and the gradual buildup towards the climax. I love the new connection between Selva and the Count and the increasing presence of the lions in the story! They add light and laughter to the seriousness of the situation. I can’t wait for the next updates!

    • :3 The lions were going to be a minor part but people seem to enjoy them more than the main characters and so they’ve become more of an active force for moving the plot along.

      Glad you’re caught up and glad to hear from you!

  533. It seems that you have a very large library. What would you say is your favorite book from your current collection and are you interested in adding to it?

    • I tend to read more out of duty rather than interest. (Selva likes to read because she is naturally curious about folklore and stories.) The most important books in my collection are from the elves because they detail history that reaches further back towards the beginning of the modern era.

  534. Good morning, Count. I was brushing up on some old mythos in my own library and got to thinking. Have you have ever come across or heard of any cat or bird clans that had followed to become human or human-like?

    • I’m very interested in what you have in your own library. (In particular if it’s something rare, do you have an agent to whom I can inquire as to whether it is for sale?)

      There are no bird clans in the way there was a bear clan and is a wolf clan. I suspect it has to do with their unwillingness to give up flight and some of the difficulties transforming properly. Rather their interests have been served by a champion — the Swan Queen who is /was full human.

      Cats… Do you mean like the housecat? Or do you mean lions?

      • Sorry for so late a reply. My little connection had been cut out. For the first part, the agent I got the book from closed shop completely. The books I was looking through went under the titles Monsters by Greer, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Myths (Eastern to Western) by Cotterell and Storm, Mythical Monsters by Gould, and American Indian Myths and Legends by Erdoes and Ortiz. (Yes, I read entirely too much.) As for the last question, generally the ones unsuitable for domestication although there were a couple interesting myths about the domesticated cat becoming human as well.

        • These are books I am not familiar with. However, it is something I shall inquire about when I am able to make contact with some of the agents to the south. You do live in the south or east, I presume?

          As for your question about the clans, there were rumors of lions who walked at one point. They were too strong, and eventually warred with one of the other races.

          I suspect the lions that the elves fashioned as guardians has some root in that myth.

          • You presume correctly. Thank you for your time, good sir. I’ll continue to read the accounts thus far and leave you to the others vying for your attention.

            • It was a pleasure having this conversation. If you have other books that you run across in a similar vein as the ones you mentioned, please write.

  535. Afternoon Count. In knowing Selva and getting to know the girl with the red cloak. What similarities do you find appealing in them both…if any.

    • (Editor: I believe the gentleman is trying to avoid answering your question.)

      I believe that in general most creatures of the fairer sex are far more prone to fits of compassion than I. I suspect both are quite soft-hearted, although I do believe that my lady is still quite capable of defending herself. I cannot be sure about the young Miss Redley. I believe her betrothed will have his hands full with her. She strikes me as the type of creature who would bring a wild creature into the house. ( In fact, she pressed that point and I indulged her by allowing the lions inside the house!)

      What other commonalities they share, I’m not sure. Selva seems to like the girl a lot and she would probably be better prepared to draw a comparison between herself and the young woman.

      As for the turn of phrase you used to ask this question, I suspect you want to know what I find attractive about women? I love long hair. And, like many wolves, I first notice the way a woman smells.

    • I own a large collection of stringed things which my uncles and grandfather left aside. My mother did play the spinet and it sits unused. I have never played anything. Instead I have Giles to torment me with his lute playing. He is passable as a musician and I believe has picked up instruments here and there, but his repertoire is limited to the mundane sorts of music that appeals to women. (He may have learned more while with Marrok and his wife, but I do not know.)

      I do think Hastings plays the spinet at a basic level.

      Selva sings. Mostly songs of nonsense, but I humor her by listening to them.

    • Awesome! Make sure to actually mention yourself by name. I will gladly doodle something for you 🙂

  536. Count Wolfram, why are you answering our questions? Also, do you have any babies planned for the future with Selva?

    • I’ve been forced to do this by someone. It is part of my rehabilitation into society.

      As for children, Selva will not be fully recognized without them. Yes. Children are planned.

    • That will be entirely left up to Selva. (But I do not wish to compete with Marrok. They have children every other year it seems like.)

  537. I remember something leapt over to Edmund already last time he touched the statue … maybe he already has become the guardian the lion was before 😉 With the new sword, he surely could fulfill this role.
    ‘it would not last against very long against’ – hint to a small error.

    • Oooh. Thanks for catching that error (running around now to correct it in a few places)!

      And your memory is very good. When Edmund touched that statue (CHapter 8 here), he felt something very odd happen. He’s been having issues on and off since that point. mmhmm!

  538. *scowls* Why was I lead into this sanctuary only now? Fate seems to be conspiring against me recently! But now that I have found this … *clears her throat* Most esteemed Count, thank you for the patience with which you are answering all our questions, be it out of free will or not. My question is: It seems there is at least one book you have read quite often – the one with the fairy tales of which some may be true. Which is your favorite tale in there, and why?

    • This is hardly a sanctuary. I think we have a regular fete here with so many people gathering.

      As for the tale I enjoy the most, whether true or not, is the story of the Three Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. My grandfather’s rendition of it is pretty entertaining, including the part where the Wolf got his revenge, ate the pigs roasted, fried, and barbequed.

  539. M’lord, Do you think you and Edmond will ever become more than just…civil with each other?

    • Now my dear, what are you trying to imply? I have no romantic interest in the boy.

        • I do wonder what you are thinking of. And yet, I’m not sure it’s good to discuss these things in case someone impressionable might be listening.

  540. Hi Count! Can you tell us by what means the wolf clan survived the last eclipse, and on a side note, how long ago did you last see Marrok (ie. before this year) and how did you stay up-to-date on clan affairs?

    • Those who survived were either lucky enough to be far beyond the woods or under the protection of those who knew better. Selva’s village used to be in the center of an area that the dragons felt they owned. None of the wood creatures would normally venture there. That said, the dragons went quiet since that time — and I cannot say why. I don’t know.

      My grandfather was fortunate to be with the elves on his own journey during that time.

      As for the second question, I will answer it although it bends a rules to do so. Marrok is a regular visitor. Of the various families he moves the most around and has the best knowledge. If I am lucky, he will sometimes come with a smaller group this way every year or other year. Giles has been a useful messenger though and has functioned largely to see to it that I stay informed on various things.

      However, as of late, the southern group is not in touch. They have grown quite soft and are not too interested in our customs. They still hold their promise, though, in caring for the families that have long worked for us. Hastings is still in occasional contact with them, and may be more so once we are beyond this eclipse.

  541. M’lord. I was not trying to imply that you had a romantic interest in Edmond. Though I will admit I had hoped for awhile there was one in Elanore. I was just curious if the two of you, Edmond that is, might actually become…friends. But feel free to answer the part about Elanore if you chose.

    • I do not know about friendship. I would say I have few friends but they are close ones.

      As for the girl, she is passable enough, but had no interest.

        • I do not think you can eat them. You have no stomach. A name, or I shall rename you with such a horrendous label that the others will laugh at you. Something like Heffalumpagus.

          • Aww. But I could pretend to eat them and it would be most amusing to see their reactions…

            And I am not a Heffalump! I am a Lion, and I am called Bors. It is a very nice name, though I do not appreciate being called Boring Bors any more than I appreciate being mistaken for a Heffalump.

            • I do not think it’s a good idea to gnaw on passersby. I do not want a town mob waiting at the gate to lynch us. As for being boring, I do not think of any of the lions are boring. Just very energetic. *grumble*

              (Editor note: Lion-lion is one of the Creative Wenches and I suspect will play with anyone who offers it something shiny.)

  542. I know that at that beginning it was you and Giles and the servants, to overflowing with people and lions. Will you miss them all, to some degree when they depart after the darkness is defeated? (has faith that you will win)

    • To be honest, I think this is going better than I had expected. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be having people here. And I’ve slept better as of late.

      But it may be because I have others here who are helping keep things fairly ordered. If, for example, there was no Marrok things might be fairly irritating.

      I will have to ponder this some more.


  544. I should write my questions down when I think of them. I come to join the group again and sit here struggling with what it was. So if I look dumbfounded or awe struck for a bit….Take it as the 2nd one please.

    You’ve stayed apart from the town for so long, and every one is getting along relatively well for the most part now, with the thanks of Marrok and yourself, do you think once this is all over, you’ll interact with the towns people more often?

    • It is likely going to be necessary to interact more, although, my priority is first dealing with matters at home. While things at this very moment seem fine I cannot predict how it might be tomorrow or the next season or in the years to come.

  545. A day without a question. The count will either be annoyed for waiting or relieved for a day off. Everyone has a favorite possession that they cherish more than all the others. What is yours might I ask, m’lord.

    • I do not know if there is one item I cherish the most. I deeply value what my grandfather left me. My father’s sword I hold in high regard, for it has a great deal of power because he wielded it.

      But cherished.. my mother’s ring. I keep it close.

      • But what about the cane?
        *still having a slight hickup from all the giggling about the pigs*

        • It is valued and important to me, certainly. However, it is one of many items I value.

          As for the pigs, my grandfather was the one who told me that version of the story. He commissioned a number of strange paintings featuring stuffed pigs on dinner tables. (In fact, you can see one in my study.)

