New readers: Explore a fantasy world full of the fairy tales that you only thought you knew. Start with Volume 1: “Red Riding Hood” here or consult the “Guide for New Readers” above.
Continuing Readers: The owl gets ditzy before he gets serious. (And he finally gives his name, that darn owl.) Chapter 15, “Queen of Swans” resumes
Books and stuff: So, I’m sure by now I’m a broken record and so won’t repeat the stuff about the paperbacks ad nauseum. But I do want to say that I know there are a lot of lurkers out there who enjoy the story who can’t buy an ebook or paperback. And that is more than cool. Thankfully I have been blessed with a good, steady job whereby I can keep writing something new every week for our mutual entertainment without sweating sales.
Unfortunately that job has taken a very big bite out of my time and it means I have little time to promote it or do anything else until the current emergency passes. I’m not all that interested in sales (but appreciate them) but I am interested in readers. I love comments like “I think you’re evil ” or “Please don’t kill this character” or “I wonder if house gnomes poop” and all that jazz.
So, if you enjoy the story, please help me out while I’m an insane working schmo. Do your social media/sharing magic. Or review this somewhere. Tell someone about it :).
As for today’s featured image, it’s a set of acrylic 1.5 inch charms featuring designs from Grimoire. I got them right before I had to zip out of town and then forgot to post the pictures here! They are small and quite fun to play with. I have been making chibi Selva smooch everything in sight, much to the embarrassment of my adult self.
I haven’t quite decided where these will be sold yet and when. I usually like to package things neatly and that won’t be resolved until I have more time. If you want a chance at the full limited set (which includes Gawain the lion), speak up now.