Update 11.21.10: The Man Who Was Not an Elf

Thanks ninjas for commenting while I’ve been traveling again :).   Based on the discussion we’ve had, I’ll take this story to weekly updates through the holidays (after which I’ll reevaluate where things stand.)

The next update  — the first part of Chapter Two: The Door of Hazel, The Castle of the Wolf will be next Sunday, but as it will be Thanksgiving weekend, likely after 8 or 9 pm (EST) .

As a random “bonus,”  been playing around with new drawing/sketching software and did a bit of a doodle, “shoujo style.”  Enjoy!


Update 11.21.10: The Man Who Was Not an Elf — 5 Comments

  1. Bleck, right clickinh is disabled. It doesn’t really stop copy-paste, and prevents me from opening in a new tab.

  2. you have drawn me in, hope to read more. Have you thought to put it on fanfiction.com, they have a fairytale section, it doesn’t have to be a fanfiction about a movie or novel.

    • Hello! Well, the good news is I have (thanks to Nanowrimo) quite a bit more to work with at this point, so will be updating pretty regularly for the next few months. 🙂

      I wasn’t aware that fanfiction.net let you put in original fiction — glad you told me about the fairy tale section. I’ll check it out and possibly mirror a few sections up there … I used to post there quite a bit and would love to draw in my old readers 🙂