    • Bors unfortunately has seemed to fall asleep. *brandishes cane at lion* . We will have to ask him another time.

    • Hi there DA-er! And welcome back from lurker-dom 🙂

      I will be interested to see what you think after the next installment.
      And the next one after that. 😉

  546. Poor box … *giggle*

    But I am still …. chewing … on the concept of … changing partners … *coughs*
    That was deliberate, hm?

    • That was Selva trying something, yes. I think she was hoping for options. Skills don’t have to pair exclusively…

  547. OMG!!!!!! I can hardly wait for the next instalment. I just want to keep reading … Right Now!!!

    • I wish I could do that for you, but been sick a few days so editing the next part has been quite lackluster. 🙂 That said, I’m glad you enjoyed this update!

  548. Oh my god, the end is near?!
    I was so hoping this would still go on for a few more weeks at least … *sigh* So I’ll have to hope you won’t make us wait too long for the sequel!

    • Well, I cut the extra few weeks by deciding to cram everything into fewer updates :). While I thought about just going with the regular length updates, I felt it would read much better if I gave you the two big chunks at one time.

      As for the sequel, I hope to get it started again this year. Just not sure when as of yet.

      • This year … is still pretty long! So if you are not sure if you get it going within this time … *siiiiigh* Well. Guess I’ll have to read some regular books in between 🙂 Which reminds me – still thinking about a BoD publication or something along this line?

        • LOL. I can’t commit to a start time other than “Fall” at this point. A few things need to happen first from my end in terms of planning or I will have a lot of false starts with the next serial.

          And yes, I think the POD is going to happen. I may do an early copy for conventions (i.e., what I call a review draft) but still mulling through it for the moment.

  549. I’m torn between longing for the next installment and fearing it *sigh* You are cruel, lady writer -.-

    • To add some substance to my comment:
      I really love how everybody acts out their characters here. Especially seeing the ‘other’ side of the lions – so carefree, and they don’t even care very much if they kill something … this is I think something that shows the shadowy meaning of ‘innocence’, if it is caused by the complete lack of realization that there are moral standards.
      ANd I loved the picture at the beginning, with Selva tending to the Count’s hair. Wonderful scene, expressing so much in so few words.

      • Duality is one of my favorite things to play around with. I’m not sure why it always interests me – maybe I have a bit of a Batman complex xD.

        And thanks for observing that specific bit in the beginning. I won’t comment too much on why I put it there, other than it was necessary for the guildmaster to ponder it.

  550. Poor Guardian Lion. So old and so tired. And I find myself on edge with goosebumps. That wasn’t the real attack??

    Thank the Count for me as well for spending time to talk with us before all this took place. I greatly enjoyed it. 🙂

    • nah, easy attack. a few shadows… easy, right?

      And glad you enjoyed that chat. It was actually really helpful to see what interested everyone and think about it for planning the next volume.

  551. I just.. I want to read more.. but I’m afraid this will all end in tears. I like everyone too much and I don’t want them to be eaten by unthings.

    • aww. I’ll hope to be ready next Monday. So you’ll definitely have more to read.

  552. Pellinore- as in King Pellinore of Arthurian legend? Are all the lions named after knights (Lambegus, Bors…)?

      • 🙂 Yes. Not the twelve knights, but the extended list. Count Wolfram was a fan of arthurian legends. (So more or less, the accounts exist in his world. There also was a hint at Scottish legends in this installment too.)

  553. I know the story has to end but I don’t want it to. I’ve grown so attached to them all.

    • The characters from this volume will figure in to the next volume. I just can’t say which ones as of yet and how.

  554. Pingback: Webfiction Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood - Ch 4The Webcast Beacon Network

  555. Very well done !!!
    And, of course, the concentrated attack that will come will be the real threat.

  556. There are litterally tears in my eyes. I have felt and lived every word, as I read them. This is beautifully done. There are things that feel like gaps of missing time and information. But they do not really signify at this point. Well Told.

    • i’m glad you enjoyed this! I may come back to you later to ask you about some of the gaps and such. I will be taking another look at this before it goes into an ebook and am considering adding content and would love to have your feedback at that point 🙂

    • ahhh, relieved it lived up to some of the earlier high points. Don’t forget to come back next week though. There is still one more chapter/epilogue to tie up something important ^_^

  557. Now, all the clues and hints of the past come round in full circle.

    I am hanging on every word and awaiting for the grand finale. Will definitely review your epic story once the final part is released.

    • Ahaha, thank you. It will be a quiet little chapter I think in contrast to this. (And still kicking it around as we speak.)

    • In an earlier chapter he likened both Edmund and Elanore to his parents. However depending on what you were looking at … As a rabid befuddled insane monster he just thought of her as food aka Red Riding Hood

    • Thank you. I feel very relieved. All week I thought the database was going to corrupt, I might get run over by a car, and all sorts of morbid things.

    • xD I would love fanfic. Although I’m afraid of your fanfic xD.

      It’s going to be a combo of Wild Swans and possibly something else There might be a hidden story in there, just as there was a “hidden tale” in this one along with some nods to Norse mythology inthis one. 😀

  558. So the count DOES live after all. Now he has to start ACTUALLY living. I like this a lot. 🙂

  559. I am hoping that as you work with The Wild Swans, you will also tie in a bit more of the Wolframs. Maybe with the hidden tale??

    • Yes – they are part of the larger story so I expect that they will appear. I’ll try to talk about this in the next update.

  560. Bravo! Nicely done, nicely done. I wish you the best of luck with your publishing efforts, and look forward to more of your work.

  561. Why not publish this as an e-book with Amazon? It would be practically free and easy to do, also giving you some money and simultaneously making it easier for people to have a slightly more physical form of your story.

    • Yep – going to be putting together the Ebook first and distributing through Smashwords . The issue of content and copyediting though is a separate one… thanks for the suggestion!

  562. Pingback: S1| Ep20: The Forgotten (上) « Memory of AUSOS

  563. Edmund is the Count’s and Selva’s son? OK, let me digest this…
    Elanore and Edmund are engaged! I am happy.

    • Well.. the Count thinks it’s plausible. I don’t think Edmund is buying it xD

      And Elanore is pretty happy too :). This is a far better outcome for her than I had initially plotted a year ago xD .

  564. I’d like to see some side stories about the people who stayed in the village during the darkness, what they experienced. Any idea how long the hiatus will be?

    • I probably need 3 months to do all the workups for the next volume. My biggest concern is nailing down the structure since I’ll be introducing new characters alongside returning ones. (How they all play nicely and do so in a storyarc less than two years is something I really want to be clear on before I jump in.)

      But the side stories probably could start within a few weeks. I am making the editing for the book my first priority right now (and started with two chapters last night). Still experimenting with setting up a new workflow this week so by next week I’ll feel slightly more comfortable announcing plans.

  565. I can’t quite explain why but I would like to hear more about Lady Tala and life in the wolf clan before the move back.

    • Hm. That would be an interesting area to explore. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll mull this one!

  566. Well, there is something good to be said about happy endings. They relax the reader and bring a smile to our troubled faces.

    Thank you for the tale.

    • I think after the two years some of you have been here, it was the right choice. Thank you for reading 🙂

  567. What a brilliant and wonderful story!!! I have so enjoyed it from beginning to end. And am sooo relieved that there is a volume 2!! I don’t think I would be quite so glad of this ‘happy ending’ if it were ending with no more to come. But I am delighted with the who and how all came together. I look forward to reading more! Thank you for sharing your work with us!

    • Definitely there was a lot that didn’t get tied up — still a lot of questions to answer too 🙂

      Glad you’ll be back!

  568. Very nice story! I greatly enjoyed it! Looking forward to the next story arc. Reading your work continues to inspire me to continue with my own writing.

    • I’m glad that I am able to encourage you in some way. Please let me know if there’s anything I can read/review or suggest for you. I’ve been picking up a lot of good resources the past few years and would be happy to share what I’ve learned.

  569. Beautiful Story!! I am so glad that none of the main characters were harmed in the final battle. Especially Lord Wolfram and Selva. And Giles. lol Okay all of them. I loved it from start to finish. Though I did wait to read the final battle and the rest of it. Didnt want it to end. 🙂

    • x3 I know several readers really would hate me if I did anything bad to the characters. I can’t say that the next book won’t be harsher but we’ll see. Still a lot to think about …

      If you have certain things you’d like me to write as side stories let mte know. I have a few comments on the next page/vote page and they’re good ideas.

  570. DONE.

    Began reading the day before yesterday, read more yesterday, and finished today. Pretty good for a mother of two pre-schoolers, eh? (Pre-children, when I’d read a novel, it was usually a day before I skipped back to the Library to check out another. The one librarian was certain I just took it home, read chapter titles, then brought it back, teehee.)

    Compliments, compliments, compliments! If I wasn’t reading the story in my 3 child-free hours of the morning, I was trying to take it apart and find all those splendid little hints that authors leave (intentionally and unintentionally, heh) on which direction the story would go next. Some I guessed, some I did not (but that still delighted me!)

