It was a testament to either Giles’ character or his unusually dense skull that he simply chuckled before walking off.
With the man gone from his study, the Count returned to his gloomy deliberations. His fingers reached inside his jacket to retrieve a piece of paper from one of its interior pockets.
The crude schematic shown to Miss Redley the previous day had not been forgotten. He turned it over in his hands, pondering this and other papers and books that had belonged to his grandfather.
The former count had been a collector of unusual things. Even the smallest difference or flaw had to be admired and studied before the item was stuffed into a box or cupboard somewhere in this room.
With a sigh, Wolfram lay down on his chair and lazily held the paper up above his head. For a few minutes he looked at it while the light from the stained glass shimmered through the window, painting the back of the aged paper with a splash of color.
He rotated the document a few times, before setting it back down in resignation. His grandfather’s draftsmanship left much to be desired. The drawing on the paper was crude and lacking in detail. He and the lions had convinced themselves it was enough guidance to help them find the twelve elements that defined the periphery of the wheel. They had put great stock in being able to use the great stone lion on the bridge to lead them quickly to the other eleven guards.
The Count fixed his eyes on the latticed wood that ran back and forth across the ceiling’s surface. His thoughts, however, wandered downwards — somewhere underneath this room. Initially he had been confident that the study had overlaid the cavern of stones. But he wondered if perhaps he had assumed too much. The more he considered the winding pathways he had dragged the girl through the other day, the less certain he was that these two spaces had any spatial relevance to one another.
Briefly, he wondered if there might be merit to the paper in his hands serving as an overlay to something else. He sat up, thinking through the items his grandfather had passed to him and where they had been stored relative to one another.
Of course.
Quickly he moved to one of the shelves searching for the larger map he had shown Miss Redley of the region.
With as calm a hand he could manage, he cleared one of his tables and spread the map across it. He experimented with the smaller piece of paper, aligning the center of the circle to his best approximation for the underground cave. He pivoted the paper around this point until one of the spokes touched upon the stone lion at the bridge.
He glared at the papers for a moment before he disappeared through the study doors. He moved like a gust of wind, blowing past a retinue of startled servants, ignoring his coachman and lions. He was something like his old self again, swift and light-footed as he ran up the path towards the main road.
Those who followed him did not know what mad thought might have possessed their master, but habit was hard to break. Four lions and a halfling fell in behind him as he marched down the road, crossed the stone bridge with his cane in hand and veered westwards into the woods.
As he stumbled into a mysterious clearing, he froze. He could smell something odd — the smell of wolves and of their fear. Something else had crossed here. Men, yes. Unthings, perhaps. And something else — something that he did not understand.
A large crash interrupted his investigation. Four lions tumbled enthusiastically over a snow bank and over one another to join him at his side. They had chased him thus far, only to stop cold once in the clearing. He could see them raise their heads to look skyward once before darting off to start exploring the area.
Giles floated in beside him. He would have been here faster had it not been for the medicine. Wolfram saw he was winded but said nothing. Instead, they watched the beasts as they covered the area with their noses.
They were not efficient at their work, but they did everything they did with energy.
“TOO MANY SMELLS,” Lambegus declared as he returned to his master’s side.
The lions flopped at their feet while the two men continued to converse.
“Is it because of all these human tracks?” Giles looked at the network of foot traffic that had crossed back and forth over this area very recently.
“NO,” Lambegus swatted at the coachman with a paw. “WE ARE NOT THAT INCOMPETENT THAT HUMAN SMELLS CONFUSE US.”
Maximilian took a deep breath, ignoring the sound of his coachman coughing to suppress another chuckle. He shifted the cane from one hand to the other. He had seen the human tracks that had come from the north and then wandered west. There would be trouble if they continued along that path, but he would not concern himself with their fate. His mind focused instead on the mystery of this spot and what had led all these things here.
Deliberately, he pressed the bottom tip of the cane to the ground. He waited quietly, waiting for something to occur.
When it did, it was nothing more than a mere tremble, a flash of warmth through his hands that dissipated. He looked above and around with a frown on his face. The cane itself had resonated with something, but there was no ward here, no visible statue like there had been on the bridge. There could be a significant deposit of stones underneath this earth, but that would not explain the odd circular clearing here. He, powerless, could do nothing more than turn to the others. “Do you smell magic?”
Giles turned his head about, his nose sniffing at the air. “I don’t think so. But it’s a confusing place here. Too many have passed this way. It’d have to be a strong magic for me to even detect it.”
The Count looked at the four creatures. They were each doing different things. They pawed at the snow, they sniffed the trees, and they ran about.
“What was here that was that powerful?” Giles wondered aloud, his eyes round and confused. “Was it a statue? Was it a tree?” He scratched at his beard, aggravated. “The elves would be odd in that way, picking some random useless looking thing and endowing it with magic before taking it away.”
Wolfram’s eyebrows drew together. He did not know how to answer. He had never looked deeply at this area or asked the questions that he should have when he had had the time. He nearly struck the ground with his cane in frustration but restrained himself.
