Elven malarky – Chapter 9, Part B, “When Tales Collide”

Continuing Readers: Untangling elven ideas proves to be a humongous headache.  (And a super long installment. Merry Christmas!) Click the vote button at the end of the page this week to see Quest!Edmund (art) and my authorial notes.

First time visitors: You are welcome to join us above with Volume 2, Queen of Swans, or start with Volume 1: “Red Riding Hood” here.  There is no correct path, only a  long, hopefully fun one 🙂

Note: I will take next week off officially from furthering QoS. I would like to use this week to try to tackle edits to the proof for the print copy of Red Riding Hood. I do plan to post something next week (just not an installment). In the meanwhile hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

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