    I like the ‘hidden story’ you wove in–it, beside of Puss-in-Boots–is one of THE favorite fairy tales of my youth and my children’s. (I won’t rat out what it is–I despise Spoilers, and refuse to be one myself!)
    As a little girl, I’d daydream _I_ was the heroine in the tale, and played with all the variations I could bring it to a conclusion. In the Barbie-phase almost all USA girls [have the misfortune to] go through, of course Ken & Barbie and an appropriate action figure for —– would be acted out.

    Now, on to that Unicorn story…The Last Unicorn is another one of my favorites, and I have been admonishing myself patience before seeing if there’s a similarity. Must go now, though, for I hear my two children waking up. (Looks like I begin reading on Monday instead–we have ‘Net-free weekends here.)

    You have been bookmarked!

    • Thank you for your comment! It gives me pleasure as well as a sense of relief to find that the story holds up when someone plows through in a short period of time. It’s really hard to make two years of continuity hang together and as I started editing this week I really have begun to worry about this a lot if only because I don’t want the ebook to be a very choppy experience for a reader who digests it largely in one sitting.

      I have not read The Last Unicorn but did see the animated movie. I am a humongous fan of Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. Many of the animators affiliated with that project went on to contribute key animations to LU and Nemo before going on to Ghibli. (The scene with all the unicorns coming out of the sea is gorgeous.)

      I do want to read the book at some point because its author, I have been told, is a very lovely person who comes out to conventions and patiently signs books. I also heard there was a fantastic graphic novel out there, so hope to run across it soon.

      I don’t think there is anything directly inspired by that specific work though based on the timing of when that was written vs. when I finally saw the animation. Rather, the influence is more “Twelve Kingdoms” written by Fuyomo Ono – a beautiful light novel series that was animated and released here some years ago and translated by Tokyopop before it went byebye. As a Unicorn fan, GO read :).

      But as for the short story “Unicorns Walk Among Us” — this is a good choice to read now while I’m on break. One character in there is critical to the next volume.

  571. I have to say that I loved the story up until the last part of chapter 34. All I can say is that it felt rushed and I needed a bit more for me to feel that that part of the story is finished. But you are the author and if you are positive that the story has ended the way you want then be very proud on creating a very good story that kept me glued to the screen. Can’t wait for more ! 🙂

    • First off welcome! Thanks for delurking to let me know your thoughts. If you are able to eventually put a finger on what that “bit more” is/was, I’d love to hear it. (For example was it additional things you wanted to see wrapped up? MOre time with certain characters?)

      IT’s a strange game ‘ending’ a serial only to begin again with another connected story, so admittedly this is an ending trying to work for a book crowd (who I want to recruit as I go into the next “book” as it serializes) as well as try to wrap up enough aspects of this story so I don’t have too much baggage launching into the next one. That said, I don’t have the objective distance right now to think about whether Chapter 34 and the epilogue were enough. I need some time and perhaps more of volume 2 under our fingers before I can figure out whether to revise.

      In any case, I do appreciate your honest “Hmm” here and will hope you participate actively when I restart again soon!

  572. Pingback: WCBN Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood - Ch5 Pt1The Webcast Beacon Network

  573. Great work! I have really enjoyed reading and following the different characters trought the story. I grinned when I saw the hint to Norse Mytholigy – those being myths close to my Norwegian, dragonloving heart. Keep up the good work, and although I haven’t commented much thoughout, I have loved following the whole story.

    • 🙂 Aryn – I do not know enough about Nordic mythology. Admittedly my exposure has largely been through the small pieces put forward in a high school text as well as games I played (blames MMOPRGs), so if you know of any books in English that you’d recommend I pick up, please do so! (I love myths!)

      As for dragons, I really hope to bring them in but am not sure when/where yet.

      Thank you also for commenting and staying with the story until its temporary end 🙂

  574. ooohhhh Could I please get a code? If it is still possible. Your story is so neat! I promise I’m a returning reader

  575. You won’t be revising the story itself? I mean… Tales of the Big Bad Wolf is clearly a well written first draft, but I think there are definitely some parts that could be improved upon (as there should be, with a first draft). I’m not trying to be insulting, just… honest.

    • I think the revision needs to wait until more time has lapsed on my part. A lot of the general issues are too hard to see right now given that I haven’t put it down for at least a few months.

      As an indie writer though, it is expensive to do a content edit. The volume of the work is one problem as many editors charge hourly or by word. That’s largely what I’m saying at this point. I cannot pay for the editing or doctoring that happens at a publishing house on my own, so the best editor at this point is going to be time and getting more feedback from readers and writers.

  576. Will there be a “Next” button on this page to take us to the next story, or will you put the new story in a different place?

    • It will have its own table of contents (kind of like RRH does right now) but since you asked, I can update the bottom here when it goes live.

    • Okay, will email it to you. You guys will be both able to use the same code. And if you use Smashwords, please make sure to remember to rank/review or whatever it is they do :).

  577. Perhaps in composing their spells, the magic-users used a sort of spell-checker. It simply could have been a spelling error which changed ‘kill’ to ‘kiss’ or back…
    ‘Spell-checking’ is an old story impulse of mine. It was certainly born in the time I began writing on that infernal Word. Or was it the oxymoronic Microsoft Works? Do not recall. In any case, I’ve seen the idea crop up in a few other places, amusingly enough with the same word in a recent Pibgorn series. If it is useful for you, feel free to play with it as well! Good ideas are for sharing, not hoarding. 😀

  578. Pingback: author interview with SgLee

  579. Nice start, giving life to characters that we knew were strong but were eclipsed by their formidable lord in the last tale.

    • Ah – this was a request from one of the threads the last few weeks that I think I can write comfortably without interfering with the next major arc.

      It’s also just fun to write from Giles’ POV.

      Did you see the note about the ereader coupon? Even if you don’t have an e-reader, let me know if you want a code so you can get a PDF of the Red Riding Hood arc for future purposes.

  580. Pingback: WCBN Reading: Tales of the Big Bad Wolf: Red Riding Hood - Ch5 Pt2The Webcast Beacon Network

  581. Based on general observations, I could see the knight (1) being a”big brother” type figure to the Swan Queen, or (2) the flirty, roguish type of guy. It would be interesting to see you develop the character beyond these generic archetypes, however.

  582. I second the above theory. :]

    As for the supporting characters, I am interested in how they will frame the story or move the plot along like they did with Edmund’s past.

    • :o) I think the good news is the question about the picture will be addressed fairly early.

      This volume probably will work most like a more traditional fantasy with multiple things /storylines happening. In my outline draft, I have come to the realization that there is going to be a THIRD book likely with some mixture of characters from the the Red Riding Hood volume and this upcoming one.

      And… Sleeping Beauty might be the real prequel … but we’ll have to see. ;_;

    • thank you. I hope to continue this one someday. Just not sure exactly what format or length..

  583. Pingback: EpiGuide's EpiCast #11 - Webfiction by Design

    • Haha! A very good song… and a very funny first comment for this volume 😉

  584. So far from the opening paragraphs, I see our Swan Queen as someone who is both wise and kind. Hmm. You mentioned that there are other Queens. How many are there (if it’s not a spoiler)? Also, is there a greater entity above the Queens?

    I have to say I am enjoying the dynamic between the Count and Selva. Any scene with them both is bound to end up with the sparring of words. Nothing ever is peaceful with these two. ;D

    And, it’s nice to be reading again! :]

    • The term queens/kings can be very generic and so there are many officially. Any “lord/ruler” unaffiliated with some other kingdom might be considered one. So even our dear Count might be called a “king” in the eyes of humans although he probably would not like that term. Selva might be called a queen in outsider’s eyes, but the Wolframs would likely never use that term either. At best, she can be the Count’s “mate.”

      But in terms of the special Queens with some degree of power in recent history, there are at least potentially three: The Queen of Swans, the Sea Witch (mentioned in volume 1) and the Snow Queen.

      There are no Kings with unique powers at the present unless you make a case for Wolfram :). The new King of the East (in Volume 1) is a human.

      There was a King of the past (SLeeping Beauty/Prince) but I never finished his story except in my mind :3.

      As for Selva and Count, yeah… they are always bickering, much to the Count’s enjoyment. He’s an odd man xD.

  585. I’m not very fond of The Little Matchgirl. What kind of trade is eternal heaven for life?

    • Yeah – I have a strong dislike for that story for various reasons as well.

  586. These two are as awkward as ever! Somehow I think the Count is secretly fond of Edmund than he lets on. 😀 And the friar’s appearance could mean one of two things: 1) More about Edmund’s background or 2) possibly bad news. I am hoping for the former.

    • Haha. The interactions are kind of amusing to me. So much misunderstanding all the time around Edmund Dx.

      As for the friar – yeah, he wasn’t exactly supposed to be there so that likely means something, as you have guessed. 🙂

  587. Well, I wasn’t so fond of the novice, bt that’s a bit harsh, death.
    I was under the impression that Edmund was something to do with the elves. Wolfram’s son?!

    • Wolfram dropped that idea on him at the end of Volume 1 (Chapter 34). It did not go over very well :>

      Edmund has had quite a few stories thrown at him and will have quite a time detangling what might be true, what is true, and what is probably not true.

  588. Nice start. This one looks to be darker and more complex than the first.
    An interesting ride I expect.

    • I hope to develop a broader view of the “world” that the first book takes place in and spend more time looking at other places and cities. Not sure how dark it’ll be — but there’s more evil forces at work, definitely.

