Queen of Swans: Chapter 12, Part B — “An Absence of Wind”

New readers:  You may wish to jump in with Volume 1: “Red Riding Hood” here or consult the “Guide for New Readers” above. Thank you for stopping by!

Continuing Readers: There are some really odd beings out there. Chapter 12 of Queen of Swans continues with cracktastic doodles!

Queen of Swans: Chapter 12 — The Absence of Wind, Part A

post-icetreecastleNew readers:  You may wish to jump in with Volume 1: “Red Riding Hood” here or consult the “Guide for New Readers” above. Thank you for stopping by!

Continuing Readers: Whose hand moves unseen ? Chapter 12 begins. (And yes, I like trees. And castles. And Miyazaki. And weird things.)