He would not panic yet. He would not let himself yet come to the conclusion that he was uncovering where useful things had once been not things that could be of use now. He found his papers and thrust them at Giles. “Take this,” he barked. He had miscalculated earlier; he could no longer trust himself to determine whether there was anything to be found or not. “I’ve been wrong in how I’ve directed the search so far.”
“I’d like to know what these other ten spots correspond to. It would appear that we are not looking for objects, but remnants. If this area and the stone lion comprise two spokes of a wheel, work with the lions to redraw the parameters of a search. Direct them away from any points of interest that may be in town. They can look for those at nightfall.”
The lions descended on Giles, sniffing at the man’s hands and the papers. They were eager to do their master’s bidding.
But the Count did not share their enthusiasm. His mouth twisted as he turned his back upon them and walked back to the road, uncertain and anxious.
His steps took him back to the bridge, the same one his grandfather had greeted him from years ago. As he stood at the base of the guardian statue, he dragged his eyes up to look up at the lion, staring south.
It stood alone.

A fresh set of eyes, or five, on a problem can make it easier to solve.
I think so, too. Especially since the Count just went emo-rage offscreen xD
This is the first time I’ve actually said anything on here, though I’ve been reading and playing catchup for about two months. This story is just absolutely wonderful and keeps dragging me deeper into it. You are an absolutely wonderful writer and I look forward to the next post.:]
Hi Victoria! 🙂 Glad you are enjoying it! Thanks for delurking too. I always like to know that people are still around. (It keeps me honest and not slacking on my weekly updates >_>)
Ah, the count finally “admits” that he may be wrong. I like how you set up the scene here contrasting the antics of the characters to the lions without making it over dramatic. I am eagerly awaiting next Monday’s installment!
Another great installment! Thanks! 🙂
yw 😀 As always, thanks for poking me and letting me know you’re keeping up 😉
Oooo Poor Max. So close and yet so far.
Nah, do not give him your sympathies xD. He needs a good kick once in the while.
Noooooooo! I finished out the archive ;_;
Anyway, I’ve had a blast reading this story so far. I think one of my favorite things about it is the way that you’re building the relationships between the three main characters. It’s always nice to see a heroine who is practical enough not to immediately fall head over heels in love with the first pretty face that she encounters. I’m also looking forward to the upcomming Wolfram family reunion.
I do have one question… is the mysterious lady in white (I think her name is Ilvia) the Snow Queen from the Book of Tales? I don’t really expect a yes or no answer, but most of what you’ve revealed about her seems to match up with what I remember from the fairy tale as it exists in the real world. Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter, and hoping that poor Elanore will be up and able to participate in it!
Aw yeah, if only it was possible to write faster xD.
Regarding your question about Ilva, I think the best thing to say right now is that she was not the Snow Queen in the Book of Tales (which is a record of the past). Whether she or any of the characters we meet in the story (this one and the next few I hope to write whenever this one gets done) can be(come) the Snow Queen is an entirely different matter 🙂
Huh. I guess I just assumed that the Snow Queen was immortal because I thought I remembered something similiar being said about the Swan Queen. So it’s just title to be inherited/claimed? *very* interesting!
I guess I’ll just have to go back and read everything all over again to make sure that I didn’t miss anything! 🙂
I just found you a little under a week ago (from girlgeniusonline ) and was a little sad when I caught up this afternoon. Can’t wait for the next chapter! I think I need to get my best friend to start reading this so we can talk about it between updates!
aww, I’m glad you came over from there! I’ve not had a lot of luck enticing readers over (to my knowledge you are only the second one to reveal themself) but am grateful that you have decided to read everything thus far :3.
I hope you will share the story with your friend. If s/he doesn’t like reading off the web, there is a slightly different interface through Wattpad (the orange/white icon on the right side) that will work on tablets and smartphones quite nicely.
And yep, been busy this week trying to prep for my first convention of the year, but will be aiming to update Monday so see you then 😉
I kinda like that the Count is being taken down a peg. I realize he might have once had good reason to be so aloof and self assured, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that he needs to suck it up and let people help him. Who knows, it might even get him his powers back! Also, I love that last line. It’s very creepy.
Another Fabulous installment to your fantastic story. The count buys a clue, and then admits he needs more wisdom than just his own. Boy that has to wrankle his ego.. alot!! lol
The lions as always amuse and thrill me. And Giles will probably remain one of those characters who I love reading about or seeing on the screan but if I met in person I would find myself laughing at him/ with him half the time and needing to beat him with a rolling pin the other half.
I think Giles would really like you xD. He’s definitely one of those larger than life types who probably frustrates and amuse while waggling his eyebrows at you xD.
I first discovered this story on Wattpad and I absolutely loved it! these weekly updates don’t come around fast enough. thank you.
Ah ha! Thanks for coming over here then :D. I hopefully won’t be lagging the two sites anymore but sometimes I do get so distracted trying to just get the update up that I sometimes don’t post until the next day Dx. Glad you enjoy it though, and if you do catch it on Wattpad again and don’t mind letting other wattpadders know (i.e., share/recommend) that would be appreciated.
I had been wondering whether Edmund’s encounter with that stone lion (with the sharp prick) had led to something else…