    • You mean the boy in the garden? This occurs more or less around the same period of time. I promise this isn’t a pocket dimension whereby time moves in a different fashion xD so….no!

    • Yeah – Snow Queen is a great tale. Far more complex than I had initially realized. I watched the Russian animated version of it recently… totally enamored by it.

  589. So, our lovely couple is going to face danger but perhaps also reach a garden. Interesting.
    These king`s men are trouble.

  590. Echoing Edmund’s thoughts, I am reminded how there is still so little we know about the world outside of Crossroads, Winchester, and the Count’s estate. I don’t think it would be easy for Edmund and Elanore to just leave. I agree with eduardo that the King’s Men are up to something.

    By the way, love the new voting button! :]

    • thanks! Well, I think this book will definitely focus more on the world outside… just need to get our little adventurers moving. *pokes them*

    • I think no one has a good picture of everything at the moment. There’s sort of a personal conflict being explored here with everyone, but there’s also the bigger conflict kind of being stirred around here slowly :).

  591. Please continue writing! There is so much to be fleshed out it seems, that anything else wouldn’t explain so fully. Thank you for writing all these, do you by any chance have this on a printed format?

    • This one I don’t as it’s so far from complete! And I will come back and continue this when I have some time to flesh it out… likely it will be after “Queen of Swan” completes.

  592. This child will have an interesting childhood. I wonder what is broken and allowed the shadow creatures to linger more than they should.

    • I do worry about the kid :). As for the balance of things – is a matter of something or someone? I guess that’s a vague hint.

  593. A tale with two parts, one in the wolf`s castle and the other in the garden. Both parts very interesting and I wonder how they connect.

    • 🙂 One might say the loose ends from Volume 1 continue to haunt both a queen and king.

    • Hm. The bad thing about how I constructed this site was that most of the content sits on pages which WordPress doesn’t add to the RSS (looking into a plugin that will do that). So I often trigger the RSS using the posts at the top level hierarchy ( . I seemed to have blown up the link to feedburner in oneo f my updates, so will add that again. If I ever figure out how to do a workaround that is more specific/targeted for the serial itself, I’ll ping you. Have to mull through this further.

    • In any case, your comment made me realize I lost feedburner off the bar! I have no idea why but glad you did poke me!

  594. Ahh the intrigue! How I missed this! I love seeing all of the classic fairy tales woven so beautifully into this world! I love all the little plot twists, and I look forward to reading more soon! On that note: the child seems as though it could be another creature, or it could be the true child of Selva and Max, then where did he go, or was he taken? Who or what really is Edmund? A unicorn or the same as Conn? And is Liza the little match girl? What are the mirror lake’s real motives? I love how you keep me guessing!

    • Yes, all your various thoughts are what I hoped you guys would be asking or considering for yourselves xD.
      And welcome back! 🙂

    • Her cooking is most disliked. Haven’t said much about Elanore herself though — I think in general the opinion on her is pretty mixed among the townspeople.

    • 🙂 I”d like some baby lions, but I don’t think the Count would. haha.

  595. Ahh, I have so many questions brewing in my mind after reading parts A and B! Somehow I think the disagreement of opinions between the various groups of people at the estate may eventually escalate. Once it does, it may mean that the “greater evil” has awakened.

    • That’s an interesting thought. On a personal level, I don’t see conflict as a manifestation of evil… rather it’s what we do with it that could lead to trouble. But I’m also a bit older and more jaded than about half of these characters — and so I do think that conflict can definitely seed problems0

      (Yeah, I’m messing with them all. I admit it. They’re going to rise up one day and punch me through the screen :3.)

  596. This scene is well-written. I enjoy the atmosphere of mystery and magic in this one. It deserves to be illustrated. *hint hint*

  597. Like Etak, I’ve read this entire ebook in about three days…give or take. I’m not quite sure. Anyway, I LOVE it! Are you going to publish it? Because I would definitely want a copy! Also, like Jesse I kind of flt sort-changed by the last bit, but it might just be cause I really wanted to hear more 😉

    • I’m really impressed by your effort! (And your patience.)

      I put up the ebook version right away so it’s “published’ in a sense. But for the print copy I’m still working on a softcover version. I had hoped to have it done for Anime Weekend Atlanta but I lost a lot of time just trying to figure out the technical issues (like why fonts weren’t showing up clearly) and then got to rereading and found a lot of things I would like to fix like bad commas and awkward wording.

      I won’t be able to resume work on my proofing until October it looks like so I’ll hope to have it ready to order before the holiday season. Based on what the print version looks like though (a hefty 500 pages) I want to warn folks it’s likely it will be an expensive paperback. 🙁

      And let me know whether your impression changes as you resume the next volume? I know there are lots of things that did not get answered in the first “book” and I’d be interested to know if where “Queen of Swans’ appears to be heading is picking up on the “what you wanted to see more of.”

      Thanks so much for leaving me a comment here btw! I love hearing from folks who finish the serial – whether it be here or on Wattpad.

  598. Whoofle! There was no comment ability on the last page, so….

    I KNEW IT!!!! Sorry, as an “experienced reader” i saw the clues to Lily’s nature and figured it out…

    nice to be right. 🙂 sorry. ;3

  599. Oh, plEASE????? Can you plEASE continue it? I wants to know more! I is as hungry as the dragon that supposedly ate the witch but whom I suspect to be either death in disguise or the witch herself! Please? please? Sorry for begging, it’s undignified, I know, but, oh, you just write so INterestingly!

    • actually due to an upcoming vacation/break, I think I may post two more updates to this in September. Gotta see what I can finish though in the next few days!

  600. I want a picture of Azul…and Conn…and Hahn….and the brothers…and, um, everyone?

    Oh, and a pregnant Selva sitting with Max. Happies.

  601. Oh, Azul, ever the sweet talker… Mischievous elves indeed! I am beginning to like Elisa’s character more and more. I am looking forward to the next installment. :]

  602. Interesting.
    Perhaps: True love is born of knowledge of the other person not of a distant platonic worship. So, no kiss given in these circumstances could be a kiss of true love.

    • I dunno… I mean he probably should try a few more times… but… not sure it’d work!

  603. Ah, the “Love’s first kiss” gambit again. If he had to ask, he’s not “it”. Try again your magesty.

  604. Curious how Elisa will respond to this. Nice reveal, though. I look forward to seeing how this affects the relationship between them and between him and the guards.

  605. Maybe if he goes on this journey to save her he’ll become her true love. She’s already expressed feelings for him…

  606. Welcome back! No worries about the missed update. It’s better to get that cold under control.

    Sounds like you had quite the adventure (from your photo and sketches). I would love to see your photos. :]

    • dropped you an email with the password. let me know if you did not receive it! Had a lot more crazy things happen last week but nothing that concerns you all :). Thankfully still working and alive!

      • Thanks, SgL! ^__^ Love the pics. I can tell you had a wonderful time. Glad that you are doing okay. It’s been busy over at my end too, so I know what you mean.

  607. Tragic, like all good fairy tales. Lets see if this mage does not end in a certain group of wolves.

    • Hm. Or perhaps the humans need no help on that matter. We shall see where this mystery goes.

  608. Burning the bodies was wise.
    I just wonder what exactly happened. But perhaps it is better not to know.

    • It’s interesting -I had to think about whether this was defensible in this sort of pre-modern environment in which concepts of disease aren’t necessarily like ours. But many religions held that the dead bodies were unclean in some manner (not all) and I thought that this might be a natural response by someone familiar with many cultures.

      I think Devon has some good ideas below. I’m of the camp that not all of life’s mysteries will be explained. Life never is that willing to yield all her secrets. We shall see… the pub was previously a thorn in the Count’s side –even as far as back in Book One. Whether he comes to a conclusion of his own in this book, we shall see 🙂

    • thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. as for writing — it’s never too late to start!

  609. Catching up on this, and my guess for Part A was that they killed and ate each other. The comment about humans not needing help with destroying each other, and the odd comment about them buying more meat from the Guild, and now in this part with not being able to tell who was who on sight (in addition to the bodies decomposing, my first thought was that any recognizable features would have been cut away for the meat), and the steadfast refusal to tell Edmund what happened.

    I wonder if the story will ever say what happened. I guess I’ll just have to keep reading!

    • Yep yep. This is a possibility. I think we have to add it to our “hmm possible clue” pile for the Count to weigh through later. 🙂

    • 🙂 I dunno if it really is all that bad. He seems to thrive on her anger. I suspect he is some kind of masochist.

    • Thank you! I know you had quite a task working through the first volume and am glad to hear you are reading this one while still working on your serial!

  610. Fatebound … and tales that repeat themselves. Find where you made a mistake or live and let live?

    • Yes, more or less. And Isra sort of represents the “I don’t care” point of view 🙂

  611. My, my…I am as pleased as I am honoured to hear that my occasional details of this piece of art based on your captivating and intriguing Tales of the Big Bad Wolf have had such an impact on you. I can say the same about you and your stories, and would therefore like to present you with this particular artwork as token of mine and my lady’s sincere delight for having been able to take part of your fascinating story so far.
    I will, of course, stop by to leave more crumbs whenever there is something new to show.

    Hmm…Moreover, I believe I might as well reveal that the illustration in question will focus mainly on two considerably tsundere characters, namely…
    …yes, who? The finished piece is (obviously) due on Valentine’s Day.

    • ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

      • ^_^ I’m glad that you also like Grimoire’s art as well. By the way, nice to meet you. I’m his lady that introduced him to the Tales of the Big Bad Wolf.

        I love your stories. However, I’m still at Chapter 16 of the first volume. Keep up the great work! 😀

        • ahhhha! Nice to meet you! He told me how you were reading it together and how you all ended up having to pause on the reading. I know you’re only halfway through but hope you continue to enjoy the story!

          • ^_^ Of course. I do thoroughly enjoy reading your Tales of the Big Bad Wolf. Besides, I have to catch up with Grimoire since he went ahead and completed the story without me. Then again, I’m just as guilty of reading the summary of the whole first volume without him noticing. ^_^’ Also, he happened to spoil to me that the Count and his companion are having twins. ^_^ However, life as a student can keep me very busy.

            Also, allow me to introduce myself a bit more. I hail from the South, more precisely the state of Texas of the U.S.

  612. I just now caught up with yesterdays story update. Even though I did finish the first book by the end of last year, I still managed to resist the urge to wolf down The Queen of Swans in one go. Most fascinating thus far, as expected. I certainly enjoy the glimpses of a rich world still brimming with mysteries and magic this second part provides. And, concerning the affairs of a certain Count…I believe I should leave that topic be for now. Better save some surprises. ^_-

    • more or less the written version of Red Riding Hood is a fantasy story with a veneer of fairy tales. I grew up on high fantasy and then watched a lot of fantasy anime and played or observed quite a bit of Final fantasy. When you start with those influences you almost always have a lot of stuff going on.

      This world is really huge — it really could be the subject of many stories or an IP platform (much like Final Fantasy is) but i doubt I’ll have enough time or money to implement the other things I want to do such as a visual novel “dating sim” or a manga.

      We shall see though. Maybe someday when I retire I will have the time to push things forward.

      As for the Count — At least I think he is fairly happy for now in spite of whatever garbage gets thrown his way. His companion however …

  613. Elisa is acting a bit too harsh for someone in a strange land whose customs are complex. Perhaps she really doesn`t care anymore but she should be more contrite anyway.

    • I’m curious — do you mean towards the prince or his sister? initially she was sorry about the confusion with the prince and the matter of the titles aren’t a problem. Rather the other things he admitted to doing to her as far as magic were offensive to her. (So it isn’t the customs that are a problem but the magic.)

      An older Elisa probably would have managed some of this more civilly but she reacted out of instinct.

      Elisa is unable to explain (in terms of her thoughts we see) what makes her react so badly. She is still too young to know what her instincts are telling her.

      That said —
      I wonder if other readers thought he might be sexually harassing her. anyone? 😉

      As for the sister — yes.

  614. Ah…Final Fantasy, ever the topic wherever I go. (I’ve just spent a few hours on my daily Square Enix customer support, news posting and “super admin” routines.)
    Even though I may only have contributed with the monster design for one of the company’s Japanese titles (Avatar Heroes), my position as a member of the NA/EU staff nonetheless keeps me busy seven days a week.

    Actually, your tale helped me solve a few riddles that had been haunting me for quite some time concerning a certain Final Fantasy title. And for that, I am grateful.

    Speaking of which, have you had a chance to try the Lightning Returns: FFXIII demo yet (released on the PSN yesterday)?

    Mh…good thing you haven’t put together a story summary of part two yet, else my own companion would already have indulged in it.

    • I would love to download that demo but didn’t realize it came out on PSN. I had seen the XBox alert only earlier in the week. I’m a little afraid to get it though.. already preordered the game anyways on Amazon and know that once it arrives I’m going to end up fighting the temptation to play instead of write or create D:. XIII-2 kept me really busy for a while but I was seriously messed up and couldn’t beat one of the in-game levels with Caius so took a break. (That and the ending spoilers just depressed me so I didn’t want to play. I’m very much in love with Noel and Serah even though I know Serah and Snow are the canon pairing. haha!)

      I also ordered the X-2 (I think) which should be coming soon too. sigh. DOOM FOR ME AND WRITING.

      I’m curious btw about what the riddles you were contemplating might be?

      And as far as your regular job duties – 7 days a week is a lot of work. Do you ever get time off?

      As for part two — a summary I think won’t happen until a few more chapters in. I am trying to drop both stories into one place before things move/shift in the second half. I was asked to do this with book one and thought about it as I know some people want to “keep up” or lose track of stuff. I’ll think about it though before the action swings up. Just gotta wrap this chapter up and one more with the Wolframs and then I think I’m moving into the second act.

      • Oh, don’t worry – I am mostly doing this on my so called free time, which has me face the same grim fate as you: in the end, there is not much time left to actually play games.
        So, Caius caused you trouble? Feel free to ask me for gaming tips should you run into any difficulties with your two new additions to your game collection.

        Merely some phantoms of days of old. To be frank, I was trying to make up the connection between some characters in my mind…not to mention in my heart.
        Your story made perfect sense…especially from a personal point of view.

        I see. It will be most interesting to see how the story and its many mysteries eventually unfold. And, again: take your time. Do, by all means, make sure to find time enough to explore the vast worlds of Nova Chrysalia and Spira.

      • ^_^ I believe you should try the demo of Lightning Returns. After all, you’ll be able to get free cool new outfits for Lightning in the main game.

        • OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Okay, I’ll at least start the download . Haven’t updated my PS3 though in a while so this could take a while to finish.

  615. Interesting, and so the relations between elves and the garden starts.
    And latter he sends a powerful mage to watch her.
    About customs, I was harsh with our swam queen, I also visited a foreign land once and at least once lost a friendship due to a difference in culture.
    And Brasil (my land) and Canada are not so distant culturally as humans end elves.
    On the other hand, sometimes trouble comes your way in another country even when you do nothing.

    • Yes – I think that is true. Also, there’s really a difference in objectives between the elf prince and Elisa. I think ELisa actually is not wrong about him but we’ll see. He is very hard for her to understand. (Sorry to hear about your own personal experience. Cultural norms are very hard to translate sometimes, even if we speak the language well!)

    • Yeah – it really does. I honestly can say that I am not the same person I was ten or twenty years ago. A thousand years? Heck…

  616. “…a surprising path to merging the two stories I’m telling now together. I think everyone has expected something else…”
    “I wish I could say I planned this well in advance but no, this is more unexpected inspiration _the past week_.”

    If you were referring to the revelation of The King of Fairy…then how could anyone _not_ have expected this? *tilts his head*

  617. hello, i love this story. i found it by accident and am glad i did!! I’m also voting for it every time i can. the thing is, since the story is finished I’m not sure if you’ll see this or not, but in case you do you have some errors.- -the cleric leaves with his gift of “shoes” shouldn’t shoes be boots? because thats what they went looking for for him. there are some others but since the story is already written I’m not sure your even going to read this 🙂 again the story is great so far and am so glad i found it.

    • hi there! I’m glad you found it and are enjoying it. please do go ahead and feel free to note any potential errors you see. I am proofing another copy hoping to update the ebook version and also prepare a print version. I get alerts on all comments so will see whatever you decide to post. thank you in advance 🙂

  618. Now, stories and paths are about to cross.

    And since I cannot leave a message on your most recent post on RedBird, best of luck with the edits and take your time. I am looking forward to the hard copy once it is finalized. :]

    • Oh yikes! I must have set the post to “no comments” by accident on that site D:. Sorry about that! I hope to get you and a few others copies soon. A few of you definitely earned yours Dx

      Yep – now I feel like everything has come back together to move forward again. Apologies to the regular readers because I am sure it has been hard to follow — rotating narrative works okay in GRRM’s world but doesn’t lend itself to this format with so much being drawn out in time. *tears out hair*

  619. Yes, Giles sometimes has to be brought back from a feral state.
    I wonder how they will do it to the owl.

    • 🙂 At least I promise not to leave you in suspense for long on that point. Giles did have a problem in Book 1 as you noted — but his situation was easier to manage!

    • It will be very subtly retold. I have used up my flashback card and don’t want to venture down that territory again but I will definitely try to give more insight over this chapter into the past.

    • More “literal” in that he was trying to do what he was asked but seems to have just gone off the deep end xD.
      And Wolfram is incorrigible :3

  620. I hope you don’t think I’m picking your work apart because I’m not. I think both stories are fantastic Keep up the great work 🙂
    12th paragraph 2/3 lines –
    add another that and change tasted to tasting –
    so it reads – , focusing on the trauma associated with the memories that that food’s tasting had
    stirred up. –

    • no worries! I appreciate the catches. I’ve been getting shortchanged in terms of sleep and free time so I don’t proof with the clearest mind.

  621. i found it by accident, lol. started reading the first one and really liked it and was hooked 🙂
    There is some errors in that story also but I only wrote down 1 or 2 because of the year being 2011 when the story was written. You have an awesome talent in story telling.

    • Ah! Then yeah – that first serial I had a lot more random marketing in place (like just going for whatever comics I thought were fantasy) so I think people couldn’t remember where they came from.

      There are some errors still in the first book but I”m gradually cleaning them up with help from some folks. That said — if you ever notice more let me know! THanks so much!

  622. Dang. I come back every one in a while so I can read a couple chapters at once, but then I end up having nothing left to read and being forced to wait! D:

    I’m still really enjoying this story, and I’m eager to learn what happens with the halfling.

    • 🙂 No worries! I know you’re balancing school AND writing so it’s just good to know what you think when you’re able to read. Hope your exams went well!
      ANd yeah – the halfling and his friends should get a lot more focus from this point on!

  623. I love it! I have heard doctors argue like this in hospital rooms til the floor nurse kicks them out. How many of you have been awakened in order to take your “sleeping medication”? Three cheers for nurse Edmund.

    • :> I think only medical people get this (or people who have been there).

  624. Excellent update! I’m eager to learn more about Edmund and his connection to magic. I was wondering what was going on with Edmund last update, but I didn’t expect this. It’s pretty cool. 🙂

  625. Your apologies are uncalled for. I believe that I speak for us all when I thank you for your hard and diligent work with the paperback/updated version of this book. As for suggestions on the product side of things: One can never have too many bookmarks.

    • 🙂 suggestions noted. I also am finishing up a box of 500 bookmarks and will have to revisit those. (The last set were freebies.) I think the real issue is I have to find some really hard core time to draw draw draw.

      As for the apologies, the lions demanded I do that. They’re really miffed that I couldn’t even scratch out something with their bee-yew-tee-ful likenesses. Had I not been so jetlagged from flying around the country, I might have been able to draw last night but I fell asleep instead like an old grandma on my bed

  626. I always forget to come back to the site without my weekly reminders, but I am so very heartened to see you’ve continued! I’m loving the twists and turns of your plot and all the little minor connections between the elves, the Queen of the Faeries, the wolves, and the human world. Elisa’s little “slip of the tongue” felt like a nice little plot shift. I love it! I’m excited to see how the next connections come about and what new stories entwine themselves next! Thank you as always for sharing your talent!

    • aww. I don’t know what’s going on with the reminders – how did you used to get the notices for updates? Was it Feedburner? D:

      Glad you are back most definitely and enjoying the read thus far!

    • I think it’s one of her defining traits — once she gets going, she doesn’t stop. (Like my mom. Scary.)

  627. great story, but there are some mistakes and ideas. they are as follows –
    paragraph 3:
    intently teaching tell them – tell should be telling –
    paragraph 10:
    maybe use – I will talk to them about the situation here as well.
    instead of – I will talk to them further about the situation here as well shortly.
    paragraph 14: -add her- fingers to her lips to
    paragraph 18: 2nd sentence maybe use – She promptly dropped her hand, startled as she was by the force of power that this being possessed.
    paragraph 22: handed over what they could not carry over to the – remove the 2nd over
    paragraph 34: 3rd sentence should read – Several months had passed since he had made his
    promise to the Swans. 4th sentence – She had almost come to believe he had forgotten it, for
    paragraph 35: -add he – indication when he would return.
    paragraph 50: -change word- could instead of should
    paragraph 74: remove extra words – them shortly – so it reads – He left shortly after, leaving them all with

    i have to pause my reading for now but can’t wait to get back to it. You are a wonderful story teller, I hope I’ve helped in some small way.

    • thank you so much for taking the time to note these mistakes! I have (I believe) fixed them all 🙂

      Good luck with your continued reading and keep those catches coming!

    • Only she would find digging through the dirt to find a potato so exciting…

    • I don’t think he likes being cute. But yes… they’re very cute … sometimes.

    • Not in a literal way. He has repeatedly been reminded of his parents by Elanore and Edmund in gradually increasing fashion. In Volume 1, he was unnerved by finding Elanore among his mother’s things. (See 13). He continued to be bothered by how the estate seemed to welcome the two. Then later, he drew a direct comparison to his parents here.

      A lot of his subconscious guilt towards Edmund/Elanore started in that comparison even before he started to wonder if Edmund might be a lost child of his.

      At this point, he literally calls Elanore out to be that “ghost” or image of his mother. His impression of the similarities between them continues to grow. Again, not physically but as a person as a whole. How far he takes it… we shall see.

  628. Question: What is the colour of Edmund’s scarf? And…oh my, they’re growing fast. Sooner than 70 days? Moreover, I very much appreciate the further insight concerning the Wolf’s parents.

    • the time of conception was a bit fuzzy but so far the actual pregnancy is definitely shorter than human gestation. While humans don’t have the longest periods of gestation in the mammalian species, they are on the longer side than most other animals :]

      Also.. who knows if the lions are really right?

      But Edmund’s scarf is a terrible boring color. It’s probably blue-ish … honestly didn’t think much about this as he has whatever most other hunters have. A lot of natural dyes tend to be kind of uninteresting and are plant-based. I suspect Edmund might have a greenish/yellowish scarf based on what vegetation I think exists there. (I think of the natural climate to be more like Wisconsin/Minnesota.)

      If you’re thinking about interpreting the scarf for art — this palette makes sense to me:

      • Indeed – and that is also the reason why I suggested 70 days (wolf pups tend to grow in their mother’s womb for about 60-75 days). A unicorn, for example, would carry her foals for about eleven months…I think. Might as well be about 14 months (the narwhal way).

        Noted. ^_-

  629. An area of dead or unstable magic proves hard to pass. Interesting.
    Taking care of a small child is really not easy.

    • Definitely– children are a handful esp. ones that might not be very human 🙂

      As for the magic — there’s a physical quality to magic (at times) in that it’s not unlimited. If one thinks of it requiring “resources” then certain parts of the world might be unpleasant for magic-sensitives like Azul to pass and entirely repugnant to fairies.

  630. I recently rediscovered your story! I had read almost all of Red Riding Hood and was very pleasantly surprised to find the second volume had progressed so far since my last reading. Except now I have caught up and must once again wait with baited breath for the Monday updates. Your writing is as excellent as ever and I look forward to continuing the tale that you have so skillfully created.

      • I did indeed make a few comments on RRH1, and it is a pleasant surprise to find that they made enough of an impact to be remembered.

  631. Congratulations to yet another remarkable achievement. Also, you happened to choose the perfect day to release your book – however in what way, I will not say.

  632. In the very last sentence on this page, there’s an extra “is”. I’d copy/paste it, but someone apparently tried to turn that off (never mind that they left the source there for the browser to easily see, if someone wants to make it more difficult to copy/paste, then I’m not going to try to disrespect their wishes and copy/paste even if it would make the mistake easier to find and fix).

    • thanks for catching that. And yep, the right-click thing is not foolproof. This was put in place earlier when the work wasn’t done and I had some concerns about the kind of plagiarism happening. (I think this now is somewhat less of a concern since the text is now officially copyrighted.)

      I haven’t decided whether to remove the script or not at this point because there’s other stuff updating but if more folks flag that they want to help edit (and find it an obstacle), I’ll see if I can figure out where the script is. It’s been a long time so have to poke about and reacquaint myself with the backend of this wordpress installation.

      • Ever since the Berne convention of 1886, all written works in all signatory countries are automatically copyrighted for at least a term of 50 years. Since then, copyright has been extended to a period of… I believe it’s the life of the author plus 70 years in the US. Putting a (c) symbol on something does make it look more official, and can make it more clear who owns the copyright, but anything that anyone writes is automatically copyrighted. Just a for-your-information. 🙂

  633. No, but I would ask Wolfran. He must have books on unicorns that are more trustworthy and have ways to find if you are one.

  634. I don’t think the owl is lying per se, but he doesn’t sound like the brightest bird in the flock, so he could easily be mistaken. Edmund definitely needs to check this theory with someone else.

  635. Elves may be long lived, but it seems that they also are capable of worrying only with daily life and not noticing the broader picture.
    Although the broader picture sooner or latter will reflect on daily life, but if it is slow decay … we come back to the frog in the water tale.

    • Azul is speaking more about the capital elves. There are actually many different ‘groups’ or ‘factions’ but we have only heard of the Wood elves (who disappeared in this current era) and these city guys.

      (We’ve not seen much of the Ice elves, River elves, or Fire elves in a long time …. )

      I think the value shift of the capital elves, however, does align with their current King and his position right now.

      If he had stayed the course with Elisa, I think a lot of things would be different “today.”

      But yes — the frog/boiling water analogy is an apt one.

      And time also allows small things to become bigger problems. Haven’t gotten you guys off the Northernlands yet but things are VERY bad outside.

      • I just noticed this comment. Very bad, huh…say, I wonder…how large is this area that the current tale takes place in? That is, from the far north where the Snow Queen is meant to reside to the south that the South Wind is so fond of?

        • The story is still contained within the North(ern)lands or the map on the world page at Elanore is from the “South” but not too far. I’d venture to say that her family is “still on the bottom corner of the map.” The Snow Queen is immediately off map (right at top).

          I suppose if one could /had to walk (and was decently capable of it in good weather) from tip of the north (before you passed across the frozen ice and into the Snow Queen’s terrains) to the beginning of the Southlands, maybe a few months? I think it’s probably larger than the size of Texas but not as flat.

          That said it’s not something easily passed through for whatever reason. By air you used to have to contend with Dragons picking you off. By forest, there were… creatures… in the woods and possibly other not so nice things.

          Then there are ships and boats which go nicely down the silver river and quickly. But even then, the river had its problems — the river elves were in hiding in Book 1.

          By outside, though, I’m referring basically to water, land masses immediate to this area and then the rest of the world. There are a lot of dangers in the two books we have seen so far (although a few probably hidden in the dark spaces of this continent) but conquest/exploration is always driven by other problems which the winds started to allude to.

          • Yes, I often went back to check said map when I read about Maximilian’s journey in RRH.
            Concerning the approximate size of the region(s) we have had a glimpse of so far:
            I see, that’s a good comparison.
            Moreover, thank you for a most thorough reply.

  636. Hmm, I’m a little lost. Where did this living forever if she is officially queen of fairy thing come from? Am I understanding it correctly that if she doesn’t marry him her brothers come back and they all die, but if she does, everybody lives? I suspect I’ve forgotten something from a previous chapter, but I don’t feel up to reading the entire archive again!

    • some beings have a life that follows along the tale they live in. in theory ELisa should have followed the tale of Original wild swans but for those that know how that version worked she kind of went off the map. There are several tales related to Swans in fairy lore and myths — and the one that the elves believe holds her fate is from The Children of Lir. The elves believe she will die unless something else is done. The third tale Elisa wandered into was The Garden of Paradise — a lesser known Hans Christian Andersen work. This work features a queen of fairy who lives we presume eternally but Elisa was never born into this role. Of note Wolfram in The previous volume was supposed to be the Big Bad Wolf but he was also the “beast” in Selva’s original tale. Wolfram is attempting to reject any such notion of fate. Elisa seems trapped in it

  637. It seems the Count is becoming more trusting. -_^

    Also, it seems the mother and unborn children are in good hands. ^_^

  638. I just hope that the children and mother survive. Childbearing could be troublesome in past ages.

    • It’s true — aside from the difficulties with babies not positioning themselves, a lot of problems came from infection and lack of clean hygiene. It’s pretty galling what I read about medicine even in the 1800s.

    • That belief system (i.e., reincarnation) does exist in this world but is not currently popular. Not quite sure what’s up with Selva here except that she’s trying to cope with a lot of trauma. We’ll see how it gets rationalized (or not) later!

  639. I think I still have a crush on Count Maiximilan Wolfram. 🙂 Please don’t send Selva after me.

  640. I’m captivated by your story. I’d stumbled upon it a couple days ago while at work and now I’ve spent every free moment (limited though they are) voraciously reading.
    Thank you for your skill as a writer, I hope you’ll consider publishing one day so I can purchase a copy.

    • AHHH. Don’t get in trouble at work! 😀
      I haven’t made a big push on this site for sales, but this volume is available for purchase (i.e., dead tree copy) via SparklerMonthly Distribution and Amazon. I went the self-publish route because for now, the main group of people who wanted the book were already readers…

      It would be nice to go the way of Hugh Howey and get a print deal with a traditional publisher because it’s the only way to get a cheaper book out to mass market but I’m afraid I don’t have his luck so will continue this serial/self-pub model until the dust settles.

      In any case, I’m so glad you left a comment! I do appreciate hearing from folks as it gives me an idea of lurking readers as well as where the story pieces are resonating most!

  641. “Watches Wolfram angsting in corner,” huh…
    … -_- For some reason, I failed to mention this update to my lady. Thus, I have been lurking here these past few weeks, secretly following the proceedings from the shadows. She will find out eventually – and read this comment of mine.

  642. I so love these stories. I’m finally caught up….I think…….I hope lol Keep up the good work.

  643. To say the least.. In the meantime, I am going to ask her if she has any requests concerning what she would like to see you draw for the midwinter celebrations. ^_-

  644. Pip in the middle of the newly weds? Nooooooooo
    I think that he is smart enough to understand that being a third wheel, a candle holder as we say in portuguese, the intruder in the family, … would not be good for anyone.

    • xDD You have no idea how hard your comment made me laugh! His brain is a bit scrambled… hopefully if Elanore objects, she says something about it! “Candle holder?” THat’s an interesting metaphor — I have never heard it before but it conjures up so many funny images.

      • I don`t know where this expression came from but it is old. When there is someone “extra” in a room where two other are flirting we say that this person is “holding a candle”.
        Actually it makes a lot of sense if you consider that it IS an old way of saying.

  645. Yes!!! Now I am caught up lol and a bit saddened as I have to wait for the next update instead of reading on lol I can honsetly say I’m not sure which thread of the story I’m more wrapped up in. The swan queen and her princely suitor or Wolfram and Selva. 🙂 Elanore and Edmond aren’t bad either lol

  646. Hahah!!! The lions reminds me of a certain quartet I know of. -_^ Also, if you can and have the time, it’ll be interesting to see something like a group Christmas-themed portrait of the entire Wolfram family, especially the look of the head and Daddy. -W^

    • Two neglected whelps in tears in the arms of their frowning father, a woman obsessed with her youngest child, and perhaps a confused and not-too-happy chibi Edmund in corner of the picture just for the sake of it? >_> I believe there are far more productive (and happy) ways to spend one’s time.

      • Yeah, the picture I started to draw was REALLY not all that entertaining. When the kids are older, it’ll be a lot more fun for Wolfram but right now he’s just a grumpy father.

        Chibi Edmund is actually quite pouty :< but adult Edmund is very very patient and very good with children :>

    • To be honest, Elanore really doesn’t know the full breadth of what she saw. She calls the little one a fairy in her lap but this section describes creatures that fly and don’t fly.

      Someone more familiar with the fair folk /little creatures might need to make a more informed pronouncement. :>

        • Mushi are some of the best things I’ve seen created in fantasy recently because they’re NOTHING like anything else I’ve seen in a long time. What I appreciate most about Mushishi is that the “other” is so alien… and fairly devoid of a moral tint. (They’re so neuter!) That said –this season the anime showed some rather darker aspects of mushi. It was pretty dark!

  647. I summarized the ending to her not too long ago – SPOILER.
    The False Earl and the Fairy Doctor married and had a son…and the story eventually ended happily after much intrigue, including Edgar losing his memories (even the memories of ever being married to Lydia) and believing that the child must be someone else’s, him becoming the Prince and Lydia almost dying more than once. The child inherited the title of the true Blue Knight Earl.

    • Eduardo/Trisha: Yes, nothing is settled. Elves may sound authoritative but… well, even they can be wrong.

      Sir_Grimoire: I have not read Lovecraft but wow… those are creepy.

      • Lovecraft’s forte was that his writings were so, to be frank, convincing. With his narratives, he managed to both captivate his readers and lull them into believing that what they read was, in fact, the truth. Such horror he invoked with his mythos!

        • Yeah, I’ve been very curious about him since so many fans of the spec fic genre love to tell me about Lovecraft! I’ll have to try to download when I have some time!

  648. A certain someone will be quite delighted when the time comes for her to read this part of the story. She greatly values the simple yet magical beauty in stones, and she once gave me a star sapphire to wish upon…I rarely even look at it, however I keep it in my breast pocket at all times.

    • Stones have had such a long standing mystical sort of bearing on many cultures. Sapphires are really amazing because they come in so many colors. Never understood why people loved diamonds (save for their hardness which makes them very useful) when theycould have the rich colors of sapphires!

      I myself actually don’t bother with them in real life (mostly because I’d lose them or don’t find jewelry practical) but I don’t mind small mementos. I’ll occasionally pick up rocks from places I visit (as long as I’m not told that doing so is harmful to that place).

      • Yes, and just like with flowers I enjoy contemplating and dwelling on the meanings and legends assigned to each and every one of them.

        There was a time when I, too, used to pick them up. However nowadays I prefer to leave them where they belong since I cannot think of any other place where they would better fit in.

        “…the only quiet to be had between them would be when she slept at his side. She afforded him little peace otherwise– scolding, teasing, flirting, and otherwise playing at being a charmingly noisy wife.” <— Another most unforgettable description, I must say.

        • Some would not find that description charming but I did. I rather like Selva and Wolfram because at times she’s Elizabeth to his Darcy 😀

          Except not always that proper!

  649. I hope that Selva will decide what her conclusion is on the matter, OR share some memories of her own with Edmund, within this volume…
    It may be a bit of a stretch to hope we find out what Sova concluded but would not share… but I hope it anyway… ^_^
    I guess I can’t hope to find out who stole the books from the guild in this volume, or where the North Wind is, so… since Elanore was curious, will SHE get to find out a little of what we know about the Count’s past?

    I also want to say I totally pardon you for being away this and every time you’re away, but, I DO wish you’d post a little update at the same time you normally would, in the main page – because if you only tweet it those of us who tend to read on our mobile phones on weekdays can’t see that part of the page. Or maybe it’s just me. But either way. It’s reassuring to see a post so that I am not just filled with wistful disappointment. ^_^

    • Hm, good list! I think most of these could be addressed or should be. I wasn’t going to leave Edmund’s fate dragging along after this volume… definitely think all of you (including poor Elanore) have been very patient with this particular mystery.

      As for Elanore’s knowledge vs. reader knowledge –that’s an interesting question. I think there’s quite a bit she does know but it was conveyed b/w her and Selva off-screen. I’ll have to think about this in the revision but I think it’s fair to say that Selva is a very honest person with Elanore and the two women confide in one another.

      And did not know that the twitter part just disappears off phones! I’ll post something next week but just haven’t decided what. Thanks for dropping by and leaving your thoughts!

      • ^_^ You know what I was thinking of, was in Chapter 20 part B, when Elanore and Edmund showed interest in the allusion to the Count’s encounter with an Unthing, but the topic was briskly headed off, so I guessed that maybe they didn’t know about the occasions we found out about in Volume 1, at least not very completely. It would probably get Elanore and Edmund pretty worried about each other though (even more than usual!).

        Thanks for writing this awesome story!!~ I have reread it about 5 times through beginning to current, and I started again recently… 😀

        Do you still look for feedback on the small grammatical issues that are occasionally present in the website version or did that cease when you released your book version? Just curious ^_^

        • Red Riding Hood book version is definitely cleaner than the web version so things in that work probably will not be prioritized for revision until I’m really done with more books! However, Queen of Swans should be considered something for active flagging, please! I don’t mind people pointing out general issues or if you are really committed to editing/tweaking, let me know and I’ll set up a Google link for those who wish to edit. Right now only Sir_Grimoire is sending in stuff he notes (usually he gets me via twitter or email) but the more, the better.

          I think on the note you brought up– what Selva knows and provides Elanore is filtered to some degree. What the Count has to say would be of interest to anyone because I’m pretty sure that the accounts don’t quite match. (It’s like how when you hear a story from one person it’s not the same as another.)

          Unfortunately he’s not one for explaining things which means he doesn’t. xD

          I’m glad to hear that you have read this so much and paid such close attention. I really appreciate hearing such a thing and from a new commentor– I’ve known there are many lurkers out there but not quite sure what keeps people coming back xD

  650. 1. The mysterious item Edmund owned which apparently no longer posed any harm at the end of book I. Exactly what is/was it?

    2. The letters Maximilian the Second once wrote and sent young Max to hand over to the Queen of Swans. Do these letters still exist, and will Elisa be able to read them after all this time?

    3. Concerning the child Elisa once gave birth to. Did it survive? If so, did it grow up, marry and does it have any descendants? Or is it still alive somewhere – whether this person is someone we know or someone who has yet to make an appearance?

    • 1) It was an elven artifact made of metal. It was deemed similar/like to other things in Wolfram’s possession (in Book 1) but he did not make any conclusive statement (because he could not). Nor was it a specific object of power or it would have been likely recognized as such by Selva. It will return.. just not sure if it will be part of the end of this book or part of the next.

      2) Yes. Yes. If he ever gets them to her. But considering who wrote them– I wonder if she wants to read them >_>

      3) 🙂 <-- Keeping mum

  651. So Azul was just there seeking respite from the court, until he saw her heart.

    In the following sentence, “Had he been, he might have punched a few of them around, called out them on their “B-S” as we like to say, and then told them to behave.” Switch the position of “them” and “out”.

    • Azul was/is kind of doing his own thing. He admitted to not wanting to be at court (for if they knew exactly what kind of power he possessed, he would have been denied his freedom). But as for his real motives — I doubt he has ever really professed much. Hawk claims (internally) to have seen through at least some part of Azul–namely that he had fallen in love with the Queen (but most likely denied it).

      And thanks for catching the typo!

    • But last week it was already linked from the “next” link on the previous post, so depending on how a person tried to get it, they may have been able to read it last week.

    • Same problem. I have an “E” there which means I had tried to link but it didn’t push out from draft mode. >_< I'm going to have to watch this this week when I push out the updates. Thanks for flagging!

  652. Happy occasions and more intrigue! I really do love how every time one question seems to get an answer, about 5 more questions crop up! Who is right about Edmund, and Conn? Are either of them actually related to Selva? What’s the connection with their youngest child? Will Elisa ever fall fully for Azul? Because Edmund is assumed to be the future king of the lake, what does that mean for Elanore and Elisa? What about the connections/lack to the elves and the wolves? What really did happen to the neighboring towns? …needless to say, I’ve been catching up! As always, I love the unique approach you’ve taken with these “classics” and how you’ve created a world that so seamlessly incorporates them together! Thank you as always for sharing your talent!

  653. Sova’s opinion on relationships leaves me wondering just how inexperienced he is (most owls I have had the honour of meeting have been quick to marry and then remained together with their partner for the rest of their lives, through thick and thin).

  654. Yay!! Sorry about that testing comment thing, but I’ve been trying to leave a comment for the last three years and it finally went through!!! 😀 I just wanted to say that I LOVED Vol.1 and I am thoroughly enjoying the direction your taking with the Queen (**cough* and our dear old Count, poor guy, I don’t think he has clue all the trouble he’s centered in). The way you are stringing all of my favorite childhood tales into one is amazing and I just wanted to say how much I admire your storytelling capabilities (though you had better keep Edmund and Elanore together – those two always attract adventure and excitement and they’re just plain adorable). Can’t wait for more updates, I’m obsessed with Selva’s babies and Edmund’s heritage right now. And thank you for creating this awesome series!! 🙂

    • so sorry! probably your stuff has been caught up in some kind of spam thingy . I reset it recently but who knows :/

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and thank you for sticking with it for so long!

    • Yes – I decided to take a summer break more or less. Doing other things that I wanted to enjoy and also taking time for personal things. I haven’t yet decided when to resume since I’m basically writing the “end” but I expect I’ll be back in a month.

      • Ok, enjoy your summer!
        I’m just excited to see how you bring all these different characters & storylines together. Plus, I’m on summer break too so I’ve been checking on my favourite stories online and ploughing through library books.
        Have a lovely holiday 🙂

        • Thanks — had some unfortunate things happen recnetly and so it’s been a much longer break than I had hoped. Trying to regroup now and get the ending all written down before I Return! Thank you so much for writing and letting me know you’re out here!

  655. Thank you so much for writing these classic stories in a new way. Really liked the first volume Red Ridding Hood and now this one.. You have a knack for writing such difficult, complex stories and than bind them beautifully together.. keep up the good work and please update soon 🙂
    P.S. have you stoppes updating on wattpad?

  656. Hehehe a lot of these comets are from 2011 I feel out of date ^.^ still like the story though. Good job on writing it by the way

  657. I can’t wait to see who elenore answers the door to… very suspenseful. It’s like a cliff hanger of a pause of some sorts. Lol. Again…love this story! It’s so awesome and detailed it’s like a movie but with more decriptions.

  658. In my opinion I think the count will end up falling in love with elenore. And, Edmund will figure out he does too. And, elenore will not notice either of their feelings until the end……but that’s just my theory!

  659. Heheheh, yes I’m pretty sure there will be a love triangle in this story. But who will win the heart of the girl…. dann dann dahhhhh

  660. I hope that the unfortunate things have resolved, dear Puppetmaster, with as little fuss and with the best outcome possible.

    I faithfully check each week hoping for the next installment of your wonderful story. I fear that when the next chapter does get posted I shall be so overcome with joy that I will race through to the end just to find out what happens, only to be left with a cliffhanger that will leave me anxiously awaiting the next week. ‘Tis a vicious cycle that can only be resolved by taking a long hiatus from reading, but I have not the patience for such silly things. Just know that your greedy fanbase is out there, patiently (or not so patiently, in my case) awaiting your return.

    • thank you — I am resettling in now and likely on break for a while yet. Queen of Swans deserves an ending and it will get one, but am reconciling myself to the ending I need to write ;_;

  661. I know i know you said earlier you are resettling and all. Just want to let you know i am one of those impatient ones but waiting patiently :p
    All the best of luck with your personal life and your writing. Keep up the good work 🙂 (y)

  662. Hey! Just so you know I still love these stories and I check back here every month or so to see if you’ve updated. I hope you’ve been able to start a new chapter in your life and you can return to writing soon.

    • thank you — it will be a bit longer. Aging parents are kind of throwing me for a loop and so we are talking through major changes for them. I’m working thr ough some jetlag right now but am hoping for some kind of return to normalcy in December!

  663. Everyone, let’s not forget to vote. These fics have dropped off Top Webfiction. And they shouldn’t. We know this is going to be updated, and we want other readers to find this.

  664. Greetings,

    I found your first tale over at wattpad dot com, and consider it one of the best works discovered. I am happy to read that you solved several issues of those 4 year old notes I read, too.

    Thanks for sharing!

    My regards


  665. Love the Lady of the Lake jpg. Wish this story ended with just a little better stopping point.

  666. Loved this series as a kid and hope to see the second book published soon!! And looking forward to book 3 starting!! Also would love a pin or card merch with some of the art from the first book!!

    • Hi Emmy – Thank you for dropping a note! Bringing 2nd book to closure depends largely on what I want to explore for a follow-up ; editing is unlikely to start for a 2nd volume until I really work the 3rd. All that to say – I hope you are ok reading on the web site for now until I figure out what the future is for this series and my writing 🙂 I only have charms from the first book still and if you are interested, let me know if I can reach out to you with the pictures. I removed them from Etsy but can reinstate or use ko-fi if you end up being interested 🙂

  667. Hey there, 2024 about to end but still Queen of Sawn has a special place.. As I mentioned years ago you have knack for writing classic fairytales with a creative touch..